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Question by Mubashir

Thanks Bhai, here is another one for you for a quick comment ...

Contradiction found in the Quran

Peace brother,

I was reading the support of theory of evolution from Quran from the following article.

One Question arises then. Was there a first human called Adam?  Did Adam evolve from another species? Did he have parents from earlier species?

And how do we understand the similarity between Jesus and Adam in the case below?

3:59 The example of Jesus with God is similar to that of Adam; He created him from dust, then He said to him, "Be," and he became.


Salaam Brother joseph
I know this is a subject you have written on but I wanted to ask is it allowed/haram/discouraged to Sell Alcohol or even handle it? Suppose for example, one is working in a bar as a waiter or in a shop etc.

I was having a discussion with a freind and this topic came up. I have a fairly good understanding but wanted to know with regards to the above (highlighted parts)
Many thanks

Sallam Joseph
I tried to do a little research but could not find the correct information or one that which I was happy with.
According to Quran, did Adam (first man) have a role to play? i.e. was he considered a Messenger or even a Prophet?

I know many Muslims refer to him as one or both of these but I wanted more information on this please.  I also understand that the Quran mentioned Prophet hood and/or ? messengership  started from Prophet Abraham? Verse 27 but cannot locate the chapter.
Thank you in advance.

Dear Mr. Joseph,


Can you guide me as to the difference between Jihad and Ijtihad , as I read following:


The word derives from the three-letter Arabic verbal root of ج-ه-د J-H-D (jahada, "struggle"): the "t" is inserted because the word is a derived stem VIII verb.

in wikipaedia.



Hope you are fine. When Allah asks us not to eat dead animals, then why do we eat fish which is always dead or always sold dead?


Dear brother,

Please can I have your comments on this please which was sent to me.

[Minimally edited for clarity]

Dear [Name removed] Sb,

I am sure, your fore-fathers were not belong to Ahle Quran sect  and either out of your so called intellect or  you got influenced by this creed based on your association with them. Please go through the following facts and drain the severe killing infection of  your imaan --  as many people  have been influenced in current time by Salafi, Madoudi and Tabligi creeds and to get a recognition of dawa work in the society they do not hesitate to even call their own parents actions based on Kufur!!!  Instead of presenting Islam among non-Muslims by presenting moral character in social dealings. May Allah show us the just!!  Please read more facts about this sect and pray Allah swt to bless you guidance and bring you back the lost creed. 

The Ahl-e-Koran and their stupid arguments

As time passed on after the Prophet (SallAllah-u-Alaihi-wa-Sallam), the ummah separated and became divided into sects, leaving aside true and authentic Islam in exchange for their sectarian beliefs, and as a result the ummah lost its strength, were conquered by others and eventually started suffering from inferiority complex.

This inferiority complex led to the imitation of other cultures, but to stop them from doing all of this there were ahadith which forbade them from doing so and the ahadith also fixed the meaning and interpretation of the Quran as well, so some paved their way by rejecting ahadith and formed a new ideology, whose followers are known as Pervaizis, 19ers, Quranites or Ahle Quran etc.
People who felt Islam as a burden on their shoulders or suffered from inferiority complex started joining them, in Pakistan alone you would find many showbiz personalities dancing about and saying “I get my inspirations from the Quran”.
Their basic Ideology is that ahadith should be left and the Quran alone should be practiced, to prove their ideology they made various criticisms on ahadith.
In this article we intend to give a small preview of their criticism which they made in order to reject ahadith; however a fact they ignored and which Jamaat-ul-Muslimeen brings to light; that the criticism they made with regards to ahadith, if applied to the Quran, Allah forbid, lead people into a belief of rejecting many ayahs of the Quran as well.

For each criticism of theirs we would quote an adequate response from the Quran, while the Criticism made on ahadith due to mistranslation or misinterpretation would also be cleared, InshAllah.

Criticism #1:
Any hadith that go against nature or natural sciences is fabricated.

“O fire, be coolness and peace for Ibrahim.” (Surah Anbiya [21]: Ayah 69)
What are we to say about fires that are meant to bring coolness? If we are to reject ahadith on this principle then the same can be said for this ayah as well, but the Ahl-e-Quran would never raise this point when discussing Ayahs; why this prejudice against ahadith only? An explanation has never been given.

Criticism #2:
Ahadith suggest that Allah has a throne and the sun prostrates Allah.

