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Messages - sharon

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General Discussions / Re: Islam martyrdom
« on: February 19, 2017, 09:37:36 PM »
And 3. Will we remember our sins in heaven

General Discussions / Re: Don't hear any sinful speech in heaven
« on: February 19, 2017, 09:36:25 PM »
Assalam alikum I was just wondering why do the verses say we won't hear sinful speech in heaven instead of saying people won't be saying sinful stuff etc

Assalam alikun Is this all correct or not what I put down jazzakkallah

General Discussions / Re: meaning of bimaṣābīḥa
« on: February 19, 2017, 01:39:00 AM »
Ok thanks 1. I always thought 67:5 and 15:18 are connected to each other like with other verses 72:8-9  and 37:10 and if not how aren't the 15:18 and 67:5 connected because it sounds like it's talking about the same thing
2. Doesn't 15:18 mean the flame has to be moving like a meateors so it can't be a gamma ray or the flame from the sun or stars because there not moving or can it and if yes how jazzakkallah
3. Can 15:18 mean gamma rays because we can't see gamma rays without a telescope

General Discussions / meaning of bimaṣābīḥa
« on: February 18, 2017, 08:29:57 PM »
Assalam alikum I was just wondering does bimaṣābīḥa mean
1. Something witch produces it's own light like stars and sun
2. Something just glowing like the moon or meators witch doesn't have to produce its own light
3. Can 67:5 mean anything glowing in the sky that does or doesn't produce it's own light or does it mean it has to because if yes then 67:5 can't mean meators what causes problems with 15:18 because it says we can see it from the naked eye on earth with out a telescope

General Discussions / Islam martyrdom
« on: February 18, 2017, 03:15:21 PM »
Assalam alikum 1. is there anything higher than a mayter in islam
2. Are martyrs only people who die in the battle feilds or can you be a martyrs for something else

General Discussions / Re: free will and Jin and soul
« on: February 15, 2017, 02:33:45 PM »
6. Also is the quran for the jinns or just for humans or do the jinns have a book for them

General Discussions / monthiest or polytheism christions
« on: February 14, 2017, 08:13:54 PM »
Assalam alikum I was just wondering
1. If a christian believes that jesus is separate from God and believes he is his son but not a god but his son does that make that christion a monthiest or polytheism 

And that animals do have a spiritual side like us and angles and jinn that there they are trying to get closer to allah like us and jinns and angles that's correct as well
So are all these what I put down correct as sum up correct jazzakkallah

Because they the animals could go to jannah/heaven or something similar for them animals but it just that it is silent on the issue because the quran is for humans not animals and silence means nothing as well is that correct

Ok thanks so to sum up just because 6:38 or the quran doesn't say that animals are going to heaven doesn't mean they aren't or cant because they could or can. It just that it is silent on the issue  because the quran is for humans not animals is that correct jazzakkallah

General Discussions / meaning of 44:54
« on: February 13, 2017, 04:55:15 PM »
Assalam alikum
1. It says marry to companions does this mean remarry with our spouses from earth or does it mean we are married to new non human cretures meaning are houris us or something else

1. Can 89:9 mean this or not
2. Can 89:9 just mean the inside of the houses not the outside showing  in the prophets time
* Because in the prophets time the inside could off been what's left if of the house
* the outside of the house could of been destroyed gone by the prophets time
3. How can 89:9 mean what you mean because no translations have your meaning of verse 89:9
* there is no talk of bringing stones from the valley only carving mountions

I'm from Spain so first language Spanish sorry

And some say they turn to dust because they are not mentioned in the jannah verses and not mentioned round praising allah round allah throne like the angles do

Sorry I anciently pasted that I meant to paste that translations never seem to put down what you mean the jabbu means bring brought the rocks from the valley how does jabbu mean what you mean jazzakkallah  but like I said can the verse mean what I thought it meant with the pitchure link above as well

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