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Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / The True Testimony
« on: October 04, 2012, 08:14:22 PM »
Dear Brother
After reading the article below on your site,  I have some questions about the following passage.
"Having noted the above, claiming a shahadaha (testimony) in the traditional manner (There is no diety but God. Muhammad is the messenger of God - Arabic: La illaha illala muhammad-a-rasullallah) is perfectly acceptable in that the testimony is absolutely true from a Quran's perspective even though it does not appear in one collective form in the Quran,"

 The traditional manner of the shahada is: There is no deity but God. Muhammad is the messenger of God - (Arabic: La illaha illala muhammad-a-rasullallah)
But is it not logically wrong in present days for a Muslim to say Muhammad is the messenger of God, because he's  not anymore between us and the right way should be Muhammad was the messenger of God?
And is it not an offense to God in the most important testimony of a Muslim to put the name of Muhammad, because we cannot associate nothing with God? Is it not that God is sufficient for a Muslim?
Please do forgive me if the letter is not well written in English, that's because i'm a Portuguese speaking person.
Best regards

Sallam Joseph

I am not sure if you were aware of a case in Birmingham, UK last week, where a judge sentenced several members of a Pakistani family for murdering their daughter. The reason for their actions was that they believed she was 'possessed by a jinn'.

You are probably aware, that many Muslims, more so from the subcontinent feel that in some cases where people have psychotic episodes etc, that is could be due to jinn possession.
I have looked through the verses of the Quran on jinns, I could not find anything that suggests this is possible.

From your knowledge, does the Quran mention anything about 'possession' or is this something that stems from secondary sources?

It is an area i think needs to be explained to people , not just to stop heinous crimes like above, but to realise that people displaying any signs of mental health need help, not to be killed.

Your thoughts are very welcome

Sallam Joseph

We often hear or make claims, myself included.....that the Bible 'has been corrupted'.

Does the Quran make these claims?

I know that the Quran tells us that Jews and Christians should follow their books? Is this correct?

When it tells the above, does it mean the 66 books making up the bible or the gospels?


Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / Understanding the term 'Ummat'
« on: September 29, 2012, 09:46:37 PM »
Dear Sir,

What is ummat? Is it generation or total human. Can non-human too be described as ummat?

Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / Explanation of verse 108.3
« on: September 29, 2012, 09:45:05 PM »
Dear Brother Joseph,

Hope you are all well and in good health.

Can you please share the wisdom behind the following Ayat:

108:3 -  For he who hateth thee, he will be cut off 


Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / Questions for Joseph Islam
« on: September 14, 2012, 04:11:55 AM »
Assalaam Alaikum Brother Joseph,

I am happy that I came across your website accidently 2 days ago.

As I have so many questions, I decided to write to you instead. I hope you will be able to help. InshaAllah.

1. I have stopped going to the masjid and jumaah salaah as they mainly talk about hadith and this disturbs me. In fact, the last time I attended jumah a few months ago, the imam said that whoever rejects hadith, according to the shariah, should be killed! This has made me feel more disconnected than before. Any advice?

2. I have stopped reciting The durood on the prophet and Ebrahim in my salaah. Certain Sufi Shaaikhs encourage the repetition of Durood on the prophet. Some close family members do this with their daily wirds. When I discouraged them and showed articles about it, they could not accept it. I was really disturbed when they told me that the durood on the prophet was the same as zikr of Allah. Some believe that they have to recite the durood on the prophet 1000 every Fridays. (no specific number on other days) When i suggest that they call on Allah instead, their reply is that all the Ulema who know so much more than me cannot be wrong.

3. There is no agreement by Quranist regarding 5 daily salaah. Some insist that it is only 3 according to Quran. What exactly should be recited?

4. I am still not sure about hijab.... To cover or not to cover? Covering of hair is not in Quran as I read in your article, but we are asked to cover beauty? One should not use any make up outside?

5. Zakaah. According to the articles I read about Zakaah, it is only paid once everytime you receive an income and not annually on investments or savings. I am not sure if "the day of harvest" applies to all forms of income?  What is your view of this? What about gold jewellery?

6. Inheritance. I read that it is possible to bequest equal amounts to your male and female children? Is this correct? Please advise.

7. Haj. Is it possible to perform haj while pretending to do the umrah during the 4 sacred months?

8. Marriage.  There is so much of ignorance about the Islamic marriage. The divorce rate amongst Muslims in certain areas have increased dramatically. Most nikaahs takes place in a masjid  and the bride is not present. Some do not even understand the contract. I would appreciate any advice.

9. Grandchildren. I feel so helpless when certain family members are circumcised and they would be taught in madressa which focusses on reciting Quran but most practices are taught from hadith. Please advise....

These are some of the main things i need clarity on for now.

I pray that you will be able to help.

General Discussions / Re: 360 Idols
« on: September 10, 2012, 11:13:05 AM »


In todays context where we see some muslims mainly groups ousting one another, does the fact that prophet Abraham destroyed these idols mean it is 'ok' for others to do it?

General Discussions / A Question on Abortion
« on: September 10, 2012, 04:03:55 AM »
Question asked on Joseph Islam's Facebook Page

Killing NAFS without a Just cause is Forbidden, and Nafs means any living being or Self, be it a tree, a microscopic insect or an animal. This meaning is taken from "Every NAFS shall have taste of death." That is to say, whatever dies, has NAFS. When sperm fartilizes an ovum, just then there appears a NAFS. But many sperm tissue naturally goes useless. It is natural and thus can not be a sin at least within marital spousal case.

Now the question is, Is killing that Nafs not that sin? Or is that not a Nafs? Or is that a Just cause?