“To Allah prostrate all things that are in the skies and on earth,- the sun, the moon, the stars; the hills, the trees.” (Surah Hajj [22], ayah 18)
Not only the sun but other things as well prostrate Allah.
“The seven skies declare His glory and the earth (too), and those who are in them; and there is not a single thing but glorifies Him with His praise, but you do not understand their glorification; surely He is Forbearing, Forgiving.”
(Surah Al Isra, ayah 44)

We can’t understand their worship but we have to acknowledge their worship whether it is mentioned in Quran or Ahadith, why reject one and acknowledge the other?

Now does Allah have a throne?
“And His Throne was upon the water.” (Surah Hud [11], ayah 7)

Criticism #3:
Any such hadith will be considered fabricated which suggests that the tree cried.

“We made the mountains, and the birds to celebrate Our praise.” (Surah Anbiya [21], ayah 79)

What are we to say about mountains which praise Allah, not only that some rocks fear Allah.

“And indeed there are rocks which fall down for the fear of Allah.” (Surah Baqarah [2], ayah 74)

So first reject these ayahs then criticise ahadith; if not and certainly not, then why not believe in ahadith which carry a similar meaning and are also revealed by Allah?

Criticism #4:
Hadith grants paradise to people if they say the kalima only.

Well, some get paradise by saying our lord is Allah.

“Those who say: Our Lord is Allah, and afterward are upright, the angels descend upon them, saying: Fear not nor grieve, but hear good tidings of the paradise which ye are promised.” (Surah Ha Meem Sajda [41], ayah 30)
The hadith is just like the above ayah, where after saying ‘Our lord Allah’ they have to remain firm in their belief.

Criticism #5:
Hadith forgives people’s sins if they perform small acts such as ablution.

Ablution is a very commendable act, it is done for salaat but the Quran grants forgiveness just by saying a word and prostrating.
“Enter the gate prostrate, and say: ‘Repentance’ We will forgive you your sins and will increase (reward) for the right-doers.” (Surah Baqarah [2], ayah 58)

Criticism #6:
Why do ahadith have conflicting reports regarding one matter? This alone proves their fabrication.

What are you to say when there is an ayah that doesn’t tell a precise event but rather shows some ambiguity?
“And We sent him to a hundred thousand or more.” (Surah Saaffat [37], ayah 147)

Criticism #7:
Hadith insults Ibraheem (Alaihi Salaam) by stating he lied three times.

First of all it should be clear we disagree with the translation in this regard but for arguments sake we are presenting this ayah.

“They said: Have you done this to our gods, O Ibrahim?
He said: No, this was done by this biggest one! Ask him, if he can speak..” (Surah Anbiya [21], ayah 62-63)

Now what are we to call this? Whatever the reason it would be termed a lie.
This is one of the three events the hadith refers to, so criticise Quran first.

The word used in hadith is ‘Kazib’, which usually means ‘lie’, but it also means ‘mistake, an arrow not hitting the target, or something said which has dual meaning etc’.

The appropriate meaning of kazib in this hadith would be ‘something said which has dual meaning’.

Criticism #8:
Is spit of the Prophet (SallAllah-u-Alaihi-wa-Sallam) meant to be a cure?

Yes, it is meant to be a cure. If a breath of a Prophet can bring things to life then the saliva of another prophet can be cure.
“That I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, that I determine for you out of dust like the form of a bird, then I breathe into it and it becomes a bird with Allah’s permission.” (Surah Aale Imran [3], ayah 49)
Allah shows miracles through His prophets.

Criticism #9:
Any hadith that suggest that the throne of Allah shacked on someone’s death, such hadith is definitely fabricated.

“So the heaven and the earth did not weep for them.” (Surah Ad Dukhan [44], ayah 29)

What are you to say about the sky and earth not weeping on someone’s death? So does this mean it does weep on someone’s death.

If you are to say that it is only a figure of speech then the same can be said about the hadith, why reject one and accept the other?

Criticism #10:
Ahadith were collected and compiled by humans, they could have made mistakes. While for the Quran, Allah has promised its protection.

Who do you think collected and protected the Quran? Angels?
About the promise to protect the Quran, there is no such ayah that suggests that Allah will protect the Quran only.
“Surely We have revealed the Reminder and We will most surely be its Guardian.” (Surah Hijr [15], ayah 9)

The word used in the Arabic text is ‘Zikr’ which refers to both Quran and Ahadith. Ahadith have been recorded and preserved since the time of the Prophet (SallAllahu alaihi wassallam), see our article ‘Compilation of Ahadith’.

