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Messages - Ismail

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The word al 'afv here means:

A moderate amount of good things, so that no embarrassment is caused to the giver (2:219, 2:267, 17:29, 15:67).

A. Ismail Sait.


Why prophet Saleh warned the people not to obstruct the she-camel drinking the water on the appointed day and time?   

Because their disobedience in that matter would mean the final showdown.

Why they ignored the objection and went on even to kill the camel?

Because they were arrogant. (7:146)

A. Ismail Sait

General Discussions / How did the Prophet teach Al Qur'an?
« on: January 07, 2014, 08:36:39 PM »

In the absence of any report whatsoever, that the Prophet gave lengthy discourses on

Thafseer of Al Qur'an, people are wont to ask, as to how then, did he teach the Book to his disciples?

We only know for certain, and that too according to Al Qur'an, that the Prophet and his disciples used to spend long hours, reciting or listening to Al Qur'an, in rapt attention (73:1-4), probably, in Salah. (Here, the ordinary idea of the outward form of Salat, consisting of standing in attention, prostrating, etc; will do.)

And there is no doubt at all that the practice of this exercise - that of reciting or listening to Al Qur'an in rapt attention - is what propelled them to a life, that, subsequently, was instrumental in changing the world, for the better.

With all this in mind, read on:

According to a classic Arabic dictionary, Mufradathul Qur'an, by Ragib, the infinitive of the form of thaf'eel, namely the word Tha'leem, of the root 'Ayn Laam, Meem, has, among others, the sense of facilitating the imparting or imbibing of knowledge, skill, etc.

For example, the sense also encompasses providing the students good food, all other basics of life and well being, and providing them an environment with the least of distractions.

From here, it is possible to infer that the facility or vehicle, of Salat, was employed by the Prophet in order to instill Al Qur'an into their bodies, hearts, minds, and souls.

If you open, and, after opening the page for the word "teach", scroll down to the sub heading Synonym Study, you can find that "teach" can refer to almost any practice that caused others to develop skill or knowledge: to teach children to write; to teach marksmanship to soldiers; to teach tricks to a dog.(dictionary quote ends here.

In order to make the reading interesting, please keep the last example in the online dictionary: to teach tricks to a dog, as you proceed:

Now refer to (5:4) in Al Qur’an.

“They ask thee what is lawful to them as (food). Say: Lawful unto you are (all) things good and pure: And what you have taught the beasts and birds of prey, training them to hunt in the manner directed to you by Allah: Eat what they catch for you, but pronounce the name of Allah over it: and fear Allah; for Allah is swift in taking account.” (Translation by Yusuf Ali. Itallics mine.)

Here, in 5:4, the original (word translated here as training,) is a form of the infinitive “tha’leem”.

Look at the amazing coincidence of what is referred to as an example for teach, in the English online dictionary, and the reference in Al Qur'an regarding the derivative of the infinitive tha'leem in (5:4), to refer to the training of animals for the purpose of hunting.

The only thing I want to stress is that, from the above narrative, we can safely infer, that  the Arabic infinitive “tha’leem”, also has the sense: to enlighten, discipline, drill, school, indoctrinate.

Especially because, the above mentioned recitation (especially in salat), has all this potential and more, as in (8:2), and, ((9:124).

What better teaching, can there be?

A. Ismail Sait


"The Quran clearly states Thamud people created inequities on earth 7:73.  How??  They had shortage of water.  Whatever water was accumulated, was reserved by the big-wigs of the community for themselves and their animals and the animals of the poor died of thirst (note, the weaker sections of the population supported Saleh 7:74).  Prophet Saleh told these people that, to reserve the water for a section of the people which has been provided by God free of cost for all creations is unjust.  He warned them to desist from this path or they would be destroyed.  Thus after a lot of argument they agreed that everyone should water their animals by turn (note, in 26:155 the warning is very specific that the she camel should be allowed to drink water on its appointed day and time).  Therefore, to test their commitment to the agreement, which Saleh would let loose a she camel and see whether it was allowed by them to drink water in its turn.  If it was allowed to drink on its turn then it would mean that they were  sticking to the agreement but if they didn’t then it would mean that they had made the agreement only superficially. This is what happened and they killed the camel heartlessly. "

What is in italics, is mere conjecture. The bold, indeed, is a fact. The underlined, is illogical.

A. Ismail Sait.


These are my thoughts on Optimist's second of the two latest posts.

