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Messages - sharon

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Ok thanks my problem with 89:9 is it uses the AL before the sakahra so the AL makes it sound like specific rocks or mountains like example (I say the Romans built the buildings in the land even thow you can't see the buildings. the sentence sounds like to the reader the people at that time could see those buildings but the person who said it couldn't see them either he was just saying in genral the buildings were built here  but it is the AL what makes it sound more specific like the person could see it ) like what you wrote ("and thamud which brought rocks into the valley") you didn't use the AL before the sakahra  because the AL makes it sound like specific rocks or mountains   

This is for deliverance

Assalam alikum duster I will put them in numbers and bulliet points now on I read what joesph said again so to sum up is he saying he doesn't know if they are or not they might be or might not be to him the buildings might of been somewhere else is that what brother joesph saying

The reason the way my writing is because I'm using a mobile I don't have a laptop so I just try to keep it short

I'm not wasting time I'm just given extra information about it I have read what joesph said it just that I don't understand all what he said that was all

Sorry for posting it separately I'm just trying to give the most information also these tombs look younger then the buildings in Egypt

And people also think it was done in wadi al’Qura what is far away from mada'in saleh because mada'in saleh was called wadi al’Qura way way later on after the quran so wadi al’Qura is al alu or somewhere else

Also when it says record in a record then does that means animals are record in a record joesph

Also al hijr just means a rocky area not a country and people said this name was given to thamud and then they called madian al saleh thamud si that ended up being called al hijr also it says in a valley with a river bed madian don't fit these details also people think noah and thamud were in yemon close to ad also there is a town called thamud and the quran said allah left no people of thamud apart from the believers

And if these buildings were not built by thamud are you saying that the quran made a historical mistake by bring inspired also where I got yemon from is this is what the book is called Road of the Patriarch 2 arabia also is it not possible that 29:38 means the land not dwellings and also if they were shown then 27:52 says there were in utter ruins ruined and the buildings in petra and madain saleh don't fit these details also thamud were destroyed by a earthquake these don't fit the details because if the buildings are showing then then meant to show us how they were destroyed in verse 29:38

Also if these are tombs the quran says thamud built ho to live in not tombs

So if the animals will be resurrected does that mean there is a possibility of them going to hell 6:38

So to sum up do you believe that these tombs were built by thamud or not and is it possible that there dwellings are somewhere else like yemon and that they were destroyed between the prophets time and now and can someone tell me the meaning of 89:9 because I'm still really stuck by this verse because this verse makes it sound like the buildings were standing tall because if the nabateans did build over there dwellings or expanded the outside then thamud did not build it but what is clear is that thamud had to exsist before moses and more an likely abraham and they had to be close to noah and like I said if noah nation was the first to commit shirk then they have to of been destroyed by 9000 bc because of the gobekli temple so if noah nation was destroyed then like I said thamud had to of come close to that but in the end of the day I'm stuck on 89:9 the meaning also if thamud did build these then thamud would have to have build the buildings in petra the tombs because there the same

But joesph said it is literal

General Discussions / Do animals have any sort of accountability part 2
« on: February 05, 2017, 01:30:07 PM »
Assalam alikum I was reading your article on animals and souls and you said animals might have some sort if violation so how do we explain  the verses that say they obey everything allah says and gives because that sounds like they can't do any thing wrong so how do we explain that verse with solaman and the bird because these verse sound confusing when put together it sounds like at one moment that animals can break the law and then cant

General Discussions / 89:6
« on: February 05, 2017, 10:47:24 AM »
Assalam alikum does this verse 89:6 mean you Arabs saw the buildings or heard of the story we have all ready told you about ad and thamud and pharoh is it saying the story you have heard or the buildings you have seen 


General Discussions / Re: Where is wadi al’qura
« on: February 04, 2017, 02:32:58 AM »
Assalam alikum thanks so does this (ʿAbdullah ibn ʿUmar and Ibn Kathir who report that people called the region of Thamud Al-Hijr, while they called the province of Mada'in Saleh as Ardh Thamud (Land of Thamud) and Bayt Thamud(house of Thamud).[16][17] The conclusion that can be taken from the evidences above is that the term ‘Thamud’ was not applied to the groups that lived in Mada'in Saleh, such asLihyanites and Nabataeans,[18][19] but rather to the region itself.) Does this  Mean that al hijr is a name given to thamud not mada'in al saleh  and the name thamud was given to mada'in al saleh not that al hijr was given to mada'in al saleh

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