Criticism #11:
It is in a hadith that the prophet (SallAllah-u-Alaihi-wa-Sallam) used to have intercourse with his wife while he was fasting.

There is no such hadith that suggests that, the word ‘mubasharat’ in the Arabic text has confused the people.
Imam Shoukani says mubasharat means ‘the touching of two bodies’. (Nail-ul-Autar, Chapter taqbeel-saim)
So the hadith only means that you can touch your wife or kiss her, during the process your body can touch her.

Criticism #12:
It is in ahadith that there were ayahs that were later abrogated.

Were the ayahs abrogated in the lifetime of the Prophet (SallAllah-u-Alaihi-wa-Sallam)?

If so, then what is wrong with that? The prophet (SallAllah-u-Alaihi-wa-Sallam) told us this is Quran and later if he himself tells us these ayahs are abrogated, why are we not to believe him?

If it is said that they were abrogated after his life, then they won’t be ahadith of the prophet (SallAllah-u-Alaihi-wa-Sallam), so why criticise ahadith for it? Most of the narrations in this regard are dhaeef, while one is in Sahih Bukhari, which too is the saying of Omar (may Allah be pleased with him) not a marfoo (elevated) hadith {words of the prophet}.

The word to focus in it is ‘Ayah’ and ‘Kitab Allah’.
The word ‘Book’ doesn’t necessarily mean the ‘Quran’ always, it is proven from ahadith but here we quote an ayah to prove it.

“This Quran is not such as can be produced by other than Allah; on the contrary it is a confirmation of (revelations) that went before it, and a fuller explanation of the Book wherein there is no doubt – from the Lord of the worlds.” (Surah Younus [10], ayah 37)

Quran explains the book, which book? Here we would take the meaning of book as shariah and the correct meaning would be Quran explains the shariah.

If we are to say it means ‘Quran explains the Quran’, then why the different usage of words?

Further more we find that there are many things that are not explained in the Quran, for example how to offer salaat or which are the forbidden months.
The ahadith have been called ‘kitab Allah’ in ahadith.
Now about the word ‘ayah’.

“Verily! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the alternation of night and day, there are indeed ayaat for men of understanding.” (Surah Al-Imran [3], ayah 190)

“And on the earth are ayaat for those who have faith with certainty and also in your own selves. Will you not then see.” (Surah Dhariyat [51], ayah 20-21)
Same is the case for the word ayah, it doesn’t always mean the ‘ayah of the Quran’, as can be seen in the above ayaat, in these ayaat it just means ‘signs’.

Criticism #13:
It is stated in ahadith that our prophet (SallAllah-u-Alaihi-wa-Sallam) married a nine year old child.

If you have a hard time accepting this, how do you accept that a woman can have a child without a man? How do you accept a barren woman having a child with an old man.

“She said: My Lord! How shall there be a son to me when no man has even touched me? He said: Even so, Allah creates what He pleases; when He has decreed a matter, He only says to it, be, and it is.” (Surah Aale Imran [3], ayah 47)

“He said: My Lord! How can I have a son when my wife is barren and I have reached infirm old age? He said: So shall it be, your Lord says: It is easy to Me…” (Surah Maryam [19], ayah 8-9)

The answer to all the above is easy for a Muslim that if Allah wishes it to be then a woman can have a child without a man, if Allah wishes, a barren woman can have a child with an old man, similarly we say that if Allah wishes, a nine year old girl can become matured enough to get married.

Narrated ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her):
Allah’s prophet (SallAllah-u-Alaihi-wa-Sallam) said : You were shown to me in a dream. An angel brought you to me, wrapped in a piece of silken cloth, and said to me, ‘This is your wife.’ I removed the piece of cloth from your face, and there you were. I said to myself: If it is from Allah, then it will surely be. (Sahih Bukhari: Volume 7, Book 62, Number 57)

It is evident from the above hadith that Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) was married to the prophet (SallAllah-u-Alaihi-wa-Sallam) on the command from Allah, as the dreams of prophets are from Allah.

Further more Aisha (RadiAllahu Tala Anha) got married at the age of six, started living with her husband at the age of nine, but there is no mention in ahadith that she had intercourse with her husband at that age.

The word used in the Arabic text is ‘Bana’ which means ‘to bring the wife home’, there is no mention in the hadith about what happened afterwards.

Having said this, lets address the above Criticism regarding Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) ’s marriage in the light of modern research. Can a person attain puberty at such a small age?

