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Messages - sharon

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General Discussions / Re: arabic and verse 89:9
« on: January 20, 2017, 01:15:25 AM »
Plus also the buildings in mada'in saleh are tombs not houses

General Discussions / Re: arabic and verse 89:9
« on: January 20, 2017, 01:11:24 AM »
Thanks but those buildings were not built by thamud they were built by the nabteons and the nabateans can't be thamud or ad because the nabatean came about 300 bc the quran says thamud and AD came way before abraham and moses what I mean is these parts of the verses 89:9 (who carved out the rocks in the valley) and 89:7 (iram owners of the lofty pillars) are these part of the verses speaking in the present tense or past just these verses if you were to only read theses verse 89:6-9 are these part of the verses in past tense or present

General Discussions / Re: arabic and verse 89:9
« on: January 19, 2017, 02:35:11 PM »
So does 89:7 mean the Arabs could see these lofty pillars or is the verse just saying what they did have like is 89:9 saying the Arabs could see these carved rocks or is the verse saying what they used too do

General Discussions / Re: arabic and verse 89:9
« on: January 18, 2017, 03:21:20 PM »
Because I'm a bit stuck on this verse jazzakkallah

General Discussions / Re: 18:108
« on: January 18, 2017, 03:06:23 PM »
Like example I would not desire to live in syria at the moment but I would desire to go there to visit to help the syrian refugees to help them that is what I mean from this verse does that mean we would not be able to do that if allah created another creature and earth after us and do like the angles do and I am not being disrespectful but just like to do what the angles do to learn and help people

General Discussions / 18:108
« on: January 18, 2017, 02:40:07 PM »
Assalam alikum I  know this might sound weird but does this verse mean that we humans would never be able to leave heaven just to visit another earth to see how others live and learn like if allah creates another creature another earth does this verse mean we would not be able to do like what the angles do like visit of course the angles live in heaven but they come down here to help so does this verse mean we could not do like what the angles do when we get to heaven inshallah I know it's a weird question but just wondered

General Discussions / Re: arabic and verse 89:9
« on: January 18, 2017, 11:49:45 AM »
Assalam alikum deliverance I sort of got what you were saying but could you further elaborate what you mean jazzakkallah are you saying that part of the verse (who carved out the rocks in the valley) (allatheena jaboo alssakhra bialwadi) بِالْوَادِ وَثَمُودَ الَّذِينَ جَابُوا الصَّخْرَ  is speaking in the past tense to the prophet and not rocks he could see but what they used to do is that what you are saying jazzakkallah and if yes can you explain to me how it does because I don't know arabic very do if you could help that would be great

General Discussions / Re: arabic and verse 89:9
« on: January 17, 2017, 01:25:39 PM »
Or is the verse just a title given to the like example Henry the 8th the killer

General Discussions / Re: arabic and verse 89:9
« on: January 17, 2017, 11:56:10 AM »
Technically what I am asking is this part of the verse (who carve out the rocks in the valley) is this bit of the verse speaking in the present tense like saying what they have done that you can see or is it speaking in the past tense what they used too do what you can't see and 2. When it says the rocks is it talking about specific rocks what you can see or genral rocks you can't see in the Arabs time jazzakkallah  and when it says rocks is it talking about mountains or small mountains like large bolders or normal bolders jazzakkallah

General Discussions / Re: arabic and verse 89:9
« on: January 16, 2017, 12:33:41 PM »
Also  I was just wondering when it says carve out rocks in verse 89:9 does rocks here means the mountions or just rocks bolders means is this verse saying just talking about there homes in the mountions or is it talking about there palaces on the plain or bot what does this verse mean does it just mean they used to use rocks to make the houses on the plains and mountions

General Discussions / Re: a clarification of some of your articles
« on: January 16, 2017, 11:20:39 AM »
Or do u you think these story's are symbolic but that would be wrong and cause a lot of problems I'm not being funny just very confused by this and also confused by your articles on this jazzakkallah

General Discussions / Re: a clarification of some of your articles
« on: January 16, 2017, 11:17:29 AM »
Because like I  said and sorry to keep bothering you you make it sound like thamud built those buildings in mada'in al saleh and petra but they were both built by the nabtions and the nabateans were not thamud they came way after thamud like 500 bc and thamud came way before abraham like 5000 bc or more but the quran does make it sound like they built them so how to we explain this jazzakkallah sorry to bother you

General Discussions / Re: a clarification of some of your articles
« on: January 16, 2017, 10:56:44 AM »
Because of course the quran is the word of god not inspired jazzakkallah

General Discussions / arabic and verse 89:9
« on: January 16, 2017, 10:48:20 AM »
Assalam alikum my by brothers and sisters I am a bit confused by a verse and a arabic word in the verse. The confused thing I have with the verse is 1. Is it saying what thamud used to do or is it saying what they have done in the valley what the Arabs could see because 2. If yes then it makes it sound like there buildings were still standing tall with nothing wrong with it but we can't see them today and 3. My problem is many translations don't use the al before rocks because if you put it there it make it sound like specific rocks you can see but when no al then it makes it sound like genral rocks 4.why do some words have the al there when you don't need it or it would make the verse sound weird like verse 2:36 it says satan but in arabic it says al satan the satan but why have that jazzakkallah 

Assalam alikum brother I have been going through your articles and I keep noticing when you talk about thamud you always but the nabateans next to them and I was just wondering why because thamud and the nabateans are two different groups or are you saying that 1. You think the nabateans are thamud if yes then the problem is thamud is meant to come way before abraham or 2. You think the quran is inspired so got it wrong and 3. Do you think the quran is saying those buildings in mada'in al saleh are built by thamud and if yes then that is wrong so how do we explain that jazzakkallah

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