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Messages - Duster

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Shalom / peace ...

Apart from the security implications, keeping the integrity of the rites that are carried out there 24/7..... the Qur'an looks like it's pretty clear on this...

"O you who believe! the idolaters are nothing but unclean, so they shall not approach the Sacred Mosque after this year; and if you fear poverty then Allah will enrich you out of His grace if He please; surely Allah is Knowing Wise."

What purpose would it serve anyway? Its a holy sanctuary for believers. Isn't that what Masjid 'Haram' means??? Prohibited?

General Discussions / Re: martyrs judgement day
« on: October 11, 2017, 02:36:18 PM »
Shalom / peace......Richard / Sharon / Yahya ....

I'll say it again....i think you are Sharon / Yahya in disguise again as another account..... You've already asked a similar q already....

As far as I remember.... they (or one person acting with 2 accounts) were warned numerous times before they asked for their accounts to be deleted themselves.....



General Discussions / Re: houris article and arabic word (huunna)
« on: October 05, 2017, 04:48:49 PM »
Asalamu 3alykum

Shalom/peace brother Duster

I was actually thinking the same thing.


 ;D ;D

Shalom / peace brother Hamzeh ...

As far as I remember.... they (or one person acting with 2 accounts) were warned numerous times before they asked for their accounts to be deleted themselves.....



Islamic Duties / Re: Is Zakat 20% ?
« on: October 05, 2017, 04:39:46 PM »
Shalom / peace Mohammed.... brother Joseph has already covered this in a detailed article which you may find interesting including the mention of 20% .....>>>

General Discussions / Re: 4:34 12:25 wife obey husband or allah
« on: October 04, 2017, 04:34:55 PM »
Shalom / peace.  Why does it seem like Sharon / Yahya again (both banned accounts as i understand) asking similar type styled questions through another account?

General Discussions / Re: seeing allah in jannah
« on: October 04, 2017, 04:34:09 PM »
Shalom / peace.  Why does it seem like Sharon / Yahya again (both banned accounts as i understand) asking similar type styled questions through another account?

General Discussions / Re: Khalifa women
« on: October 04, 2017, 04:33:51 PM »
Shalom / peace.  Why does it seem like Sharon / Yahya again (both banned accounts as i understand) asking similar type styled questions through another account?

General Discussions / Re: houris article and arabic word (huunna)
« on: October 04, 2017, 04:33:28 PM »
Shalom / peace.  Why does it seem like Sharon / Yahya again (both banned accounts as i understand) asking similar type styled questions through another account?

General Discussions / Re: how do we explain Mutawatir hadith
« on: October 04, 2017, 12:59:17 AM »
Shalom / peace Richard ... There is a lot of material on this site regarding this ..... The Qur'an and Hadith were not transmitted the same way and they are not both mutawattir in the same way .....

This illustration may help ....

This post from brother Joseph may also help ....

Also there is dispute if there are any Mutawattir hadith at all ...In another article on this site ... pls see the below comments ....

The vast majority of the Ahadith corpus is based on an 'ahad' transmission which merely provides nothing more than a single source of evidence. So in effect, what one originator narrates, no other narrator passes on the same hadith. It is argued whether any 'tawatur' hadith (multiple sources of hadith) actually exist, and if so, what they actually are. What one scholar may consider as 'tawatur' may be rejected by another, hence the subjectivity inherent in the enterprise.

General Discussions / Re: Question about lunar or solar calendar
« on: October 03, 2017, 12:58:20 AM »
Also this article may be relevant ......


General Discussions / Re: Question about lunar or solar calendar
« on: October 03, 2017, 12:54:12 AM »
Shalom / peace miracle114.....

I'm very wary of claims like these from Muslims ..... Are we really sure that the word day is mentioned 365 times? Have any or many of us checked these claims or do we accept on face value ????? ...... I know the link below is from really avid critics who are against Islam .....  but if he / she is right ..... then these claims only make Muslims look that they lack credibility .. What are your thoughts on this???

General Discussions / Re: houris article and arabic word (huunna)
« on: October 03, 2017, 12:49:46 AM »
Shalom / peace Richard ...

Brother Joseph says the following in his article on this topic ....

There is no neuter gender in Arabic. 'Gender' is a function of language convention and not necessarily 'physiology'.  For example, the feminine 'shams' in Arabic (sun) or the masculine 'qamar' (moon) is merely a function of language convention as understood by the Arabs where such genders are assigned. Similarly, the Quran presents similitudes of a world that is as yet, unknown to humans. Therefore, references to a creation such as 'Hur' are arguably not best understood in terms of  earthly concepts of gender, physical attributes etc, especially when the Quran is explicit that we will be formed into a new creation (56:35-37) in a spiritual world that is only presented to us in similitudes. Hence, 'Hur', a plural formation of both a male (Ahwar) and female (Hawra) counterpart is best rendered as 'pure companions' even though in the Arabic language convention, it is assigned a female gender.

General Discussions / Re: 33:37 interpretation
« on: August 30, 2017, 07:18:04 PM »

but Br. Joseph also seems to side with majority but no one have raised this viewed on the ayah to him before, so curious if Dr. Shabbir's interpretation hold any water?

Shalom / peace.  I don't think it is fair you give the impression that brother Joseph sides with the view is he sides with the best argument. It may happen that his conclusion after analysis supports the majority argument ......also I don't think that he or some others like me in this forum place much credibility to Dr. Shabbir's arguments...

See below some of brother Joseph's reasons.....

General Discussions / Re: Musa and Khidr
« on: July 21, 2017, 08:53:45 PM »
When referring to stories in the Quran, my understanding is that they are ahistorical.

In my opinion, treating the stories of the Qur'an as a historical book doesn't fulfill its purpose, and has very little basis. Increasingly the origins of the Qur'an's stories as oral in the region at Muhammad's time is clear.


Shalom / peace Zack

What are you trying to say? That these stories may not be true? That they are simply stories circulated by the Arabs?  .....Your posts sometimes seem to suggest to me that GOD cannot use real events to derive a message.....Remember it is GOD that teaches a prophet called Muhammad.  Prophet Muhammad isn't using an old story which never happened to make the point.....

If I've misunderstood you..... please clarify....

PS: brother Joseph ....i liked the way you responded with the 'Food for thought ' approach and getting the enquirer to share further thinking based on new information .......

Islamic Duties / Re: Swalaah and it's shortened form
« on: July 11, 2017, 05:01:24 AM »
Shalom / peace ....

A related Q&A

Allah Hu Akbar  -

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