The age of attaining puberty differs from person to person and place-to-place, like in Africa a nine year old gave birth to a child. (Newspaper “Daily Dawn” issued from Karachi, dated 29th March 1966)

Which means the girl reached the age of puberty at the age of eight, furthermore if we examine latest research as regards to the age of puberty, one would find that girls can reach puberty even earlier than eight years, these medical researches are easily available online.

The Criticism made on ahadith are baseless, this is not something new for us as we were warned about this a long time ago. For further answers to the criticism made by Pervezis, 19ers, Quranites or Ahle Quran read ‘Burhan ul Muslimeen’ and ‘Tafheem ul Islam’, written by Syed Masood Ahmad.

Sallam Brother, hope all is well Inshallah.
I wanted to ask a question on something , usually these types of questions are asked by people following hadiths (!!). However, i just want to be clear I am not doing anything against advice from the Quran!
I am looking to purchase a mirror, which depicts 2 'angels' (one ether side) its a french ornate type mirror, i really like the look of it but just wanted to be sure having something like this in my home was not going against anything in the Quran?

Dear brother,

One of the thing that aroused question is the who is the protagonist of the Quran. If we see the following verse God is mentioned in 3rd person then suddenly switches to 1st person

29:23 Those who rejected God's signs and in meeting Him, they have forsaken My mercy, and they will have a painful retribution.

Skeptics also mention this as grammatical mistakes. Do you have any explanation on this?


Salam Br Joseph
Following are two translations of 14:34. Most translators use the word "All you ask of Him" and a few "Something out of what you be asking of Him". Reality shows that humans do not get all that they may be praying for. Which, in your opinion is a better rendering?
Muhammad Asad
And [always] does He give you something out of what you may be asking of Him; and should you try to count God's blessings, you could never compute them. [And yet,] behold, man is indeed most persistent in wrongdoing, stubbornly ingrate!   

M. M. Pickthall
And He giveth you of all ye ask of Him, and if ye would count the bounty of Allah ye cannot reckon it. Lo! man is verily a wrong-doer, an ingrate.z
Thanks as always.

Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / Qurbani During Eid ul-Adha
« on: April 17, 2012, 08:56:07 AM »
Salam Br. Joseph:

In Quran, God asked for qurbani during Hajj time.  But we muslims treat this as obligatory instruction that has to be followed during Idul-Azha when someone is in his hometown. Millions of animals are slaughtered all over muslims countries and lots of meat are wasted.  Even there is show of wealth with high bidding price of animals. What is your comment?

Salamunalikum Brother,
First of all I would like to appreciate you the way you have explained and researched the Quran.

It's made me to read day and night with full concentration in the subject and become deep thinker Maasha Allah.

You have explained each subject obviously and opened my blind eyes, Alhamdulillah

I am really wants to encourage you to do more research and guide us through the light of Quran

10 years before I came to know about the contradictions, confusions, lies, fabrications etc about the Ahadith but I could not get any guidance and tools to do research in such things.

But now I feel very good when I started studying your "Quran and its Message" website and learned more Alhamdulillah.

Nowadays I am arguing with my friends and trying to pass the God's message with the proof from the Quran.

And I would like to know regarding the prayers that what we can recite while praying in the stages of Rukh, Sajtha, and mainly in sitting position. Usually I will recite what we have in the ahadith but I am not satisfied with that.

We know that Quran is complete and explained in detail but I have to know what to recite in the different stages of prayers.

It will be more useful for us.

Salam Brother!
Apologising in advance for a somewhat lengthy email, I wonder if you have expressed your opinion about by what the terms Ulil Amr means in this day and age. Following was recently sent to me by one who is a big believer in secondary sources:
Allah says obey those in authority amongst you "ULIL AMR"

Chapter 4 Surah Nisaa verse 59: O you who believe, obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and those entrusted with authority amongst you. Then if there arises any dispute about anything, refer the dispute to Allah and the Messenger, if you truly believe in Allah and the Last Day. That would be the best way and most suitable for final determination.

The Arabic word 'ati' means obey.. In the above aayah, Allah commands the believers to obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and those entrusted with authority (olil-amr) amongst you. The above verse is extremely clear whereby

Allah says:
'Ati-Allah' meaning 'obey Allah'
'wa ati-ar Rasool' meaning 'obey the Messenger'
'wa olil-amr minkum' meaning 'and those entrusted with authority amongst you.'