General Discussions / Surah Lahab and Blasphemy
« on: September 10, 2012, 12:28:50 AM »
Question asked on Joseph Islam's Facebook Account

Asalam u Alakum! I have to ask about the translation of surah Lahab, and the story of Abu Lahab, and also if could enlighten on the issue of blaspheme in the context of this surah as some Quranists refer to it and use it to prove that Allah cursed him for blaspheme...

General Discussions / 360 Idols
« on: September 10, 2012, 12:27:27 AM »
Sallam brother Joseph

The 'famous' story about prophet Abraham destroying 360 idols at the kabba, is this a quran story or secondary sources?

Do you know if there is any hint of prophet Abraham or any other prophet from quran destroying idols?

No hurry, when ever you have time, thank you and sallam

Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / Makkah, Baca & Hajj
« on: September 07, 2012, 05:51:14 AM »
Dear brother Joseph

Salam to you

There are many different views between Qur'an followers about the true place where Abraham (pbuh) built the original house. Some say it was Baca, others Makkah. Some say the true place of Hajj is Jerusalem, others say the direction-qibla at Makkah is wrong, hence the Hajj is wrong. Some say the Sacred Mosque is not in Makkah etc etc. There is much confusion. I would like to know what your opinions are on these topics given your own analysis.

Thank you so much for your help.

Salaamun Alaikum Dear Br Joseph,

Almost always whenever I speak with family and friends about studying and upholding Qur'an, as it's complete, fully detailed and purging their hearsay conjectures, their first response is  if the Qur'an is complete then show us where it's written in the Qur'an about how to pray Salaat.

My response usually is that Almost All religious orders (Salaat, Haj, Fasting, etc) came through the original founder of Islam, i.e Prophet Ibraheem (PBUH) and
Prophet Muhammed (PUBH) was instructed to follow the religion of Ibraheem (PBUH) and it makes sense that religious practices were existed and known to the Arabs at the time of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH).

In addition, Qiyaam, Ruku, Sujood is mentioned in the Qur'an and that Hadiths also do not contain full details about Salaat except few references here and there.
I also say that most Muslims perform Salaat based on their sect and the way they found their parents/community doing and NOT what the Hadiths have to say.
Infact, it's just an argument people use to support Hadiths and to reject Qur'an without perceiving what exactly they are saying and doing.

I also argue that even if it was written in the Qur'an people would still perform the prayers the way they found their parents/community doing.
I often cite example of Wudu, divorce, punishment for adultery, first Kalima etc.  Despite the fact that these are mentioned in the Qur'an with full details, people still do not follow the Qur'an. 

Infact, most people do not Read neither Ahadiths nor Qur'an. Violating Qur'an's numerous commandments including Reading, Studying, Pondering, Discussing and Seeking Knowledge.

How do you answer encounter these stereotype questions like how to perform Salaat in the Qur'an.

May Allah (SWT) bless you and reward you for all the good work you do, IA.

Best regards,

General Discussions / Al- Aa'raboo
« on: September 03, 2012, 10:05:35 AM »
Question asked on Joseph Islam's Personal Facebook page

Dear brother Joseph, Salamun Alaikum.

Would you please pay attention to the following

Verse of glorious Qur’an where Allah says “ The Bedouin ( Nomadic ) Arabs Are the worst in unbelief And hypocrisy, and most fitted To be in ignorance Of the command which Allah Hath sent down to His Messanger:But Allah is All – knowing,All-Wise ( 017 : 097 ).This verse would remain continue recitation till the
Dooms Day .

At the very out set of the verse Allah addressed in Arabic as “ Al- Aa'raboo”.Some translators translated as ‘ Nomadic of Arab’ some say as ‘ Living in village in Arab’some say only villagers ( Rural ) of Arab.some say Nomadic Arab.Everybody tactfully ignored to translate the inhabitant of urban area of Arab.But why ? Arab itself is a country, Those who reside permanently irrespective of colour,cast, creed or habitation either the rural or the urban etc.are called the citizen of Arab.In a nut shell we could say peoples of Arab in general.

Please be noted ,since ‘Al-Aa'raboo’ is plural, no where in the Qur’an we find any word in singular of Al-Aa'raboo though there are a lot of rooms & reasons to mention.As I know that, you are as a scholar & researcher of the glorious Qur’an .My humble request to your goodself , would you please let me know the exact purport of the meaning in English of the word “Al-Aa'raboo” & whom Allah has addressed to ? For example :

Nabatoon ( Singular ) Meaning : Nabati,Transformed : Unbatoon ( Plural )Meaning:Nabaties.

Hadasoon( Singular )Meaning : Event,Transformed : Ahdasoon ( Plural ),Meaning :Events.

Qouloon( Singular )Meaning: Say,Transformed : Uqwaloon( Plural ),Meaning : Sayings.

Khabroon( Singular )Meaning : News,Transformed:Ukhbaroon(Plural)Meaning : More News.

Saotoon (Singular)Meaning :Sound,Transformed :Uswatoon( Plural )Meaning : Sounds.

Maaloon ( Singular)Meaning : Wealth,Transformed:Umwaloon(Plural)Meaning:Wealths.

Haaloon (Singular)Meaning :Condition,Transformed:Uhwaloon(Plural)Meaning:Conditions.

Araboon(Singular ) Meaning : Arab(?)Transformed :Aa’raboon (Plural)Meaning:Peoples of Arab.

I hope , I have communicated my idea to you actually what I wanted to know ?

When you read the Quran, is there any pattern you follow in order to understand the book?


Salam Joseph
Just finished watching a Readers Digest DVD about great people of the Bible covering Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph.
Could not follow the incident of God (or His angel?) coming down to wrestle with Jacob where Jacob prevails and this incident was of such a great importance that they names him Israel.
Second thing is what are altars and what are burnt offerings? This practice was not passed on to the Muslims.
A short comment when ever you get the time Brother.

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