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Messages - Ismail

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General Discussions / Re: Hello from a Monotheist outside of Islam
« on: December 25, 2013, 06:55:37 AM »

In Al Qur'an, Jesus has been mentioned in the following Verses:

2:87, 2:136, 2:253, 3:45, 3:52, 3:55, 3:59, 3:84, 4:157, 4:163, 4:171, 4:172, 5:17(in two places), 5:46, 5:72(in two places),

5:75, 5:78, 5:110, 5:112, 5:114, 5:116, 6:85, 9:30, 9:31, 23:50, 33:7, 42, 13, 43:57, 43:63, 57:27, 61:6, and 61:14.

Since you must have already studied Injeel, you will be able to throw light on the notable differences regarding the description of Jesus in Qur'an and Injeel.

A. Ismail Sait.


More over, I looked up all the 50 English translations of Al Qur'an in:

No one, including Shabbeer indicates that  "in themselves" in 41:53 means "in their Nations", as you (Optimist) indicate (within brackets).

A. Ismail Sait.


"Time itself is waiting to see which fortunate nation will take up the torch and light the way for the rest of the world.  This blessed nation will lead and take the whole of humanity towards the heaven.   This is humanity's beautiful destination.  Insha Allah."

Which Nation, when, and how?

Until now, the majority seems to be destined to Hell.

A. Ismail Sait.

General Discussions / Re: How to walk
« on: December 25, 2013, 04:49:41 AM »

The link is interesting.

Thank you very much.

A. Ismail Sait.

General Discussions / Re: who are al-araab in verse 9:97
« on: December 25, 2013, 04:30:52 AM »

(1)  In 9:97, it is said that Al A'raab are the worst in disbelief and hypocrisy....

In 9:99, it is said that among Al A'raab, there are those who believe in Allah, and the Last Day....

Both these cannot be applied to our times because it is specified that all this relates to the time of Prophet Muhammed:

Sura 9 mostly deals with the great tention between the Believers on the one hand, and, the Hypocrites and hardened Disbelievers on the other.

If you read on at least from verse 90, it will be clear that it is all related to a specific period.

(2)  In the first verse Al A'raab are mentioned without mentioning an exception. But it is clear from the context, and from subsequent verses that it is not without exceptions.

(3)  Similar language is found in another context:

In 5:51, the Believers are asked not to befriend Al Yahood and Al Nasaaraa....

But, in view of the above verse, we cannot overlook verses like 5:82, 9:66, 3:110-115, 60:7-8.

(4)  That Al A'raab are a class by themselves (whether majority or minority), is evident from 9:101, where Al A'raab are mentioned as a separate category from Ahlil Medina.

That Al A'raab used to be roam the deserts, is evident from 33:20, wherein a party is accused of being untrustworthy, and, among their tendencies is mentioned:

"They think that Al Ahzab (the Confederates) have not yet withdrawn, and that if Al Ahzab should come (again), they would wish they were wandering the deserts along with, (or in or among) Al A'raab......"

A. Ismail Sait.

General Discussions / Re: Response to A. Ismail Sait : Islamic State
« on: December 23, 2013, 02:57:53 AM »

My post has nothing to with "making children".

Cultivating a decent society does not involve cultivating a Defense Establishment.

A. Ismail Sait.

General Discussions / Re: who are al-araab in verse 9:97
« on: December 23, 2013, 02:43:47 AM »

According to Wikipedia:

"Inside Saudi Arabia the Bedouin remained the majority of the population during the first half of the 20th century. However, due to change of lifestyle their number has decreased dramatically."

The word Al A'rab is mentioned in ten places in Al Qur'an:

(9:90, 97, 98, 99, 101, 120),  (33:20), (48:11, 16), (49:14)

According to Lane's Lexicon, Al A'rab are people of pasture lands and beyond, outside towns and villages, and cultivated lands.

This aspect of the A'rab, and their English nomenclature Bedouin, is evident from the Arabic root letters BDV in (12:100) & (33:20).

A. Ismail Sait.

General Discussions / Re: Response to A. Ismail Sait : Islamic State
« on: December 22, 2013, 09:06:31 PM »

....And therefore, for the establishment of an Islamic State (in order to implement all Quranic Laws), the prophet and his companions (by default) strived hard for Power.


They enforced Qur'anic Jurisprudence through governmental authority, only after they were given power.

It is just like the one who takes upon himself, and strives hard to fulfill the responsibilities of maintenance and education of his children only after he is blessed with children.

A. Ismail Sait.

General Discussions / Re: How to walk
« on: December 22, 2013, 01:26:07 PM »

It does not mean that we should not walk briskly.

Only that our demeanor while walking should neither be jaunty, stylish, and disrespectful, nor deliberately dull and lifeless.

And women should not walk deliberately striking their feet in a vulgar display. (Refer: 24:31)

A. Ismail Sait.

General Discussions / Re: Hello from a Monotheist outside of Islam
« on: December 21, 2013, 09:59:36 PM »

"That is why Islam has 4 Holy Books.."   ...Please clarify.

A. Ismail Sait.

General Discussions / Re: Response to A. Ismail Sait : Islamic State
« on: December 21, 2013, 09:51:53 PM »

I have not quoted 9:52 out of context.

The defeat of the forces of evil is in God's hands. Our mission is not power-focused.

6:135 only means, come what may, we will not budge from the right path. We will always remain focused on consistency and steadfastness in pursuing Allah's guidance, in spite of enemy provocations, and never will we transgress limits. You (ie; Islam's enemies) are power-focused, and so devoid of Spirituality.