Allah does not say 'wa ati olil amr minkum'. The command 'ati' (obey) is not placed independently before the 'olil-amr'. And anyone who knows even basic Arabic grammar will confirm with you that because the word 'ati' (obey) is not placed before 'olil-amr' (those entrusted with authority), then it becomes a 'mashroot' (condition), that you have to obey those entrusted with authority amongst you, ONLY IF THEY OBEY ALLAH AND THE MESSENGER!

Then Allah states in the same aayah, that if there arises a dispute about anything, refer the dispute back to Allah (the Quran) and the Messenger (His Sunnah or Way).... If you truly believe in Allah and the Last Day.

The commandment is extremely clear ... Obey Allah, obey the Messenger, and those entrusted in authority amongst you, (only if they obey Allah and the Messenger.) But if there arises any disputes, then refer the dispute back to Allah (The Quran) and the Messenger (His Sunnah).

Thus, we are commanded to obey the people who have authority amongst us, as long as they obey Allah and the Messenger (saws). But if for any reason, these people who have authority amongst us, go against anything from the Quran and Sunnah, we are not to obey them in that thing at all. Allah and the Messenger have a bigger right in Islam that we obey their commandments. And anyone who thinks that someone else has more authority than Allah and His Messenger (saws), he obviously leaves the fold of Islam!


If we go back to the time this verse was revealed, it made perfect sense. The Islamic state was expanding and people were being asked to deal with their issues in a certain matter. These days how do we select "Ulil Amr" in presence of sectarian Islam and conflicting claims?Also, In this day and age, how do we revert back to "Allah and His Messenger?". For our times, could it not mean those who are appointed to run the affairs of the society/state like admiminstrations, police, governers, etc. [as long as they follow the Qur'an and matching Sunnah?"
Some suggest that "Allah and His Messenger" mean a Central Authority of an Islamic state continued after the Nabi through Khilafat:

Ulil Amr in islamic System - An exposition of Dr. Tanveer Hussain.

The Last Messenger of Allah established a system of life in which He used to rule or judge people according to the Book revealed to him [5:48-49, 4:105, 6:114]. And this was not new only to him. In fact, all the previous Messengers of Allah also established systems of life during their time whereby they ruled or judged according to the Books revealed to them [5:44-47, 2:213]. Indeed, any one who does not rule or judge according to Allah's Revelation is Kaafir [5:44], Zalim [5:45] and Fasiq [5:47], according to the Qur'an. The principle of ruling or judging by the Book is the foundation of an Islamic System. No system can be called Islamic unless all the judgments and rulings therein are according to the Book, Al-Qur'an, the last of the Revealed Books that is the Watcher over all the old Scriptures and guards the Truth in them [5:48].
Al-Hukm or the Judgment or the Rule or the Command belongs to none but Allah alone [6:57, 6:62, 12:40, 12:67, 28:70, 28:80, 40:12, 42:10]. He does not take anyone as partner in His Hukm [18:26]. He is Khair-ul-Hakimeen [7:87, 10:109, 12:80] and Ahkam-ul-Hakimeen [11:45, 95:8]. In an Islamic System, all the so-called rulers or judges are obligated to rule and judge as per Allah's Rule and Judgment. Sunnah or the Way of the Prophet [s.a.] is not part of Al-Hukm, since Allah does not take any partners in His Hukm [18:26]. However, in Sunnah of the Prophet [s.a.], guidance may be sought for ways to implement Al-Hukm, or for by-laws based upon Al-Hukm. But the ways to implement or enforce Al-Hukm as well as by-laws based upon it, are not as unchangeable as is Al-Hukm itself. The ways and by-laws may be altered according to the suitability of time and circumstances but Al-Hukm itself cannot be changed in any circumstances.

