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General Discussions / Re: Does God need our worship?
« on: December 13, 2015, 03:22:46 AM »
Also, does Allah forgive disbelief if you repent? 4:168 says He doesn't, but there are other verses that say He does.

General Discussions / Re: Does God need our worship?
« on: December 11, 2015, 09:36:56 AM »
Salam :)

After reading your answer, I thought this through and decided that we don't get punished for offending God, because He can't be offended. Neither are we punished for harming others, because God will always compensate for them. We are punished for corrupting our own souls. Corrupting your own soul is what leads people to do bad things, whereas worshipping Allah purifies your soul. So by worshipping Him, you're not helping Him, you're just helping yourself. And purifying your soul is part of what you owe to God if you want to go to Jannah. By creating us, God did us a great service because He gave us the opportunity to earn eternal happiness in gardens (and in whatever other places you might want to visit once you're in Jannah). If you want to fulfill your duty to God, you have to purify your own soul. But God doesn't get offended if you don't worship Him, so you're not being punished for that, you're being punished for messing up your soul.

LOL. I hope that made some sense.


General Discussions / Does God need our worship?
« on: December 09, 2015, 12:05:25 PM »
Salam everyone.

So I had a question--how come if God doesn't need anything, why does He want us to worship Him, and why does He punish us if we don't? Many people are born into extreme poverty and God is the one who's made them suffer, so why does He get mad if these people don't worship Him? Many people grow extremely sad and bitter after going through suffering and start disbelieving in God. But if He is the one who made them suffer, how can He be angry if they don't like Him?

General Discussions / Re: 4:142
« on: December 07, 2015, 10:32:17 AM »
Salam everyone, sorry it took a while to reply.

Upon reading the verses about Jesus's death more closely, it does seem like the people who "killed" him were the ones who made it seem that way to everyone else (they didn't really kill him, of course). Allah got rid of this myth in the Quran, but most people didn't listen.

About the battle thing, this is a story I heard and allegedly it's mentioned in the Quran, but I haven't found the verse yet. If this verse exists I'll try to find it and give an update.

In the article about Abraham supposedly lying, it seems to me that he didn't really lie and such as accusation is only derived from "Islamic" secondary sources.


General Discussions / Re: 4:142
« on: December 03, 2015, 09:08:13 AM »
Also, Allah is apparently the one who made it seem like Jesus was crucified, so if people preach that, then it's not really their fault is it? Because they don't know they're lying. Allah made them think he was killed.

General Discussions / Re: 4:142
« on: December 03, 2015, 09:03:31 AM »
Yes I agree, Allah does not punish anyone unjustly, He just punishes people who are truly bad. By this measure, there are actually very few people who will remain in hell forever, because few people have truly earned that consequence.

But here, Allah is saying He is using deceit to punish deceitful people. This confuses me because even though He is not being unjust, He is still using deceit, even if it is for a good reason. I thought God didn't use deceit.

They can't complain if they get a taste of their own medicine...but surely God can punish them using a better way that doesn't copy their own methods of deceit and misguidance?

I mean no disrespect and I'm simply trying to understand these verses. :)


General Discussions / Re: 4:142
« on: December 02, 2015, 08:11:32 AM »
Allah led people to believe Jesus died on the cross, but actually he didn't. Allah also once sent Muhammad a dream that made it look like Muhammad would have few enemies in battle, but he ended up having a lot, and Allah said He sent the dream so Muhammad's troops wouldn't feel discouraged. But that is still deception, even if it is for a good cause...any thoughts?

General Discussions / Re: 4:142
« on: December 02, 2015, 08:04:52 AM »
Is misguiding and deceiving disbelievers part of God's plan for separating truth from falsehood? I'm confused...misguiding and deceiving evil people is being used as a means for getting rid of falsehood...???

General Discussions / 4:142
« on: December 02, 2015, 07:55:20 AM »
Verse 4:142 says God deceives the hypocrites, but I thought He didn't deceive anyone. Are there alternate meanings? I thought Allah does not deceive anyone even if they are deceptive, because He built the universe on truth.

Women / Re: 4:34 and other issues
« on: December 02, 2015, 07:17:03 AM »
Salam, I would use the version "leave them" because "indicating" them does not specify who you''re supposed to indicate them to. However, if you understand the context of the verse then both meanings are applicable. :)

General Discussions / Re: Trials vs Misfortunes
« on: November 30, 2015, 12:59:50 AM »
I think this verse is talking about long-term misfortune like the Hellfire. We were all put on earth to be tested and this is part of making the truth prevail over falsehood.

General Discussions / Re: People of Araaf
« on: November 30, 2015, 12:52:13 AM »
Salam Duster and Good Logic :)

I'm going to stay out of the debate about Good Logic's disrespect for now, in any case, I agree that the verses are self-explanatory.

Good Logic: I saw what you posted on the other threads about the "feud in the heavenly society", it seems to be straight from the Submitters website? I'm not judging, but I advise you to check out the verses that Khalifa cites on his explanation of the feud and see if they really relate to what he's saying. It seems the feud had nothing to do with people being put on earth to get tested. God tests us to pit truth against falsehood and show the falsehood to perish.

Anyway, that's off-topic. I asked a rather ridiculous question on the thread called "can God lie" and I was wondering if it's possible to delete a thread I started? I asked that question after reading a philosophical article on the issue and I now realize it was kind of a nonsensical question, and it might upset people. Upsetting people was not my intention so is there a way to get rid of that question?

God bless you

General Discussions / Re: Trials vs Misfortunes
« on: November 29, 2015, 10:22:39 AM »
Also verse 6:131 seems to suggest that if a city is destroyed by a natural disaster, then the residents of that city have done something wrong. But all those tsunamis in Japan and the tornados in my area killed a lot of good people.

Does anyone know about this issue?

General Discussions / Re: heaven and hell
« on: November 29, 2015, 10:20:43 AM »
Salam everyone.

Brother Joseph: I think Moses was right, only God knows about these people's lives and He will judge them according to what happened in their lives. God does not do injustice.



General Discussions / Re: 24:45
« on: November 29, 2015, 09:33:38 AM »
Salam :)

That clarifies the matter. All the translators said it meant "living", so I guess that was misleading. A lot of words have multiple meanings but translators disregard many of them.

This verse is in context of our universe and everything native to it, so it was probably talking about creatures on earth like you said.

I haven't seen the article on the earth creature before. I'm going to read it once I get a chance, I was curious about this actually.


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