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Messages - wanderer

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General Discussions / Re: Virgin Birth & ALLAH's laws...
« on: September 18, 2016, 07:45:13 AM »
I'm sorry, I just did not appreciate  (what I perceived to be) an attack on my character in your second to last post. Still, no harm done.

General Discussions / Re: Virgin Birth & ALLAH's laws...
« on: September 18, 2016, 02:12:13 AM »
I do not understand why you are being so rude... I even said I agree with your point... why do you have to call others pathetic... can't you just state your disagreements calmly... No one here is deliberately trying to cause offense to the Virgin Mary (peace be upon her)... indeed, that would be a great sin. As for before... I am really sorry if I offered you. Please accept my sincere apologies.

General Discussions / Re: Virgin Birth & ALLAH's laws...
« on: September 17, 2016, 04:12:52 PM »
I concur fully with your points, but there is no need to resort to hurtful language:)

General Discussions / Re: Virgin Birth & ALLAH's laws...
« on: September 16, 2016, 07:06:15 AM »
Brother Joseph has already a dressed the concept of miracles and the 'God does not change his ways' quote MANY TIMES in both his Facebook postings, articles, and forum posts. I don't know how to link them here, but they are easy to find on this site nonetheless.

General Discussions / Re: 7:172-173 the meaning of these verses
« on: September 13, 2016, 03:18:13 PM »
No. Not it does not mean that, and frankly, I find it preposterous that someone would even try to say that.

General Discussions / Re: What ARE the differences between Hafs and Warsh??
« on: September 13, 2016, 12:57:42 PM »
Thank you Sister Amira. However, I would advice against using any material sourced from, or any of its Rashad Khalifa-based affiliates. Their "scholarship" cannot be trusted and is usually intended to "prove" their silly numerology, as can be clearly evidenced by the pdf you shared.

General Discussions / Re: 7:172-173 the meaning of these verses
« on: September 13, 2016, 09:23:59 AM »
I feel that verse 3:86 perfectly answer your question.

General Discussions / Re: What ARE the differences between Hafs and Warsh??
« on: September 11, 2016, 02:48:40 PM »
Salam Brother ilker-
Firstly, my translation says simply "And take", not "You shall take". Also, I don't see how "they have taken" would make logical sense in this context at all.

General Discussions / Re: 7:172-173 the meaning of these verses
« on: September 04, 2016, 04:14:45 PM »
Thank you brother Hamzeh, you explained it better than I ever could have. Hopefully, it will help our brother Yahya.

General Discussions / Re: 7:172-173 the meaning of these verses
« on: September 04, 2016, 02:52:19 PM »
I've said it before I personally do not see this at all in these two verses. I've already shared with you my view of what they mean. The interpretation you are stating can in my mind only be deduced indirectly through these verses. My question to you is: why are you trying to seek an indirect, implicit view of these verses when there are numerous explicit verses that contradict it?

General Discussions / Re: 7:172-173 the meaning of these verses
« on: September 04, 2016, 12:58:57 PM »
I actually don't see any of this. There are explicit verses of the Quran that explicitly deny what you are saying.

General Discussions / Re: 7:172-173 the meaning of these verses
« on: September 03, 2016, 09:28:17 AM »
Also please don't continue to demand a response from people. When people have a good response, they will answer. I once did that too and I was blocked from the forum.

General Discussions / Re: 7:172-173 the meaning of these verses
« on: September 03, 2016, 09:25:13 AM »
What it means is just because you were born into ignorance, it doesn't mean that you will get a free pass on the Day of Judgement for continuing to reject the Truth after the Message has come.

General Discussions / Re: 67:5 and 37:6 shooting stars or planets
« on: August 29, 2016, 07:50:56 AM »
We actually do know why ice floats on water and is less dense, it is because when water freezes, it's unique chemical structure makes it freeze into an expanded "honeycomb" shape, unlike other fluids. All of the other examples you mentioned are also easily explained by modern science. I highly implore you to look it up. Science is a mystery to uncover the "code" that the Creator "programmed" into the universe billions of years. We do not have all the answers and we never will, but we can try to get a glimpse of the majesty of the universe. Science is a tool-- it is not a philosophy. It can tell us HOW we are here, but it will never tell us WHY or WHO put us here. And with this, I believe I have shared all I have to share on the matter.

General Discussions / Re: 67:5 and 37:6 shooting stars or planets
« on: August 29, 2016, 05:22:16 AM »
Wow! What an eloquent answer sister Nura. I agree with most of the points you make; I too am a critic of atheistic "super-rationalism" or, the doctrine that all that exists in this world is what I can see with my own two eyes. This belief will almost inevitably lead to arrogance and falsehood. It may be helpful to instead spheres of existence, the material wold and the spiritual world. The material world is completely explainable by the laws of nature, the spiritual world, however, is not.

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