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Messages - yahya

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Assalam alikum I was just wondering how to do we explain the treaty of umar with non muslims like Jews and Christians weren't allowed to walk on the pavement etc

General Discussions / Re: What was created first the heavens or earth 79:30
« on: September 18, 2016, 06:44:28 PM »
Assalam alikum thanks for the article so to conclude with the article you are saying when the quran says the sun is a lamp and moon a light all it mean is that they are lights in sky that allah is not saying the the sun and moon is producing it's own light but neither is it saying that the sun or moon is reflected light either all it is saying is they are lights in the sky and that's it is that right jazzakkallah that the quran is not saying that the moon is producing it's own light because we know from science it does not is that right jazzakkallah

General Discussions / Re: What was created first the heavens or earth 79:30
« on: September 18, 2016, 02:53:21 PM »
What about 71:16 because the quran calls a sun a lamp and a moon a light so it's making a difference if you know what I mean also does the arabic word mubeen at the end of 15:18 mean we have to see that flame in that verse with the naked eye and that's it or can it mean that it is just saying if we saw the flame then it's a clear flame then we can see it even if we can only see it by a telescope or like I said does it have to mean we have to see it with the naked eye

General Discussions / meaning of 55:35
« on: September 15, 2016, 10:14:00 PM »
Assalam alikum I was just wondering does 55:35 have anything to do with verses 15:18 and 37:10 and 67:5 and 72:9

General Discussions / Re: 67:5 and 15:18 part 2
« on: September 14, 2016, 10:06:58 AM »
Also doesn't lamps mean in the quran something producing it's own light like the sun but if this means meteors then meteors and comets don't produce there own light so these are what I'm confused about 67:5 and 15:18

General Discussions / Re: 7:172-173 the meaning of these verses
« on: September 13, 2016, 04:07:17 PM »
Ok thanks jazzakkallah also a similar verse to 3:85 is 3:19 so how would we explain that verse the beginning of that verse thanks for all the help and sorry to keep bothering you

General Discussions / Re: 7:172-173 the meaning of these verses
« on: September 13, 2016, 02:54:22 PM »
Thanks but some say 3:86 doesn't belong with 3:85 because they say 3:86 is starting on a new subject because of the capital letter with 3:86 and they say when there is a capital it means that allah is starting on a new subject jazzakkallah

side note just to say when I mean the answers from 7:17-173 I mean from the part 2 page witch says the meaning of these verses  not the first page with 7:172-173 ok just to say jazzakkallah

Assalam alikum I had answers for 7:172 -173 and I know the answer to the word kafir who knowingly reject the truth and I agree with all the answers to these answers but I have a problem with 3:85 because this verse makes it sound like any non monotheism people like athiest and pagan even if they don't hear or know the truth or hear the wrong stuff of islam or monthiest will go to hell but i know that's not right so if some one could help me out with this question that would be great

General Discussions / Re: What time do you think Adam and noah was on earth
« on: September 10, 2016, 07:42:30 PM »
Because some people say Adam couldn't of come before 10 thousand bc because they say the verse 5:27-31 say cain and abal offered a sacrifice and they say it was probably a sheep or goat and they weren't really used in till after 10 thousand bc after the farming period and some say all prophets were shepherds and shepherds didn't come in until again after 10 thousand bc so if someone could explain that would be great because Adam must of exsisted at least 50 thousand years ago and probably more be a use of the home satin and neanderthal thing and if we all come from Adam then they say we bred with neanderthal so they must of come from Adam too make Adam go back even more than 50 thousand years ago

General Discussions / What time do you think Adam and noah was on earth
« on: September 10, 2016, 07:32:36 PM »
Assalam alikum I was just wondering what time do you think Adam and noah was on earth because a lot of the young earth Christians say Adam came 6000 thousand years ago What of course is wrong so I was just wondering

General Discussions / lashes for drinking in prophets time
« on: September 09, 2016, 08:57:05 AM »
Assalam alikum I was just wondering why did people get lashes for drinking in prophets time when there is no order of that in quran like also some people say people who drink there prayers aren't accepted for 40 days etc that doesn't come from quran

General Discussions / Does the quran support the multi universe theory
« on: September 07, 2016, 04:58:38 AM »
Assalam alikum I was just wondering does the quran support or denie or is nutural on the ideal of the theory or the multi universe theory or is it silent on the idea meaning if there is it neither goes with or against the quran like the creation of cars for example

General Discussions / Do animals go to heaven paradise after Judgement Day?
« on: September 05, 2016, 04:56:18 AM »
assalam alikum i was just wondering do animals go to heaven paridise after judgement day after 6:38 jazzakkalh or do they just disappear that they don't exsist anymore that we cant have are pets etc in paridise because they are destroyed and they don't exsist anymore like turn to dust

General Discussions / Re: 7:172-173 the meaning of these verses
« on: September 05, 2016, 04:45:47 AM »
sorry for badging i will try to stop that sorry. but yes thank you hamzah that has ansewered my question thanks that makes lot of scense thanks jazzakkallah and thanks to wanderer as well its just hamzah explained it a bit simpler but thanks

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