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Messages - Reader Questions

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assalaam o alaikum,

Sir -

I love Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) & Alhamdullillah I have put quite a few of his manners in my life. Here I would ask for your opinion. Right from the time I wake up in the mornings till I retire at night I try to follow our prophet(pbuh). Most of his actions are from the islamic secondary sources. The duaas, the gait,the manner of speech, the dealings with people socially, the manner of sitting while eating, etc. Also the prayers during ablution, salaat,fasts, haj. The details of salaat posture are all from islamic secondary sources. I get peace while performing them. When I happened to know certain false ahadith I was depressed. I feared of following a way that is not actually told by the prophet. An article of yours says prohibition of gold for men is not mentioned in Quran. This has confused me about the use of gold for men. Whether to rely on the hadith ?
These are few of the points. Kindly help me.

Assalaam o alaikum


Assalamu Alaikum,

How are you brother? 

I have read many of your articles in your site.  Alhamdulillah you are doing a lot of work and research.  May Allah give you barakah in your time and efforts and give you more knowledge of the truth. 

Anyways, I am writing to you regarding an issue that I am facing now.  I currently reside in Fort Mc Murray, Alberta, Canada.  It is a city that is very north.  As summer is approaching we are getting very long days.  Span of night is currently non existent.  Because the sun does set and rise but there is no time where it is absolute darkness.  So now the question is, we are suppose to abide by the Qur'an.  And the Qur'an tells us to pray in the 5 or 6 times that we pray.  But what is happening here is that it never gets dark in order to pray Salatul Isha as per the directive of the Qur'an. 

I think you understand what I am trying to say.  So please throw some light into this issue with the guidance of Qur'an. 

Jazak Allah Khair

Thanks for the prompt reply Br Joseph
I am still not clear on your statement that says "...Verse 2:125 is a reference to ‘Bakkah’ where immediate and following generations of Muslims used the location as a place for prayer.."
Are you referring to Jews or the Muslims? As you know the budding Muslim community in the beginning faced Jerusalem and then after a few years, they were asked to face Makkah.
As you know some people say Bakkah and Makkah are different terms used by historians for the same town. In any case we know that Abraham did build a structure as House of God. Do we have any evidence of it in the valley of Bakkah? A ruin, or a building still standing?
You argue that the original Maqam Ibrahim which was in Bakkah was replaced/reinstituted during the Messenger's ministry by Makkah therefore it must be taken as the "new" Maqam Ibrahim. Do I understand you correctly?
I agree the biggest mystery to this issue is that if Bakkah means Makkah, then why did Messengers following Abraham did not make it their business to visit it as a site of pilgrimage.

By Mubashir Inayat

Source article:


Salam Dear Brother Joseph

Upon reading an article of yours re Makkah Bakkah, I came across your following observation:
It is useful to note that verse 2:125 confirms that the original standing place / station (maqam)  of Prophet Abraham (pbuh) was to be taken as a place for prayer. 
002.125 (part)
"And when We made the House a place of return for mankind and a place of safety / security; and (said) take (from) the standing place / station of Abraham  as a place of prayer (Arabic: wa-ittakhidu min maqami ibrahima musallan)..."

I am not sure, whether you are referring to Abraham's standing place/station  originally being in Makkah or Bakkah?
Could you kindly elaborate?
Thanks in advance.

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your email.
With respect, I have an opinion that the order has been at a later stage with the longest surah being put as the start of Quran. Also it appears that Makan/Madani allocation makes sense to negate the general understanding of the term " Obey Allah and Rasool" as meant to follow the all types of acts (including sexual, illogicial details) of Mohammad.

I noted that Obey Allah and Rasool is only referring in verses in Madina hence it was referring to Prophet's personal involvement with fights with the pagans and others opposing Prophet hence to give instructions/orders of/to the situation (fights) at the time.

This implies that OBEY ALLAH AND RASOOL is nothing to do with personal acts of Mohammed which has been written apparently by people of Jewish or Pagans original "following their fathers" instead of Scripture but Madina verse as commander/leader of the force/community.

Please advise if you differ.


Dear Sir,

It appears that  the arrangement or Suras 1-114 are in order of lengths. Who have arranged this order?

Also there are Maki and Madanis Surahs and it is noted that Prophet was not regular visitors between two cities , hence who have named Maki/Madanis Surahs?

Please advise.

