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Messages - sharon

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Sorry I meant verse 78:40 that's the verse whitch some people say animals will turn to dust and are there any verse in the quran that show allah loves animals

General Discussions / Re: free will and Jin and soul
« on: February 13, 2017, 08:18:36 AM »
Thanks jazzakkallah also I forgot to ask
4. Will the earth be resurrected like us on judgement day
5. Do angels have free will

General Discussions / Re: free will and Jin and soul
« on: February 12, 2017, 12:15:28 PM »
3. And do plants and non living things have souls

General Discussions / Re: aliens are use
« on: February 12, 2017, 09:31:56 AM »
Like when it says allah turned some people to apes and swines etc it makes it sound like pigs and apes are bad cretures that he doesn't like.  Like above saying worse than cattle like cattle are cretures that allah thinks are bad and dislikes

General Discussions / free will and Jin and soul
« on: February 12, 2017, 06:06:42 AM »
Assalam alikum I was just wondering
1. Will we have free will in heaven
2. Do jinns have a soul exactly the same as our I think we call our soul the (nafs) so do the jinns have this and did gid blow his spirit it to them as well like us

Also according to you as well 89:9 is past tense not present thanks jazzakkallah

And does 6:38 include the sea cretures because some think it means only land animals

Also some us the 79:40 to say animals will be turned to dust

Ok thanks jazzakkallah but I thought jabbu just meant carving not bringing or brought something but thanks thow

General Discussions / Re: aliens are use
« on: February 12, 2017, 04:44:42 AM »
Assalam alikum thanks so when it says animals are created and subjected for us does that mean that is all what animals are meant for that they are just things like metal and rock because there are verses what make it sound like god loves them but then other verses make it sound like there nothing but things what makes it sound like god doesn't love or care about them that he cares about them as equal to plants that animals are equal to plants like when it says in the quran the disbelievers are worser than cattle that verse makes it sound like god doesn't love animals but only as equal to plants or the earth so does god love the animals or not and does god love them higher than plants and the earth and things like rock etc

Thanks jazzakkallah but like I said is it possible for the verse 89:9 to mean what I said above carving the inside like caves just to mean that in the prophets time jazzakkallah

Assalam alikum thanks jazzakkallah but when it says at the bottom of the verse 6:38 that will be gathered is this talking about the animals because some say the bottom of that verse meant only to us humans

General Discussions / Re: aliens are use
« on: February 11, 2017, 12:10:36 PM »
Do you not see that God has subjected to your use
All things in the heavens and on earth
And has made His bounties
Flow to you in exceeding measure,
Seen and unseen?”
[Quran 31:20]

Assalam alikum what I mean is the verse says everything is subjected to us so does that mean that if we find aliens are they meant to be are slaves also does this mean the jinns and angles are created for us

General Discussions / 6:38
« on: February 11, 2017, 11:41:50 AM »
Assalam alikum I was just wondering at the bottom of that verse when it say they shall be gathered is this bit talking about the animals ir humans because some people think the bottom bit is talking about the disbelievers not the animals

 I never heard off them before I just looked them up they could but the trouble is they were destroyed fully gone by 125bc it is like when some people thought they found the old town off AD in oman but like people said it could not off been ad from the quran because there were destroyed 300 ad but thanks

But is it possible that in the prophets time that all what was left off thamud dwellings were there inside not outside so all there was left was carved out big caves because the front had withered away completely and could 89:9 mean that by carved the mountions talking about the inside like example of this link can 89:9 mean this because if yes then we know cave like structures can live on for thousands of years so is this possible that this is what 89:9 means and that the outside was destroyed gone jazzakkallah

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