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Messages - hicham9

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General Discussions / Re: Geocentrism and Flat Earth in Quran II
« on: January 05, 2016, 07:05:36 AM »
That's a fake, unrealistic CGI !!!

I wouldn't lend much credibility to photographs if i were you, as these can be easily manipulated andor forged (using a photo editor) !

Regardless, i'm yet to see any qurānic evidence in support of the pseudo-scientific doctrine of heliocentrism ! Just wishful thinking :)


General Discussions / Re: Geocentrism and Flat Earth in Quran IIö
« on: January 05, 2016, 04:51:33 AM »
The point I was making is/was that when viewed from the ground (as the desert arabs did) the Earth not looks flat. But when viewed from outer space it is round.

Salute @Hassan,

Your argument is invalid because it presupposes the Qurān was sent only to a "primitive" 7th c. Arabs, when according to itself, the addressee is Humanity as a whole, the people (الناس) - aka. Adamites (بني ادم) !

Natheless, the point I was making is = it doesn't matter whether you're at ground-level, mount everest, or even as high above msl as the (so-called) "stratosphere," the earth will always look perfectly planate 360° around the observer — In other words, the earth does not look "round" from "outer space" (as we were conditioned to believe since childhood) - but Flat.

The Word of ALLH is Absolute.


General Discussions / Re: Geocentrism and Flat Earth in Quran IIö
« on: January 05, 2016, 03:45:24 AM »
With regards to the verses which supposedly state that the earth is "flat", it would help to remember that the word earth (Arabic: ard) doesn't always mean the planet earth in general. The word earth (Arabic: ard) can also mean the ground/land as evident in the following verse:

Actually, no matter how you look at it, the earth remains the earth, whether seen from ground-level, or from a high altitude.

Instead of "Planet" — think PLANATE.


Salute @Mia, all

Can ye provide one single qurānic passage that gives mention of a "spherical earth" andor a "spinning/rotating" earth ?

I don't think so :P

Indeed @OP, the Qurān advocates a geocentric view of the fascinating (dualistic) world we were born into (Creation), and does in fact negate heliocentrism on many occasions.

For instance, nowhere does the textus give mention of a "spinning ball-earth" ! Instead the Author directs the reader's attention towards an extended plane that His Absoluteness, The Supreme Creator, made a stable, ground-floor/carpet for us to dwell upon.

Consider this: in Arabic, the locution "flat earth" translates as: ارض مسطحة

Adj. مسطح (fem. مسطحة) stems from the Arabian, šemitic verbal-root sṭḥ (سطح).

Now, take a look at the one and only occurrence of vb. سطح in the Qurān (88:20) :

افلا ينظرون ... الى الارض كيف سطحت

Do they not then look ... at the earth how was it flattened/leveled ?

The root سطح denoting flatness/levelnes is known in Arabic and well attested in the šemitic tree, like e.g., šṭḥ (ܫܛܥ) in Aramaic — adj. šṭīḥ (ܫܛܝܼܚܐ) means: flat — also, cf. šṭīḥūṯā (ܫܛܝܚܘܬܐ) = flatness, and šṭīḥāʔīṯ (ܫܛܝܼܚܿܐܝܬ) = in a flat way/form; ...

Natheless, the qurānic vb. suṭiḥat (سطحت) in 88:20 is oftentimes misconstructed by traditionalists as "spread" ! They try to hide earth's flatness/levelness (in the Korān) from the foreign reader. This, i suspect is done either intentionally or subconsciously (out of bias, as most Adamitrsadhere to heliocentrism nowadays).


Islamic Duties / Re: Can verse 30:17 refers Maghrib prayer? (tum'sūna)
« on: January 04, 2016, 03:45:48 AM »
Quote from: OP
Can verse 30:17 refers Maghrib prayer (Entering upon Evening)? (tum'sūna - تُمْسُونَ) or Maghrib and Isha both???

This is a loaded question.

To my knowledge, the Qurān does not support the (sunni) "5 namaz per day" tradition. Your question presumes it does ! Also, to my scrutiny, the qurānic noun sloh (صلوه) does not denote "prayer" — at least not in 22:40.


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