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Messages - Reader Questions

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Salam Joseph,


Please can you confirm my understanding that

1) AlBaytA (house) refers to any house/mosque
2) AlbaTI/TIN refers to the Sacred House built by Abraham?


Salaam alaikum brother,

God mentions in the Quran that He made us out of clay:

6:2 He it is Who hath created you from clay, and hath decreed a term for you. A term is fixed with Him. Yet still ye doubt!
15:26 Verily We created man of potter's clay of black mud altered,
15:28 And (remember) when thy Lord said unto the angels: Lo! I am creating a mortal out of potter's clay of black mud altered,
15:33 He said: I am not one to prostrate myself unto a mortal whom Thou hast created out of potter's clay of black mud altered!
17:61 And when We said unto the angels: Fall down prostrate before Adam and they fell prostrate all save Iblis, he said: Shall I fall prostrate before that which Thou hast created of clay?
32:7 Who made all things good which He created, and He began the creation of man from clay;
Surah As-Saaffat
Just ask their opinion: are they the more difficult to create, or the (other) beings We have created? Them have We created out of a sticky clay! (11)

...and there are a few more verses.

What does it mean to be created from clay or why does God have to mention we are created from clay? is it point out to us we are very delicate/fragile creations?


Peace be on you sir,

Sir, can you explain me why 'Qul' is not mentioned in 27:91?

Salam Joseph.

Is it haram or halal to eat donkeys? There is a video (below - sorry only in Urdu) that shows donkey meat for sale in Karachi and the maulvi's (religious clergymen) are not saying that they are outright haram.

However, in principle from the Quran, is it persmissible? Thanks.

Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / Re: Women's Dress Code
« on: May 14, 2012, 04:24:36 AM »
Sallam Brother
Thank you for this. So apart from the verse advising women to 'cover their chests' (not heads) is this another verse on Women's dress code? So would I take from this verse, that the Quran advises women to cover themselves down to their feet? Typically a 'jilbab'?

Sallam Brother
 In verses of the Quran which mention the specific Word Nabi /Prophet (oppose to Messenger), is it correct to understand that those verses 'only applied' at the time the Prophet was alive? i.e. all or nearly all?

Verses where the word Nabi is mentioned, seem to be a specific instruction at the time of the Prophets life. 

I am not in any way suggesting these verses are not valid! Just as we have verses from the Quran which talk about past events.

Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / Women's Dress Code
« on: May 14, 2012, 04:16:17 AM »
Sallm Brother Joseph
I have read your article on Women's 'Dress code' (24,31)
Could you please tell me, what is meant by 'lengten your dress' in 33.59?
Sallam and thank you

Thank you so much sir. It cleared the doubts  :)

Thank you for your wonderful message and explanation in it .

Sir, to clarify, if you and I and 8 other quran alone muslims meet and we all agree 5 times of salah , then how we would pray?

Today I prayed in normal hadithers mosque... If we do not have hadith's way of salah, how will our movements during salah will be synchronized ? .

Salamun alikum

Dear Brother

In Surah 33:56 "Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet: O ye that believe! Send ye blessings on him, and salute him with all respect."

In the above verse God says us to send blessings to Prophet and salute him with respect, with this verse my friends questioning me that how will you send blessings to Prophet and should say salawat to Prophet by sayings from Hadith states  " Allahumma salli ala  muhammadan wala ali muhammadan kama sallaith ala ibrahima wala ali ibrahima.................innaka hammedun majid"

In this way, my friends are questioning me so please clarify the confusion and how we can send blessing to Prophet?

Thank you

Salamun alikum Brother

I am in disagreement with my friends who uphold the traditional view and argue with me regarding the moon split in Quran. Surah 54:1 "The Hour has come near, and the moon has split [in two]."

Based on this surah my friends are arguing that Prophet had split the moon in two by index fingers and trying to prove that Hadith is true

Please can you give me your perspective and explanation about the Surah 54:1

Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / Testimony
« on: May 14, 2012, 01:20:07 AM »
Dear Brother Joseph,

Salaam alaikum.

I have another question please - all muslims when reverting/converting/or testifying say: "I testify there is no god but God and Muhammad is the prophet of God" - my questions that instantly come to mind -

  • Why do we have to testify regarding the prophet?
  • What about the other prophets? Are they not God's prophets too? Why never mention them too? God says to us to never discriminate between them, so by saying the above aren't we doing just that? I'm sorry i don't mean to be disrespectful but i feel that the last part of the statement is not necessary or should be changed. Also this exact statement is not found like this for us to say by the Quran. I mean we're not told to say it like this.
  • I have seen all over the world by scholars e.g. i saw a video by Yusuf Estes just recently converting someone to Islam. ( if you want to see).  He said to say the above in english 1st then in Arabic.
  • I think that saying that u believe in God and testifying is not necessary in ARABIC! it can be done in any desired language. And also why publicly? or say with the help of by someone e.g. a scholar. i think if you start to believe in God than the 1st place it comes from is your heart and mind and then you just find your way with the God.

I'm not sure how you perceive, but e.g. I've seen a documentary on Steve Jobs. I always used to wonder what really happens or will happen to all the so so talented and artistic or creative people who are non-muslims? in the documentary they mentioned that Steve Jobs started thinking and believing that a God, a ONE GOD, does exist and that his return was now going to be to Him. Isn't that the definition of being a Muslim? I know a gazillion Muslim nations out there would never agree with me out there. I'd probably be killed even for "creating mischief in the land" (and that is not the context of the phrase even).

Anyways so my question is about testifying please.


Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / Regarding Translations
« on: May 14, 2012, 01:13:36 AM »
Salaam alaikum brother Joseph,

I have a question regarding the translations of the Quran that we rely on i.e. the non-arabic speaking or arabic language understanding. I got quite harsh comments from some of my arab friends that i don't understand anything from the Quran & they understand because I am not arab and that I don't know the arabic language or understand it.

My belief is that if God has said that He will protect His Book, He will do so in whatever language it may be in, because He is the one Who has created them for us. I know there are various types of translations e.g. Pickthall, Yusuf Ali(i rely on this one), etc. But the translations i've compared are very similar and lead to the same idea for an ayah. But some are different. What do things in brackets mean? are they the opinions of the translators?

1st Question - what should i do? should i get an arabic language learning course? I know how to read the recitations on arabic only. (But in my opinion most arabs don't understand even what they're reading - in arabic!)

2nd Question - do you think the translations have changed the Message from the original intent of the statements? will we ever really get the true essence of God's Message (before we face God and He tells us), i.e. us the non-arabic speaking/non-arabs? (The Arabs are so proud that the Quran is in their language & they think they are the ones who understand it best! And so they pity us and think that's why we go astray by not following the Hadiths etc.)


Salaam Alaykum,

God bless you for enlightening me / others. 



This helps to clear my understanding  that KHULA is not Quranic word and even woman needs to go through same procedure as men i.e. reconciliation, iddat, respectful habitation etc.

What is the meaning of Khula in Arabic and how did it get entry that people (including me) was accepting it as God's Law.


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