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Messages - Truth Seeker

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Discussions / Re: Hello Truth Seeker
« on: February 07, 2016, 08:51:09 AM »
Salaam Sardar Miyan,

If someones wishes to post on another forum out of their own volition then of course they are welcome but badgering others to join forums is another matter.

The forum policy states:

" This forum must not be used as a platform for any form of indiscriminate advertising, whether it is with a view to promote another scholar's views or the views of a particular group of thinkers, especially when academic differences of opinion have been made clear.

Links to external websites must be relevant to the topic. Where they are deemed to be inappropriate, they will be removed.

General Discussions / Re: Disturbing Questions
« on: February 01, 2016, 08:26:16 PM »
Salaam Samson,

You said:
which I think is common, is both illogical and doesn't make sense in the context of the other verses surrounding it. The interpretation is illogical because it doesn't make sense to make entire mankind to testify to something which now they no longer remember.

You are welcome to disagree, but may I first ask you what 'Bani Adam' means when used in the Quran and it is used a lot?

Secondly it is not illogical that a covenant is taken and we have forgotten about it because if we all remember then what is our test?

The taking of the covenant and testifying to the truth is what results in our 'fitrah' (primordial human nature) being born. That inherent nature is what instrinsically tells us what is right or wrong even if you are an atheist.

From our fitrah we either nurture it further to do good or descend into wrongdoing.

General Discussions / Re: Disturbing Questions
« on: January 31, 2016, 11:06:10 AM »
Salaam Samson,

I just want to correct you on your statement:
The quran doesn't say that every soul took a pledge. It's referring to the children of Adam's children not all of mankind.

"And when your Lord took from the children of Adam - from their loins - their descendants and made them testify of themselves, (saying to them), "Am I not your Lord?"- They said: "Yes! We have testified!" (This), less you should say on the Day of Judgment: "Indeed, of this we were never aware" (7:172)

The above is referring to mankind as throughout the Quran, 'Bani Adam' (Children of Adam) denotes mankind. Also by referring to 'their descendants' it means the entirety of the human race

Discussions / Re: Divorce
« on: January 31, 2016, 10:34:02 AM »
Salaam Zara,

In response to your first question, maybe the following will help:

The second question is pertinent as yes we should be patient when we face issues and seek help from God. But if the couple have exhausted all avenues, keeping good intentions to find a resolution but have failed then at least they can feel as though they have given the whole process justice.

General Discussions / Re: What is Haram
« on: January 25, 2016, 07:25:20 AM »
Salaam A.H.A

I am not misunderstanding you but what I am saying is that alcohol is not al-munkar (disliked) but rather haram (impermissible)

You are not focusing on the meaning and implication of the word"faijtaniboo" (to shun) properly.

If it is used for idols and also in other places it states it is haram to worship idols, then by logic
"faijtaniboo" (to shun) would be akin to haram.

It can't be al-munkar (disliked) in one place and haram in another can it

Islamic Duties / Re: Salah in Jewish culture
« on: January 25, 2016, 06:21:00 AM »

Sorry the article I was referring to was in fact a Q&A with Joseph:

The article link provided by Hassan A, was 'Can menstruating women fast?' and I agree with it.

Islamic Duties / Re: Salah in Jewish culture
« on: January 25, 2016, 04:38:43 AM »

I understand Joseph's stance on the matter and his article has shown evidence from the Quran, but on a personal level, I feel unclean whilst in a state of menstruation so do not engage in formal prayer.
I do however fast as it is a separate ritual.

General Discussions / Re: What is Haram
« on: January 25, 2016, 04:26:27 AM »

I notice that instead of focusing on the clear instruction by God to shun "faijtaniboo", you are focusing on ansaab instead.

If you look at another verse where "faijtaniboo" is used it clearly is talking about idols:

“And certainly We raised in every nation a messenger saying: Serve God and shun (Arabic: ijtanibu) false deities (Arabic Taghut). So there were some of them whom God guided and there were others against whom error was due. So therefore travel in the land, then see what was the end of the rejecters”

The above is an instruction by God to shun therefore it is impermissible to do it!
As I mentioned before the word has been used for alcohol as well.


Salaam Mia 666,

I am not sure if you read the other topic, but Hicham9 has been removed from this forum.
Other members are free to carry on with this topic.


Salaam Mia 666: You will be pleased to hear that Hitcham9 is no longer part of this forum.

Also Samson:

We are not like other forums as our tolerance level is lower. We close threads for many reasons including taking the heat out of discussions. However we do not need to justify our actions to our members as per our forum policy.
Luckily closing topics and removing members is rare as our forum users on the whole are civil and respectful backing their arguments with evidence.

General Discussions / Re: What is Haram
« on: January 25, 2016, 12:34:09 AM »
Salaam A.H.A,

You mention the term 'faijtaniboo" (=stay away)' as it is used when talking about alcohol.

This same term 'faijtaniboo' is used for idol worship .
As it does not say explicitly 'haram' for idols, are you suggesting that is al munkar (disliked) too?

Dear all,

This topic has been exhausted and the tone has descended into personal digs which is against forum policy 2a and 2b.

Therefore I am closing this thread and request that there be no further discussions on the Earth being flat or not.


General Discussions / Re: Does Quran state anything about ISIS?
« on: January 23, 2016, 02:45:42 AM »
Salaam Anjum,

It is nice to have you on our forum and we welcome your questions.
Seraphina, many thanks for extending your help and guidance to Anjum, it is much appreciated. :)

Salaam Hitcham9

My point to you was simply that if someone else on the forum has read and understood from the Quran and also agreed with an article written by Joseph, it does not mean that they are blind followers. You have insulted another forum member for that.

To be frank, our readership is more sophisticated than that and they understand unequivocally understand that the true teacher is God.

Back to the actual TOPIC, please can you elaborate your statement:
Contrary to popular belief,
both الجن and الانس are mortal humans ...

The Qurān is a book of facts, not fiction.

It is fact that al jinn are a different creation to humans as the verses state:

"We created man from sounding clay, from mud moulded into shape; Q[15:27]
And the Jinn, We had created before, from the fire of a scorching wind." Q[15:28]

It clearly says that the jinn were created before man. Explain what that means to you?

General Discussions / Re: What is Haram
« on: January 22, 2016, 05:54:21 AM »
Salaam all,

I note that this topic is getting very heated.

Firstly I think that  A.H.A, you are giving mixed messages because you are in places agreeing that certain acts are wrong but on the other hand, you have strange concepts regarding halaal /haraam for example:

Marrying animals is Halal? Yes, but not allowed by God, just like alcohol is Halal, but not allowed by God.

Marrying animals is not halal. In clear terms, the Quran tells you that you are to marry amongst yourselves. That is an instruction and the remit. Also it lists to the believers who is lawful for them to marry.

With the above we have an EXPLICIT statement about what is permissible

Anything outdside this remit would therefore be impermissable

Also you seem to think that consuming alcohol is halal. This is untrue:

"O ye who believe! wine / liquor / intoxicants (Arabic: Khamru) and games of chance and idols and divining arrows are only an abomination of Satan's handiwork. Leave it aside / avoid it / shun it (Arabic: Fa-ijtanibuhu) in order that you may succeed"

"Satan seeks only to cast among you enmity and hatred by means of strong drink (Arabic: Khamri) and games of chance, and to turn you from remembrance of God and from (His) worship. So will you (be) the ones to abstain? (Arabic: fahal antum muntahun)"

Read full article here:

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