Verse 6:135, in no way proves that Islam is power-focused.

A. Ismail Sait.


 "....results too have been called “as saa-ah” in the Quran"

Al Sa'a implies results in the Next World.

"However, the destruction of the earth and heaven, the 'final earth quake',  I agree with you, your analysis would be correct (though it has nothing to do with fact) based on the literal understanding of the "earth quake" and the frightening descriptions mentioned in the Quran.........So am I, based on the explanation I provided."

I never mentioned the earthquake or other frightening descriptions mentioned in the Qur'an, anywhere in my post.

".... Allah will prove the validity of His Laws...."

It is being proved every moment.

Whoever is consistent in following Allah's guidance, sees the validity of Allah's Laws in his own life.

Also, he is a blessing for other humans, as well as other creatures.

In the Hereafter, the Bountiful and All Powerful God has prepared for him everlasting bliss.

A. Ismail Sait.


General Discussions / Re: How to walk
« on: December 21, 2013, 06:19:53 PM »

The root Qaf Sad Dal has the sense of volition inherent in it. In Arabic it is also used with the additional sense of action corresponding to the volition.

Borrowed into Urdu, the triliteral noun of the same root, is used only in the sense of volition, will, intention, or resolve.

The mechanism of speech, as well as movements of limbs, and other voluntary motion must be of a corresponding and similar or mutually related vlitional nerve origin.

More so because both are adept in communication. The former communicates by speech, and the latter communicates by gestures.

The root is used in the following verses only:

5:66, 9:42, 16:9, 39:19, 31:32, & 35:32

A. Ismail Sait.

General Discussions / Re: How to walk
« on: December 20, 2013, 06:09:01 AM »

In a moderate manner. Neither jaunty and stylish and disrespectful, nor deliberately dull and lifeless.

The middle (root) letter is the 14th letter of the Arabic Alphabet.

A. Ismail Sait.

General Discussions / Like feathers...
« on: December 20, 2013, 05:41:28 AM »

Even like 'Like feathers flock together', we have like categories clubbed together in groups.

For example, in 16:90, we have three commandments, and also, three things forbidden.

In 2:18, we have, ...deaf, dumb, and blind....

Or, as in 49:12, where, they say, we are asked to avoid suspicion, spying, and backbiting.

{There is a Hadees, to the effect, that backbiting is worse than zina (fornication or adultery)!

Not only that. This Hadees has been deliberately and diligently spread among Muslims, like nothing else, at least in South India, as I have known very well. And I have reason to believe, that it is so all over the world.}

In Sura 49. verse 12, we have been fore-warned regarding three human traits, grouped as a trio consisting of (i) suspicion, (ii) spying, and (iii) backbiting.

In a human society, these three are unavoidable. By any stretch of imagination, we cannot assume a society sans these three traits:

(i) Suspicion is natural, and can lead to preventive measures against untoward incidents.

(ii) Spying can help to take preventive as well as curative measures against harm done by enemies.

(iii) Backbiting cannot be equated with complaining against some one in order to seek justice, or warning someone to be wary of a particular person or group.

Man, by nature, feels that these three traits, although unavoidable in particular situations and contexts, are, certainly, not to be indulged in, to the extent, that it becomes a threat to social harmony.

Sura 49. verse 12, translates thus: "O Those who believe! Desist from suspicion aplenty, for, some of it is sinful. Neither spy (inordinately), nor (habitually) backbite one another..."

After all, the Intelligence Department is the backbone of any government. And its stock-in-trade is cumulated suspicions, and regulated spying.

As for speaking ill of a person behind his back, the following example will suffice:

If you are a witness to someone committing zina in your neighborhood, and you want to bring the culprit to justice, you will have to create three more witnesses besides yourself. You cannot do this without thorough deliberation and meticulous planning.
About ZINA:  That all obscenities are forbidden, has been repeated umpteen number of times in Al Quran. Fornication and adultery are obscenities, and have been ranked among the deadliest of sins.

In one place (25:68-69) ZINA has been mentioned as one of a trio, along with joining partners in the worship of Allah, and murder, thereby proving beyond any doubt that it is one of the three most heinous, deadliest of sins, placed at the topmost slot among all the sins in the world.

It is the worst sin in the world, next only to invoking others beside Allah, and murder.

"Those who invoke not with Allah any other god, nor kill without absolute justification the life that Allah has made sacred, nor commit zina; - and any who does this (not only) meets punishment but the torment on the Day of Resurrection will be doubled for him and he will abide therein in utter ignominy." (25: 68, 69)

The original phrase translated here as "he will abide therein", belongs to the same root that is used to denote the punishment for shirk and kufr throughout the Quran: ie; khulood finnar (Kh L D). 

Now compare the trio in (49:12), and the trio in (25:68-69)!!

Even after crystal clear presentation of everything in Al Qur'an,  we - the purported standard bearers of Al Qur'an - have distorted our religion so appallingly, and with such blatant impunity, that our self conceit is matchless in the past and present world!                                                 

In spite of crystal clear verses of Al Quran, we equate geebath with zina! Worse still, we consider it to be worse than zina!!


When a young man sees that even good people, including religious leaders committing geebath in public, in his heart of hearts, the seriousness of zina diminishes.

"What if I commit zina? It is, after all, less serious than the backbiting that these respected persons do", he thinks, the extent, that when he gets a fare chance to commit zina, he commits it with ease. This is the stage where the Ummah has reached.

To be continued as a new topic, In sha' Allah

A. Ismail Sait.

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