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Topics - Kristina_Muslima

Pages: [1]
Prophets and Messengers / Was Muhammed perfect?
« on: March 05, 2013, 01:50:50 PM »
Salamunalaykom.i got in a debate at uni (i wish i hadnt) as the teacher said how Muhammmed made a mistake- he frowned at the old blind man. now i didnt say anything even though Allah knows best if this verse is regarding Muhammed or not. but some guy was like "no he is perfect without sin"..."he made no mistakes"... i said he was not as he was a person. the guy said that all prophets were perfect. then i gav an example about Jonah and how he left the town.  So my question is- was Muhammed perfect? thanks

Prophets and Messengers / Who was Muhammed?
« on: February 09, 2013, 03:40:57 AM »
Salam. Sorry if this answer has been asked else where on the forum, but besides from what Allah swt tells us- is there any historical books ect tbat tell us about Muhammed. The hadith to me show a very contradictory, distorted example. Thanks in advance

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