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Messages - sharon

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But how would we explain 2:29 and 45:13 because it makes it sound like they are created for our use and that's it

General Discussions / aliens are use
« on: February 03, 2017, 09:41:50 AM »
Assalam alikum if aliens exsist does 45:13 And He has subjected to you all that is in the heavens and all that is on the earth. It is all a favor and kindness from Him. Indeed there are signs in it for a people who think deeply) mean that we are meant to use aliens like our slaves or something like there meant to be lower than us etc

General Discussions / Re: Don't hear any sinful speech in heaven
« on: February 03, 2017, 08:05:05 AM »
also will we be able to make mistakes in heaven not sinful mistakes but like mistakes like when the angles asked allah why will you create humans or mistakes like you think your answer is right but turns out to be wrong jazzakkallah

General Discussions / laghaw
« on: February 03, 2017, 04:57:55 AM »
Assalam alikum I was just wondering what is laghaw because that could be anything like is me studying crime like killers laghaw or watching movies documentaries Like comedy having a laugh and such with friends

And verse 27:52 but mainly 89:9 or is 89:9 just a title not what they see saw etc the Arabs but like I said it is mainly 89:9 but the rest of the paragraph needs answers to please jazzakkallah

Assalam alikum joseph islam I was just wondering do you believe that thamud were the nabateans and if yes how can they when thamud were meant to come before moses and do you think thamud built those tombs in mada'in al saleh and if yes how because again thamud came before moses and those tombs date 100 bc and thamud built houses not tombs and they look like brand new not that old so how do we explain this jazzakkallah sorry to bother you because these can't have anything to do with thamud because thamud had to come at least 2000 thousand bc before moses and abraham and if we say they the nabateans built over them well that still wouldn't make them thamud and like I said the verse 89:9 and 40:21 but mainly 89:9 make it sound like these tombs are thamud but they are not so how do we explain this because it makes it sound like a historical mistake in the quran but I know the quran can't be wrong so how do we explain this jazzakkallah sorry for bothering and sorry for reapting myself alot

Ok thanks but doesn't 6:38 mean they will go to heaven and be resurrected etc sorry to keep bothering

So they will be resurrected and maybe go to heaven have a afterlife  then is that right and maybe they have some sort of a consinces feeling but like a child not like a adult etc is that right they maybe go to heaven have maybe a after but they are defferlty resurrected

Assalam alikum good logic does 2:29 when the verse says everything created on earth to use does that mean that animals are  robots just to use and that's it that they  just  won't be resurrected and that they don't have a afterlife heaven

General Discussions / Re: clarification needed by joesph islam
« on: January 28, 2017, 12:53:57 AM »
Never mind that last one about body's I just found another link so I got my answers but going back to emontions we are still going to be ourselves aren't we we won't be happy robots will we with all the same emotions like robots that we will have our own like and desires and still be our own selves are own unique self's won't we we won't be robots like emontions etc will we jazzakkallah

General Discussions / Re: clarification needed by joesph islam
« on: January 28, 2017, 12:47:57 AM »
Ok thanks but will we still be humans in heaven and will our body's be physical like now but different

General Discussions / Re: Don't hear any sinful speech in heaven
« on: January 28, 2017, 12:39:35 AM »
Ok so it means we won't do the bad stuff on earth in heaven but it dissent mean we won't hear it from earth like we would be able to see the history of the world like Hitler and stain doing bad stuff and sinful speech from heaven like watching a documentary so we would be able to hear that that in heaven but that stuff and we won't hear that kind of stuff in heaven is that correct jazzakkallah

General Discussions / Re: Where is wadi al’qura
« on: January 26, 2017, 12:04:51 AM »
Also I have a another question example if person A builds a house but he dies and his house is empty for 40 years and is old meaning paint decayed then person B comes along lives in it but does it up by putting new paint and plaster on it to make it look new but the house bricks are still the same as person A put there could you still call the house as persons A house who first built it and lived in it bur person B just did it up

General Discussions / Re: Where is wadi al’qura
« on: January 25, 2017, 06:36:19 PM »
Thanks jazzakkallah but where is it on the map because I can't find it on the map

Assalam alikum I was just wondering where is wadi al’qura in saudia Arabia is wadi al’qura al Ula or somewhere else

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