Dear Br. Joseph,

Assamu Alaikum.   I know some people bought their own plot where they wish to be buried after their death.  Is it right to do so ?

Question asked of Joseph Islam in response to a post on Facebook:

"I am having trouble believing that the ayats in the examples you listed ( from ayat 024:051 to 008:001) lost their relevance due to the death of the prophet...what are your thoughts about this - I am stuck here especially ayats 33:50 -58. Also if I may add and I heard it from somewhere else but it makes sense to me that every time in the Quran God says "Say" that is something Prophet said so if we follow what comes after it we are obeying him too." [1]


Dear Sir,

Is there any verse in Quran, which is close to defining shirk as in 6:121?

To the best of my understanding idol worship is NAJIS and not shirk.  As shirk is unpardonable but Najis can be?

Please advise (if you have time).


Dear Sir,

When I pointed out to my Christian friend (father in church) that some Bible verses were plagiarized by the Islamic Hadiths (Like the wearing of a beard or hijab, stoning for blasphemy etc ), his response was that what we Muslims copy from the Old Testament which was actually superseded / abrogated by the New Testament. 

The New Testament (in his view) did not support or mention the Hijab for women or the beard for men, hence there was no compulsion for Hijab or Beard for the Christians. 

Is this a correct statement!?


Dear Br. Joseph

Assallamu Alaikum.  There are many articles regarding the signs of approaching qiyamah.  Allah SWT  mentioned in Quran that He only knows when it will happen.  He gave only one indication that a type of animal will come from underground which will speak like human.  I wish to know further about this.

Salamun Alaykum Brother Joseph,

How are you? May Allah give you more & more strength to carry on the required service to bring the true picture of Islam in the light.

Brother as I was going through ayah 5/116

وَإِذْ قَالَ اللَّهُ يَا عِيسَى ابْنَ مَرْيَمَ أَأَنتَ قُلْتَ لِلنَّاسِ اتَّخِذُونِي وَأُمِّيَ إِلَٰهَيْنِ مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ ۖ قَالَ سُبْحَانَكَ مَا يَكُونُ لِي أَنْ أَقُولَ مَا لَيْسَ لِي بِحَقٍّ ۚ إِن كُنتُ قُلْتُهُ فَقَدْ عَلِمْتَهُ ۚ تَعْلَمُ مَا فِي نَفْسِي وَلَا أَعْلَمُ مَا فِي نَفْسِكَ ۚ إِنَّكَ أَنتَ عَلَّامُ الْغُيُوبِ

....faqad AAalimtahutaAAlamu ma fee NAFSEE wala aAAlamu ma FEENAFSIKA innaka anta AAallamu alghuyoob

From the qawl of Isa (Pbuh) in this ayah it appears Allah also bears nafs.
My biggest disturbance arise when I cross referrence it with ayahs 3/185, 21/35, 29/57 which declares

"Kullu nafsin tha-iqatu almawti.."

This apparently  implies that Nauzbillah even God will also die...(May Allah forgive me for writing this)

Please help me

As salaamu alaikum, brother

What is your view on verse 33.37 regarding reference to the Prophet and 'what he concealed'.  Is this another revelation, a command or anything else?

Does this verse indicate a second Wahyee besides the Quran (as command for prophet to get marry with....) Or ( the command that believers can marry). 

Or does it indicate that prophet got already news that he will get marry with .....?

Please can you address this question as those who take other sources besides the Quran in terms of Deen law claim that this reference proves its need.

As salamu 'alikum wr wb,

I hope you are in good health and in good faith.

Brother based upon a linguistic and grammatical analysis of the following verse:

"Then, when they have reached their term, take them back in kindness or part from them in kindness, and call to witness two just men among you, and keep your testimony upright for Allah. Whoso believeth in Allah and the Last Day is exhorted to act thus. And whosoever keepeth his duty to Allah, Allah will appoint a way out for him." (Holy Qur'an 65:2)

that two witnesses would not only be required for the divorce to finalize, but that two witnesses would be needed as a condition for marriage, since it does say "take them back in kindness or part from them in kindness" ?

Or is that to be understood as "this is your last chance, because once you make the pronouncement in front of the two witnesses" you are officially divorced?

Salaam wr wb

What do you feel would be an effective response if they were to ask sincerely, or even as a barb "yeah but the people who hold the Qur'an alone come to different conclusions on a book that is supposed to be clear, highly detailed' etc....meaning that those who are in authority today (among the Quran alone) come to differing conclusions.

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