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Messages - Truth Seeker

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Women / Re: Can a woman get the child custody in case of divorce?
« on: June 10, 2015, 03:59:31 AM »
Salaam Seraphina,

It is an interesting question and there is an indication from the Quran that if the child is under two then it may be with the mother if she is to suckle the child (Please see Joseph's article on divorce)

Also the in that article is reference to the fact that the father is to provide for the child and its well being is to be discussed under mutual consultation.
So the Mullahs indicating that the preference is the father has custody has no basis in the Quran and the verses you mention regarding marriage also proves that. The key is mutual consultation.

Discussions / Re: Previous scriptures.
« on: April 15, 2015, 08:21:44 AM »
Salaam Sardar Miyah,

I am not sure if the narration you used is in line with the Quran. There are verses in it which God tells the Children of Israel who were in the same community of the prophet Muhammed (pbuh), to follow their own scriptures and to be true to them.

Obviously the Quran follows on from the previous scriptures, but there is also information that would explain for example who 'Mikaeel' was as there is nothing in the Quran about him.


There is a specific post on facebook by Joseph that may help you. It also has links to the relevant articles as well:


Islamic Duties / Re: Some clarification on halal food.
« on: April 15, 2015, 08:07:23 AM »

If you read the article by Joseph that Zara gave you a link to, it is very insightful. The crux is proclamation of God's name over the meat at the time of slaughter.

For example , nowadays, it is my understanding that when the Jews slaughter their meat using kosher methods, they don't neccesarily pronounce God's name over it. That would then be impermissble for us to eat.

Prophets and Messengers / Re: Adams Story
« on: April 15, 2015, 08:00:30 AM »

His story is clearly real. He is a human being and had a spouse . He ate and drank like we do.

When something figurative is being portrayed in the Quran, it's clear. For example in 7:719

"They are like cattle,- nay more misguided: for they are heedless (of warning)." or 2:71

“Then your hearts hardened and became like rocks, or even harder “ (Quran 2: 74).

General Discussions / Re: Quran and Hadith
« on: April 01, 2015, 11:00:13 AM »
It's so true that to me it seems that ahadith have priority whenever you hear the majority of Muslims talk about The Quran.

They seem to know all the stories and events from ahadith better than what the Quran narrates, in fact a lot of people think what they are saying is in the Quran when it isn't.

You know that things are not good when many groups refer to Bukhari's work as Bukhari Shareef.
I have even read them say that after the Quran, it is the most authentic source for Muslims!

General Discussions / Re: Yumal Hisab
« on: April 01, 2015, 10:42:13 AM »

Yes I agree that we will all get a book before judgement is passed on us but my comment was specifically to the imam who said that God may not see the mark sheet given in our right hands.

God has no prohibitions on Himself and we need to see our book in order to see the truth, He doesn't need to see it because He knows what it is. But to imply that God 'may not see the mark sheet' is wrong in my opinion.


Sorry but I think that is a weird question. Humans are made to live, eat, breath and die on Earth..God placed Adam on Earth and we are told how to live our lives here and what our duties are.

What has another planet got to do with anything if Earth is the only place for us?

General Discussions / Re: JIN O Ins
« on: March 26, 2015, 09:12:38 AM »

The people who claim that jinns are nomads are a particular group of 'Quranists' who reject angels and jinns as a separate creation and they also do not believe in any miracles either.

General Discussions / Re: Yumal Hisab
« on: March 26, 2015, 09:07:59 AM »

If I  read what you said correctly then that is ridiculous.God knows before he created our souls if we are to enter heaven or hell! He doesn't need the 'mark sheet' that the imam is taking about. He knows what is on it before it was even written upon!

General Discussions / Re: How To Understand AlQuran
« on: March 26, 2015, 09:05:29 AM »

Through both reading and using our minds. We cannot really say we are Muslims if we have never read the Quran in a language we understand. Once we do read it properly, we will naturally start to think and reflect upon the verses and this is what we are prompted to do by the Quran.

And reading it regularly will InshaAllah make us see it in a different light everytime as we will ponder over the verses even more.

Salaam erwin.ariadi

Because of all the stories and ahadith people read regarding Prophet Jesus's return, they look to the Quran for confirmation.
If they were to read it without any bias there is not even a hint of a second coming.

The rule should always be to read the expicit verses first and any others that are not so direct should be read keeping the clear explicit verses in mind.

Prophet Jesus was special from the way he was concieved to the miracles that he had performed, but he died like all humans die and according to the verse that tells us that all souls shall taste death. The Quran confirms this:

19.33 "And peace is on me the day I was born and the day I will die and the day I am raised alive."

Birth, Death, Resurrection. If the above verse was just used for Prophet Jesus then the people who believe in his second coming might try to use this to confirm their theory. But the beauty of the Quran is such that this same verse is also used for Prophet Yahyah:

19.15 :"And peace be upon him the day he was born and the day he dies and the day he is raised alive."

Birth, Death, Resurrection.


If I understand correctly, I think that you say you heard voices whispering to you and that you asked for Allah's help because the Quran says that you should ask Allah for help and protection. That is the right thing to do.

Remember though that these unseen voices that may be jinn/spirits, have no place in trying to be part of us. Their world is separate and they have their own laws. You told them the right thing.

I hope that the voices go away and leave you at peace. Keep your faith in God and InshaAllah He will protect you.


I am not sure if you are using something like Google translate, but I am finding it difficult to understand what your question is?

Discussions / Re: My Experience with your website / materials
« on: February 18, 2015, 02:09:06 AM »
Salaam and welcome to the forum,

I am glad that you found Joseph's articles useful. I found it really difficult on a personal level initially to separate the secondary sources from the Quran as they were so intertwined. It took some time but then I saw the clearer picture and I feel that I am a lot more comfortable now with the differences.

You are most welcome  to post questions and comments here.


Salaam and welcome to the forum

I think that the questions you ask are important. The first one regarding doctors is understandable as
the profession demands that they study both males and females. They save  lives after all. However I would
advise that they specialise in areas that decrease exposure to such things.

Regarding artists ,they are more than able to draw fully clothed people. In my opinion, they should not
be crossing the limits of decency in the name of art. There are so many other subject matters they can draw
or paint. They should not compromise on modesty.

And lastly from an Islamic perspective, swimming should be enjoyed separately
in my opinion. I think that on the beach, men just wearing shorts is not good enough as
they are still exposing  their chests. Even the Burkini for women is not really modest.You don't have to swim in the sea to enjoy the beach.
Nowadays there are so many swimming pools that cater for segregated swimming.


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