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Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / Is Smoking Forbidden / Haram
« on: January 20, 2014, 08:59:36 AM »
Salamun alaykum Joseph, i feel blessed finding your website. Alhamdulillah.

I have a question about halal/haram of smoking cigarette (tobacco). Is it intoxicant? (Khamr). I'd be very glad to your reply.

From Indonesia

Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / Shaking a Woman's Hand
« on: January 20, 2014, 04:40:04 AM »

Found your web site about Islam. You do not cover aurah. My particular concern is about whether it is sinful to shake hands with women if you are a man and vice versa.


Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / Questions on Hadith
« on: January 20, 2014, 03:50:52 AM »
Greetings Mr. Islam,
I came across your website and found it very interesting. It has touched on some points that I have really struggled with regarding Islam. I was born a Sunni Muslim and have practiced the faith without ever really looking too deeply into it.
Since moving to the Middle East about four years ago from the USA, I have a lot of time to observe Muslims and their behavior and how they go about their day to day lives and how they treat each other people from other and Non-Muslims. What I observed that actually caused to investigate the faith more deeper is a people who were once the leaders of the world in science are now struggling with the basic concept of common sense. I could write volumes on this area but my point is something else.
What I believe is that the Quran is the word of God for all of mankind. But in order for the Quran to be fully followed, Hadith have to play a role in that. For instance, how are we supposed to do Wudu, pray, perform Hajj, etc.?
On the other hand, reasons as to why we don't have any original Hadith from the Prophet (PBUH) or the Sahaba's is what's troubling me to perfectly implement the perfect book.
It is difficult to believe that the Prophet (PBUH) forbade the writing of Hadith because it would somehow get mixed with the Quran. These are the reasons cited in the literature. Does anybody actually believe this? He was memorizing it, having trusted people write it down, had access to an angel Gabriel, and God promised that no one could affect the perfection of the Quran. Additionally, a statement in Quran states that no one could produce even a single chapter like. I don't think anybody had anything to worry about as far as Hadith getting mixed in with Quran. But alternatively, the Prophet (PBUH) understood the importance of the written word as evidence by his knowledge of previous corrupted scripture i.e. Bible, first Testament.
Since the Explanation of the Quran (Hadith) is essential for its understanding and to perform what is prescribed in the Quran, it doesn't make sense that Hadith were not written.
From what I have read, Hadith were written down and Abu Bakr but later burned them. The reason for burning them was that he was afraid that what he wrote down may not have been in perfect alignment with what was said. If we are to accept this, then why do we accept his verbal words 20 transmitters later? Instead of burning them, he could have begun his work on perfecting them if that was really his concern. From what we read about him, he was not a bad guy who would intentionally lie about the Prophet (PBUP).
Umar further forbade the writing of Hadith and supposed burned other written Hadith books because he did not want anyone to abandon the Quran and focus on Hadith. Again, not sure what that means. Those people were the same illiterate society and the Hadith were alive and well verbally. Writing them down would not have increased their significance for anybody as the oral tradition was being utilized in peoples lives already. Writing the Hadith down would have kept them for around for mankind. He could have also just produced a single copy to preserve for future generations instead of making many copies to distribute. There are many he could have accomplished the task of preservation and kept focus on the Quran.
How can we trust one Hadith while others are not be trusted like when Aisha is quoted talking about sexual issues. Can somebody actually trust that she was so open about this issue with all of humanity? Aren't these private issues even if they were the way they are stated in Hadith? Other hadiths seem absolutely absurd.
Wouldn't it have been wonderful to have the original sayings of the prophet without centuries of debate about this chain or that chain, strong versus weak, etc.? And who do you follow? I'm not Shia but when they claim Hadith from Ali, it would seem those to be more reliable then generations removed from Umar and Abu Bakr? Yet these Hadiths are only used by them. I don't know enough about Shia's to have an opinion but these are things that make me think.
My questions for you is something that I have wanted to asked a learned person for sometime now for only my understanding:
Are reason why we don't have the original Hadith which are essential for the explanation of the Quran in some cases and needed for step by step practice of the faith in other cases due to what Abu Bakr and Umar did or did not do?
The Quran is perfect but is its understanding and implementation deficient as a result of mismanagement of Hadith?
If we are to follow the Quran only as Hadith are not reliable, then how can we pray, do Wudu, perform Hajj, etc? And what about the explanation of the Quran? Where does the explanation come in some cases if we discount Hadith as a explanatory source?
If we chose to follow Quran with good Hadith, isn't this also problematic as how will we know which ones are acceptable and which are not? We are essentially cherry picking which is not right either. But I would find it hard to believe that Aesha was talking about her intimate issues with the Prophet (PBUH) with the community.
What I struggle with is how can the perfect book not have the perfect implementation or explanation?

Salam Brother Joseph.

My question is, how would you know that the Quran is the word of God? How can we know that the Quran might not have been corrupted? I don't want answers like : 'Because the Quran says that it is the word of God.' or 'Because Allah says in the Quran that he will protect it.'.


Question for Joseph, Daniel, Abbsrayray, Marealta and All,


I need to ask something important. I was born Christian.  Converted to islam five years ago after believing in quran but told I had to convert so I don't go to hell. Allah tells us in the quran that the people of the book must follow their book in order to be successful.  Does that mean I must follow the old and new testament as legislation

Say: "O people of the Scripture, you are not upon anything until you uphold the TAWRAH and the INJIL AND WHAT HAS BEEN REVEALED TO YOU FROM YOUR LORD." And for many of them, what was sent down to you from your Lord will only increase them in transgression and rejection. So do not feel sorry for the rejecting people." Sura 5/68

From a sister

Salaam Brother Joseph!
Happy 2014! Could you please enlighten me about this link, tashadud and reciting the dua during salat is alright.
Allah Hafiz and Take Care!!

Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / Who Named Us "Muslims"?
« on: January 06, 2014, 02:01:36 AM »
Salam Alaykum Joseph,

I just read your mashallah excellent article on the highjacking of the term "Muslim."

In the article, it says that Abraham named us Muslims in 22:78.

Did you mean to say God instead of Abraham who "named us before and in this (scripture)."?

Thanks much,

Your brother and friend

Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / Re: Just Retribution
« on: December 26, 2013, 10:29:52 PM »
Salam Joseph,

Thank you for reply.

The issue with regard to the verse is that it seems to imply that one should kill an (innocent) free man if a free man is killed, an (innocent) slave if a slave is killed, etc.  I say this because the verse says: "the free for the free, the slave for the slave, and the woman for the woman."

Traditional tafsirs actually follow from this understanding, claiming that it speaks of a verse revealed about a dispute during that time between two tribes.  One tribe wanted to retaliate by killing tens or hundreds of people for every free man killed, so this verse said that you can only kill in "equity", or one free man for one free man, one slave for one slave (killed), one woman for one woman (killed).

Of course, this translation and traditional understanding is problematic from a moral standpoint.  It seems to sanction the killing of innocent people in retaliation, which is of course 100% against Islam.

Muhammad Asad's understanding fixes the moral dilemma, but he doesn't really elaborate or prove his argument, where he talks about "the elliptical mode of expression (ijaz) so frequently employed in the Qur'an..."

That's where I was hoping you could elaborate.


Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / Just Retribution
« on: December 22, 2013, 09:14:47 AM »
Salam Joseph,

First off, I'd like to say that I enjoy your writing a lot.

I was wondering if you had any thoughts about verse 2:178.  The part that confuses me is the following: "the free for the free, the slave for the slave, and the female for the female."

Muhammad Asad had interesting explanation, but I'm not sure if he "proved" his argument; he writes:

"Read in conjunction with the term "just retribution" which introduces this passage, it is clear that the stipulation "the free for the free, the slave for the slave, the woman for the woman" cannot - and has not been intended to - be taken in its literal, restrictive sense: for this would preclude its application to many cases of homicide, e.g., the killing of a free man by a slave, or of a woman by a man, or vice-versa. Thus, the above stipulation must be regarded as an example of the elliptical mode of expression (ijaz) so frequently employed in the Qur'an, and can have but one meaning, namely: "if a free man has committed the crime, the free man must be punished; if a slave has committed the crime. ..", etc.-in other words, whatever the status of the guilty person, he or she (and he or she alone) is to be punished in a manner appropriate to the crime."

I think "if a free man has committed the crime, the free man must be punished" makes a lot more sense, but I am not sure how he went from "the free for the free" to that.

Let me know what you think.

[Name Removed]
Resident Physician

Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / How to Teach Young Children
« on: December 22, 2013, 08:34:49 AM »
Selam alleykum, after a long journey "seeking for the truth" I found your amazing website. I Hope You Are able To help me namely do you have any ideas where can get any religious guidelines (only quran) how To teach my small kids (9,6,3) the real or True Islam. My husband is a sunnit and dont Know too much about Islam but what he know is that his parents and forfathers are right and not my idea to belive only in the quran . Hope you will find a second To answer. Thank you...

Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / Houri
« on: December 22, 2013, 08:33:13 AM »
Salam Alaikon Joseph:

I was just reading your website and I understand what the Quran says about "Hur" and how they are us recreated in the afterlife. However, what is "Houri"? Are they servants? I used to be so bothered by the fact that men will have many wives in heaven. Thanks for clearing things up. Some Muslims feel as though they have to believe the secondary sources but if it doesn't make sense then something is not right. Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.

Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / Seeking Permission in Marriage
« on: December 22, 2013, 08:32:14 AM »
Assalamu Alaikum,

My name is [Name removed] and I'm from Bangladesh. Before I ask my question, I just want to say that I'm so glad that I've come across your website and found out so many wonderful things about your work. Before I read the articles on your website, I felt terrible about how the hadiths degrade women. May Allah's blessings be with you in this world and the hereafter.

My question is:
Does Islam permits a woman to marry someone who she likes without her father's or uncles permission? If so then can you prove it with any verse from the Quran?

Selam Aleykum brother Joseph,

Hope your doing well

I was posed with a question regarding the direction of circumambulation of the Kaba and was unable to give an answer directly from the Quran and was curious if you had knowledge on this. How do we know that it must be done in an 'anti-clockwise' direction?

Thank you in advance brother

Assalam aleykum Mr. Joseph Islam,
With great interest I read your website. I converted two years ago to Islam. I studied enough Arabic to read Qur'an, but I do not have a clear position on whether to accept hadith or not.
A general question, what is in your perspective the best way to achieve inner peace? Is reading Qur'an in Arabic a cure for stress and anxiety, or additional prayers?

Converting to islam caused a lot of problems for me, it is a very difficult process.

I hope to hear from you.
With best regards,

As salamu 'alikum wr wb, Dear respected brother thank you for sharing your entries on marriage.   Do you believe that mahr (dowry) is important to give to the woman to establish the contract?  Also do you have any idea about the technical meaning of the word nikah?  I have ran across sources that would tend to make it seem that it actually refers to sexual intercourse itself.

Your thoughts and feed back are always most welcomed.

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