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Topics - أبو أيوب

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General Discussions / Joseph Islam on 9:29
« on: March 10, 2017, 02:27:03 AM »
As-salaamu 'alaykum

Joseph Islam wrote the following:

As-salam alaykum

The linkage and theme of this surah in the main goes back to verse 9:1 regarding treaty breakers.

Please see the following illustration which I trust captures the essence of the fighting verses including verse 9:29.

I also have a supporting article below.

I hope that helps, God willing

This is merely personal interpretation of Joseph Islam that's no support in the Qur'aan, particularly if the encompassing verses are read and profoundly contemplated. Verses before 9:29 were revealed about treaty breakers, but kindly note that these polytheists didn't have to pay the jizya, they only had to repent, establish prayers and pay the zakat (Brother Joseph doesn't make this distinction). So, this brother has to bring rational evidence from the Qur'aan how he could connect 9:29 to previous verses since these two are not the same nor telling about the same incident

It'd be ridicilous that some polytheists has to repent, establish the prayers and pay the zakat, while others has to pay the jizya. So, why this difference in the first place if 9:29 and 9:1 has a connection? Furthermore, 9:29 is speaking about those who were given the book.

The differences:

1. The previous verses mentions polytheists and 9:29 mentions those who were given the book
2. Polytheists had to repent, establish the prayers and give the zakat (not jizya) while those who were given the book had to pay the jizya, thus these tending to contrast
3. The reason to fight the polytheists were because they broke treaties, while fighting those who were given the book was that they didn't believe in Allaah, the lasy day, nor didn't not consider unlawful what Allaah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth.


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