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Messages - Reader Questions

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Salam alaykum Joseph,

I had a couple questions on 3:7

Verse 7. He it is Who has sent down to thee the Book: In it are verses basic or fundamental (of established meaning); they are the foundation of the Book: others are allegorical. But those in whose hearts is perversity follow the part thereof that is allegorical, seeking discord, and searching for its hidden meanings, but no one knows its hidden meanings except Allah. And those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: "We believe in the Book; the whole of it is from our Lord:" and none will grasp the Message except men of understanding.

1.  Some believe that the verse says...."but no one knows its hidden meanings except Allah and those who are firmly grounded in knowledge.  They say: "We believe in the Book; the whole of it is from our Lord:" and none will grasp the Message except men of understanding.

So some say the sentence ends at the end of "and those who are firmly grounded in knowledge."

I personally feel that the Qur'an left some ambiguity because those grounded in knowledge will grasp much of the allegorical verses (wheras many of those not with knowlede will not) but they may not grasp all the verses with the allegorical meaning and they may not grasp the full profundities of meanings and multiplicities of meanings as of course God can.

2.  "But those in whose hearts is perversity follow the part thereof that is allegorical, seeking discord, and searching for its hidden meanings, but no one knows its..."

I understand why it is perverse to seek discord but is not searching for hidden meanings good so we can ponder on the Qur'an as other verse tell us to do so?

Maybe the criticism is only on "seeking discord" part but "searching for hidden meanings" is still attached to it as a do you interpret it?

Assalamu Alaikum Br. Joseph:

Re:  Sura 2:34:  It says that Iblis was included amongst the "nonbelievers" when he refused to bow down before Adam.  It appears that there were other nonbelievers at time.  What is your opinion ?   


Dear Brother Joseph, Salam

Brother below claims that the explantion of the Qur'an by Muhammad (AS) is preserved (in Hadith Books). What is your opinion on what is being claimed?


Allah has promised to preserve Al-Zikra.  Not just Quran.  Quran is part of Al-Zikra (Wahi)
Firstly, please read Quran (48:28)
It is He who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all religion. And sufficient is Allah as Witness.
Then read Quran (75:17-19)
Indeed, upon Us is its collection and its recitation.
So when We have recited it [through Gabriel], then follow its recitation.
Then upon Us is its clarification [to you].
This means that it is Allah who explained the meanings of Quran to Prophet Muhammed (pbuh).  So it is also Wahi and part of Al-Zikra that Allah has promised to preserve. 
The only correct meaning of Quran are the ones that Allah revealed to prophet Muhammed (pbuh) as mentioned in this verse.  All other interpretations that are different than that what Prophet (pbuh) taught are false.

Assalamu alaikum,

I always have questions about the commentries that i have read on the surah al fil.

Since Christianity was one of the only two revealed religions at that time and Abraha wanted to destroy the ka'aba which was then a center of idolatory in order to divert pilgrims to the new church he built in Yemen, why would God destroy him? Remember he wanted to divert people from a center where idols were worshiped to where one true God was worshiped.

Kindly share your thoughts on this.


Salam Joseph,

I wanted to know if like the Qur'an, the description of the jinn or a similar concept of the supernatural existed in the previous books revealed to earlier prophets?

If so, are there any references?


Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / Salat and Surah Fateha
« on: March 15, 2012, 03:51:13 AM »
Dear Joseph,


I have the following question in relation to the way we pray salat or the verses we recite. Why do we have to pray Surah Fateha and why is it so prescriptive?

Dear Joseph,


I have the following question:

If destiny is pre-ordained, then why do we pray to God to alter events for us?

Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / Wines/alcohol in food
« on: March 08, 2012, 11:56:17 PM »
Dear brother Joseph,

Salaam alaikum, InshaAllah all's well with you.

I'm always careful to stay away from using any wines/alcohols in my food or eating such foods containing them when outside/buying. But most chefs/cooks tell me and i know too that when wines are cooked the alcohol is burned off/evaporates.

Anyways, my question is, is this something that's totally haraam or is ok to eat foods cooked/containing wine/alcohol/liquor? my husband doesn't seem to be bothered by this because he says it's no big deal, "we're not eating this to get drunk or it won't make our mind foggy", but i hesitate a lot to the point he dislikes it because i think that it is haraam.

I will be going some place soon and there maximum food is cooked with wine - it's their tradition and halaal food is nearly scarce, so it won't only be wines/alcohol it's halaal meat too. Please help.


[Subject title above as received by email]


My name is [Name Removed] and I'm from Chile (south america). I'm writing to you because among the vast material there is of Islam yours is (according to me) the most balanced (I think that is the word). I've looked at websites where they hold haddiths as high as the qur'an, others that do not believe in them at all (most of them regarding "code 19" that I do not know if your familiar with) or others where they treasure haddiths but in a specific way (different suffi orders).

So, I'd appreciate very much if you had the time (whenever possible) to answer some questions. Well, the most important one is, where should I start the study of the qur'an? I've been reading stuff (webpages mostly, not that much of the qur'an) since august (more less) but in a very disorganized way. I'm confused between a philosophical approach or a mystical one. Would you recommend me to read biographys on the prophet? (Martin Ling's, Karen Armstrong's). I'm confused and puzzled with some verses such as the "100 lashes" one, "cut-off the hand's thief" one or "beat your wife" one. I know there is a context for this. In fact, I read one translation where they give more meanings to the "hand" one (as to make the qur'an more universal as it claims to be).

