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Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / Were Arabs Ishmaelites?
« on: March 21, 2013, 07:39:39 PM »
Salaam !

I read an article on your website where you say that Prophet Mohammad SAW was not a descendant of Prophet Abraham A.S.

 I did read somewhere that the Blessed Prophet SAW was the only prophet who was ever sent amongst Arabs and the only Arabic speaking prophet. Moses Alayhis Salam, Daud Alayhis Salam, Abraham Alayhis Salam and Jesus Alayhis Salam spoke In Hebrew and possibly Aramaic language, correct me if I am wrong.

But if your new discovery is indeed true then why would certain Jewish tribes would call Prophet Mohammad SAW a man from the Children of Ishmael or Ishmaelites as per this another article about authentic biography of Prophet Mohammad SAW?

Hebrew is older than Arabic so isn't it possible that Prophet Mohammad SAW was also from the descendants of Abraham A.S. whose languages and dialects got evolved?

Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / Splitting of the Moon
« on: March 21, 2013, 01:14:15 AM »

What is Surah Qamar talking about in the first few ayah? is it a miracle of the supposed splitting of the moon? If so is this only explained via hadith?

If not, what else is it in regards to?



Dear Brother Joseph,


Can you kindly elaborate by explaining what the term "I respond to the prayer of every suppliant when he calls Me?"

We all know we don't get what we ask for in our prayers!!

So what do the Arabic words used in this verse imply?


Dear Brother Joseph,

What is the Quran's view regarding sexual relations with one's spouse. I know that anal and sex during a women menses are strictly forbidden. Are there any other prohibitions as to what spouses can do with each other?


Salam Alaikum,

Please could you tell me why there are differences in counting the verse numbers of the Quran.

Jazakallah Khair

Originally Posted on: April 01, 2012, 04:11:01 PM

Salamun Alaikum Brother Joseph,

I was browsing on freeminds forum, just looking through threads and reading and I came across this post:

And within the post, someone posted some information with "click here", to read additional information, in which I did.

This lead me to this site: and then lists PDF files to read.

I have been reading this, but only Book I, the Ra Material. I did skip over the first 20 pages because it was speaking of mediums, which from my understanding is not acceptable, so I just just skimmed over that part and started reading.

I am not sure if what I have read is even acceptable, but it is very interesting and thought provoking for sure. It speaks of the Mohammad(pbuh) and has some strong correlations to Islam, and then some way-out-there things, too.

It seems to be mainstream for several people who have read this, but not anything I have ever come across in any of my studies or readings.

Is this something you have ever come across in your studies? If so, what is your opinion on it?

Dear Sir,

Thanks for the clarification even at this belated stage. 

However, your Q&A section is really helping me and God will bless you for all the pain you are taking to enlighten us. 

I need some clarification on following:

I note the following from your articles / forum discussions:

Therefore any source, including classical lexicons, works of grammarians, dictionaries or indeed, any Islamic secondary source as defined above which is used to understand the classical Arabic language is implicitly ratified by the Quran (15:9).  The Quran does not simply ratify the protection of the 'kalimaat' (words) alone, but rather the 'dhikr'. This includes words, meanings, grammar and everything necessary to make the ‘message’ intelligible.

Whereas I noted from the forum as follows:

If we cannot rely on hadith which is a secondary source of the second century AH+, how can we rely on the dictionaries which have also been influenced by the same people in the second century AH+ and is also a secondary source?

The oldest dictionary is Kitab Ayn in Khalil ibn Ahmad al-Farhidi [d. 174/791]

Will have same status of Hadith and may be not fully reliable in its correct meaning/interpretation as the people around that period must have been influence to interprets some of the meaning to suit the ruling clan/people of that time. 

I feel only correct dictionary or meaning can be from Quran itself wherever we can. 

Sometime we see in Quran Corpus one word having several form of meaning (unbelievably complex, even diverse and may not be applicable now). 

Whether people at the time of Prophet aware of all these meaning is difficult to judge.

Hence our grammar/meanings based on even the oldest dictionaries almost 100 years after the prophet's time will not be correct to some extent.

Please advise of your opinion.


Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / Divining Arrows?
« on: March 16, 2013, 07:29:36 AM »
Peace Joseph,

What does Divining with arrows mean in verse 5.90?


Peace Joseph,

What does the Qur'an mean in verse 5:60 when it refers to Jews being condemned as apes and pigs?

Peace brother Joseph,

Is the 'light' in verse 5:15-16 referring to Prophet Muhammad? If not, what does it mean?

Thanks and regards

Dear Sir,

What is difference in meaning - Shairulla ( 22:32) and manasik (rites)?



"Those who have been evicted from their homes unjustly, for no reason other than saying, "Our Lord is Allah!" For, if Allah had not enabled people to defend themselves against one another, monasteries, and churches, and synagogues, and masjids, where the Name of Allah is oft mentioned, would surely have been destroyed. And Allah will certainly help those who help Him. For, Allah is Mighty, Powerful" 22:40

My friend pointed out that the words (waṣalawātun)( wabiyaʿun) are actually used elsewhere in the Quran for prayer,and trading places is he correct or can we correct his understanding.

the interpretation from Joseph point to companions from the Prophet but maybe they are the angles? Because the sheets they are purified, honored and exalted- points to the kitab maknun in 56.78.


Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / Banning Slavery
« on: March 14, 2013, 01:38:04 AM »
It is said that the Slavery was banned by International Organisation in1948. I just wanted to know if Allah specifically banned slavery in Quran?Slavery was in vouge during the ministry of our Prophet. In addition to Aya 90:13 telling" Faccu Raqaba" are there specific ban orders for slavery? Thanks


Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / Injustice & Suffering
« on: March 13, 2013, 11:22:32 PM »

Related post:

By: Mubashir Inayet

Dear Brother Joseph,


According to your study, how would you explain the way Quran deals with injustice and suffering in this world (in spite of an All Powerful God fully in control)? There is suffering which is man made by which man reaps what he sows, but things happen to people and nations (like famine, natural disasters, disease, tsunamis, birth of crippled children, death of infants and mothers or fathers of infants) etc. etc.

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