The obedience to Allah [Aatee-u-Allah] is the basis of an Islamic System. But Allah is Invisible. He comprehends all vision but no vision comprehends Him [6:103, 7:143]. He does not come face to face with people to give them His Laws and Commands. All of His Commands for the people are in the Book revealed by Him. Obedience to Allah means conformity to His Laws or abidance by His Commands which are in His Revealed Book, Al-Qur'an. His Commands or Laws do not change like the whim of a despot or caprice of a king. No one can change His Laws. Even, He Himself does not change His Laws, although He is all powerful to do so [10:64, 30:30, 33:62, 35:43, 48:23, 6:34, 6:115, 18:27].
Allah's Laws and Commands, in the Qur'an, cannot implement or enforce themselves upon people, on their own. Moreover, each individual may interpret these Laws and Commands in his own way and abide by them according to his own right. So, there is a need for one Central Authority and his obedience [Aatee-ur-Rasool]. The first Central Authority was Muhammad [a.s.], the Messenger of Allah. Hence, obedience to the Messenger was also necessary, which was, in effect the obedience to Allah by abidance by His Book as interpreted and enforced by the Central Authority [4:80].
Muhammad [a.s.] was mortal and could not live forever [3:144]. But this did not mean the end of the Islamic System. The Central Authority, after his death, would transfer from him to his Khalifa, the Successor. Moreover, as the expanse of the Islamic System will increase, it would become impossible for the single human Authority to be present at all places at all times to make judgments, rulings or implement or enforce the Law. There would become a need for sub-authorities or subordinates, hence, the obedience to Ol-il-Amr.
Unless there is one single Islamic Central Authority, the dream of implementing Islam as a System, as an alternative to secular democracy or other systems, can never be realized. Without a Central Authority, Islam may exist, as it is today, like a downgraded ritualistic religion, in which every individual or sect may keep on living on the vacuous wish of pleasing Allah or rendering Him worship in its own way and in its own right but it can never become a truly Islamic System of life to bring forth its promised benefits. And that means the transfer of sovereignty from individual states, as they exist today, to the Central Authority which itself would work under the Ultimate Sovereignty of Allah, i.e. His Book. Moreover, this also means the end of the authority of the Ullema or the Muftis of today and the Imams of the past. The interpretation of the Laws and the formulation of by-laws will be done by the Central Authority alone, within the bounds of the Qur'an. There will be no sects, no religious or political parties, not even an opposition party or Hizb-e-Ikhtilaf within the Islamic System.
All the affairs shall be decided by mutual consultation, in the light of the Qur'an. If there is any disagreement among the representatives on any matter, the judgment thereof will be referred to Allah [42:10] i.e. His Book. This referral will be through the sub-authorities or the central authority for the final verdict [4:59], which will make the judgment according to Allah's Book [5:48].
Derived from two ancient Greek words demos (the people) and kratos (strength), Democracy is a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them. Then, the numerical majority of the elected representatives can make laws, rules or decisions binding on the whole group. While making laws and rules, these elected representatives do not have any objective standards, unprejudiced touchstones, absolute criteria or bounds of any permanent values to take into account. The difference between such a system and the Islamic System is that the law-making in the latter is based upon the objective standards and the absolute criteria given in the Qur'an and do not go against the Permanent Values enshrined therein.
Before anyone becomes a believer in such a system, He has full choice whether he wants to become a believer or not [18:29]. There is no compulsion whatsoever upon him to become a member of the Muslim community [2:256]. But once he becomes a member of the Muslim community, he is obligated to abide by its Laws. The authority would make sure that he does so. He cannot be left with that he abides by some laws that he likes and violates others that he dislikes. No community, no nation and no country would allow that.
In simple words every society or state has some rules or laws for the safety, security and preservation of its individual members as well as the society or the state as a whole. The submission or conformity to these laws and the safety, security and preservation that is expected thereby is called Islam (, the word Islam being used as a common noun. Literally, the word 'Islam' means submission as well as safety, security, soundness, unimpairedness, intactness or well-being). When the rules and laws are those or based upon those given by Allah, then the submission or conformity to these laws and rules, and the safety, security and preservation that results thereby, is called Al-Islam.
Why Al-Islam?
Since the laws and rules given by the All-Wise and the All-Knowing Allah are free from any subjectivity, bias or limitations of time and space, the submission or conformity to only these can guarantee a perpetual safety, security, preservation and well-being of all human beings living in a society and the world at large. On the other hand, since the laws made by human beings suffer from the eternal drawbacks of subjectivity or bias and temporal or spatial limitations of individual knowledge and wisdom, they can never guarantee an incessant or everlasting safety, security, preservation or well-being of all.
Thanks Brother.

Dear Mr. Joseph,

Salam Alaykum,

I am gathering impression by reading Quran that Ayats are more intended to natural events ( God's signs , which required to be explored by human ) whereas Surah are referring more intended to the Verses of Quran.  Can you assist in my understanding or refer me to any of your article.

Before reading meanings of Quran, my understanding was Ayats are sentences of Quran and Surah are Chapters .  But several events/laws/nature's signs/occurrences which are made subservient to human or be explored through God's gifted senses like eyes, years and reason, I have to check my understanding. 

Best Regards

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