The concept of God (which somehow I know that exists) is rather difficult for me to handle. Is it a "Being", meaning he is like a regular being but on a higher status? Is it an active "entity" that is constantly interacting with us? How can then can we relate the events of this world with our free will and "his" Will.

I'm sorry for all this unorganized "chatter" or "chit chat", but I think that it shows that I'm looking for something. I've been trying to find spirituality since long ago without positive results.

Well, thank you for your time.

Greetings (saludos)...

Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / Mount Sinai
« on: March 06, 2012, 06:57:14 PM »
Assalamu alaykum, Dear Brother Joseph!

While searching information about the true location of Mount Sinai I encountered your website and got very interested in your article 'MOUNT SINAI '“ BEHIND THE TRANSLATIONS'.
Actually, there are two issues in your article that attracted my attention: the first '“ geographical and the second '“ linguistic. I read about the discoveries of Mr. Wyatt regarding Jebel al-Laws and it seems to be the true location of Mt. Sinai. I hope that the Saudi government will allow there researchers.
Now the second issue.
First of all, I should say that I don't know the Arabic language (except reading and basic grammar rules). The mater is I was very surprised to find out that the term At-Tur doesn't mean mountain in its primary sense (however, most scholars imply the Mount Sinai).
It seems that the word at-Tur is mentioned it Quran 12 times: Al-Baqara: ayahs 63, 93, An-Nisa': 154, Al-A'raaf: 143, 171, Maryam: 52, Ta Ha: 80, Al-Mu'minun: 20, Al-Qasas: 29, 46, At-Tur: 1 and At-Tin: 2.
However, the actual word 'Sinai' in Arabic appears only 2 times (if I am not mistaken): 23:20 and 95:2. (reference to the 12 Tribes of Israel).
Commenting on the Ayat 95:1-2 you assumed that the two terms 'at-Tur' and 'Sineen' might refer to different locations. But what about the Ayat 23:20 that you failed to comment in your article?:

Washajaratan takhruju min toori saynaa tanbutu bialdduhni wasibghin lilakileena

And a tree (olive) that springs forth from Mount Sinai, that grows oil, and (it is a) relish for the eaters
Here the two words toori saynaa seem to correlate (probably based on geographical or other proximity) and this is the second place in Quran where the word 'Sinai' is mentioned.

So what do you think, can the word at-Tur be interpreted as 'mount' in the Ayat 23:20?

Thank You and Best Regards
Assalamu alaykum!

Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / 30 Para's / Juz of the Quran
« on: February 24, 2012, 10:09:47 AM »

Some claim that the 30 para's were made under the supervision of the Prophet. Others claim that the surah splits were done after the demise of the Prophet. Which one is correct?

Wassalam wa Rahmatullah Brother,

Jazakallah for ur beneficial inputs.

As per what i understand so far is that bani Israel are the generations of which were carried on noahs ark and were the direct addressee of Musa AS and Isa AS and also Isa AS gave glad tidings of Muhammad (Ahmad) AS to them....

Although one thing still disturbing me is that Allah already called descendants of yaqoob AS as 'Aal e Yaqoob ' in 12:6, so i still feel tough to conclude Yaqoob A.S as Israel. Also bro in 3:93 it is mentioned that a particular man named Israel(not bani Israel ) forbidden for himself some food before torah was given to musa A.S. This ayah attributes negative aspect to Israel, therefore i try to abstain counting Israel and Yaqoob A.S as same.

Well in the end it doesn't bring any conflict in understanding of other verses of Quran so far...

May Allah guides us to the truest...

Take care brother

Best Regards

Salam brother,

* My inherited concept about Bani Israel is that they are descendants of Yaqoob A.S, but i didnt find the proof 4m quran to approve or disapprove , also absurd fable is attributed in bible as Yaqoob A.S fighting Allah. (nauzbillah)

*i think as per my search that Israel was a man who forbidden some food for himself before torah was given to Musa A.S. Bani Israel are descendants of Israel as clear from the name itself. (3:93) At the time of Musa AS they were enslaved under firaun in Egypt (7:105) They were also present at the time of Dawood A.S & Isa A.S (5:78)

*IIPCTV Mohammad skeikh advocates on the basis of 17:3 that they are descendants of people carried on Noah's Ark. I find it difficult to swallow because quran mentions them separately in (19:58).

Plz shed light on this.

May Allah guide us all...

Dear Mr. Joseph,

Can you clarify on following:

The father of Prophet Mohammad was ABD-U-ALLAH, which I understand to mean servant of Allah. This means he was worshipper of Allah instead of Al-Lat, Uzza and Manat deities.  Does this means that he was pre-Muhammad, a monotheist?

Best Regards.

Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / Immoral Acts and Punishment
« on: February 04, 2012, 10:47:57 AM »
Dear Brother Salam
Would we be right to judge, from the verses 4:15-16 below, that immoral acts between two women or two men are punishable?
"As to those of your women who commit sexual perversity, call in four of you to witness against them, and if they bear witness then confine them to their houses, until death overtakes them or Allah makes for them a way out"
"And if two of your males commit the same (act of indecency), then punish them both, so if they repent and amend (keeping their conduct good) then turn aside from them, verily Allah is Oft-Returning (with compassion), Ever Merciful."

In the West, offences such as these are considered a personal business and the state does not regard them as decent or indecent. The state, however, is quick to act when an adult involves children in their pervert acts.

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