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Messages - yahya

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General Discussions / about the arabic word mubean
« on: October 18, 2016, 09:54:37 PM »
Assalam alikum I was just wondering does the arabic word mubeen mean bright and does it mean we have to see it with the naked eye or not and if not does it just mean that it is bright etc

General Discussions / about the arabic word thumma
« on: October 18, 2016, 01:59:00 AM »
Assalam alikum I was just wondering can thumma mean simultaneously and moreover and if yes how can it if some one could explain please jazzakkallah

General Discussions / arabic meaning qarn
« on: October 17, 2016, 09:56:11 PM »
Assalam alikum I was just wondering what does qarn mean I know it means centry or generation but can it mean a period of time like can 1 qarn mean 1 million years example etc or not if you know what I mean jazzakkallah

General Discussions / Re: meaning of 55:35
« on: October 12, 2016, 08:10:23 PM »
Assalam alikum also does 15:18 mean we have to see the flame with the naked eye or does it just mean bright meaning if we saw it then we could see it like example if I say I bring a clear light it means I still have to show it too you first so does it mean we have to see this flame with the naked eye or just that if we saw it then we could see it even if it was us only could see it by a telescope if you know what I mean jazzakkallah the arabic word is mubeun clear in English

Ok thanks so what you say is they are resurrected again alive like us will be and return to allah like us is that right is that what you mean jazzakkallah

Thanks and when you say return do you mean return to life or death

Do jinns and angles have souls like are ours or are the different from ours like the animals soul spirt or did allah give them the same type of soul like ours

Ok thanks what did do by in your last post that animals return are for the good do you mean return to life or dead or for the good people in heaven sorry to keep bothering you

So do you believe they don't go to heaven or any where they just rise and then turn back to dust is that what you are saying or are you saying they do go to heaven or some where good like a animal heaven because animals go through suffering so shouldn't they be rewarded some way in the next life not just get justice

Also solaman was very close to animals and talked to them and the animals were very smart and caring

Assalam alikum joseph islam I read your article on he'll eternal and I agree with it but you did not say what you think happens to the people when they have done there punishment in he'll do they go to heaven after words or do they cease to exsist afterwards they they won't exsist and there soul be be destroyed

Because I think that would be quite sad because many muslims think they just cease to exsist that they are stupid and are like robots and have hardly no emotions like what would be the point of creating them for nothing because they have some sort of life force even if they don't go to heaven wouldn't they go some where else to exsist because we can't say allah rased them after death to show us his justice on them because we will be to scared to care that we will only be caring about are self's and why rate something from death to put them back to death

General Discussions / confusion on 28:58 and 91:14
« on: October 02, 2016, 04:39:59 AM »
Assalam alikum I'm a bit confused on these two verse 28:58 because it says the hoses weren't fully destroyed but most of it and some people used them a bit after words unless this verse is not talking about thamud as well but other nations what are not thamud and AD but 91:14 says the houses were flattened completely destroyed so it sounds like a contradiction but off course it's not

General Discussions / Physical Bodies in Heaven
« on: October 02, 2016, 01:42:57 AM »
Assalam alikum 1. I know we will be a new creation in heaven but does that mean we won't have physical boddies that we will just be soul boddies like spiritual boddies like angles and the way Christians believe and 2. will we be able to eat and drink like now physical or will we not be able or wont to do that stuff that we will only pray and spritaul soul stuff like that like angles do and the way Christians believe and that's it nothing physical stuff fun just spiritual stuff  3. like will paradise be just physical or just spiritual or just both physical and spiritual with or with out a physical boddies I know I've asked a question similar but this got mixed up with other questions not on the topic so I felt it didn't get answered because of the other questions what was with it sorry to ask again

General Discussions / Re: confusion on 22:45 and 28:58
« on: October 02, 2016, 12:26:10 AM »
Thanks that's what I meant by lands sorry that it it means the towns and villages not neascally there homes if you know what I mean sorry also like I said who are these towns because like I said it can't be AD because there is nothing left of them in our time or the prophets time jazzakkallah

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