(1)  Saleh insisted that his camel and their camels share water according to fixed timings. He also insisted that his camel be allowed to freely graze without undue hindrance. The ultimatum was that they should not harm it! Else, grave punishment would befall them.

The disobedience need not necessarily have been particularly linked to any previous dispute regarding sharing of water, or any dispute regarding land.

Saleh's ultimate, fateful insistence was only regarding his camel, which he called God's Camel. There is no mention of any oppressors or the oppressed regarding herds of animals belonging to different people.

(2)  Saleh, like every other prophet, invited them to single minded devotion to God in every respect.

They kept disobeying him, until the Divinely Ordained Test of God's Camel.

(3)  The issue, all along, was not at all "that of a single camel drinking water".

The issue was continuous, obstinate disobedience [as in (2)], to none other than the Almighty Himself.

A. Ismail Sait.

General Discussions / Re: Hello from a Monotheist outside of Islam
« on: January 06, 2014, 09:57:42 PM »

I think they criticize the Versions only, and not the Original Injeel.

A. Ismail Sait.

Islamic Duties / Re: A counter to Quranists
« on: January 06, 2014, 01:19:13 AM »

In my post, I had written:

(2:238), (20:14), and (23:1-2) are the really neglected verses as regards Salat.

Meaning, that the spirit of Salat, highlighted in them, fails to register in our minds and hearts.

(2:238): "...Stand for Allah, in utter dedication."

(20:14): "...And establish Salat, for My remembrance."

(23:1-2): "Successful indeed are the Believers; those, who, in their Salat, are humble."

If only we perform Salat in the light of the above Verses!

Then indeed, we will be guided aright in every way, all our lives, in sha Sllah.

No more bitter conflicts, in sha Allah!

A. Ismail Sait.


General Discussions / Re: Hello from a Monotheist outside of Islam
« on: January 05, 2014, 11:16:19 PM »

I am unable, for the time being, open the link you provided, because, at the moment, adobe flash player is refusing to get installed in my computer.

A. Ismail Sait.

General Discussions / qur'an codes, and bible codes?
« on: January 05, 2014, 11:05:10 PM »

Click the following links for more mysteries:

A. Ismail Sait.


What do you mean by "some ‘stage’ as maaliki yaumid deen (1:3)"?

"How do you ensure that the lands obtained initially or the subsequent purchases done are devoid of any fraudulent transactions?"

Answer: (5:101), (6:152).

"A major crisis stage is slowly approaching".

Ans: It may be either way. Trade and Commerce this! Prices may either increase or decrease. Why panic?

"This man is my brother and he has a flock of ninety-nine ewes and is thus well to do."

How did you say that?

"I have only one which is my sole source of income."

How did you know?

"And instead of giving up some ewes from his stock to help his poor brother, he is asking me to give my only ewe to him."

Such redundant remarks can throw our whole focus off the mark.

"He always prevails in argument."

He never said this.

"..he came to the conclusion that it was a case of an extreme unjust economic system, in which large capital attracts the smaller capital.."

Injustices in which a person prevails upon another in order to dupe him, should not be blamed on any one system.

"Even a child should be able to understand it is clearly and unequivocally relate to people controlling the natural resources and exercising ownership over them." 

A sturdy, good-natured male, helping out a weak, shy female at busy public water taps are a common sight to see.

What has ownership of land anything to do with this?

Water holes in deserts are not anybody's property. The insistence of Saleh on a certain sharing of water was only regarding just one particular she camel.

That it was a test preceded by water hole monopoly or land grabbing/land mafia, is neither mentioned nor clearly evident.

The injunction regarding the 'Camel of God' (91:13) was a last chance (to test their obedience), and a final ultimatum to the disobedient people of Saleh. Their disobedience has not been specified as being that of water hole monopoly.

A. Ismail Sait.





Islamic Duties / Re: A counter to Quranists
« on: January 05, 2014, 03:47:41 PM »

The ardent, bitter bickering regarding the form and timings of Salat is due to the fact that we are neither satisfied, nor are we really focused on what God has to say about Salat. Of course, the Qur'an does say that the Salat is (was, or has been) decreed, according to timing(s).

The particular timings referred to in (4:103) may also be construed as an Administrative arrangement suitable to the situation obtaining at the time of Revelation.

But the spirit is what is important, as that is is what is really stressed, and that is what is crystal clear.

And that is exactly what is out of focus everywhere, Qur'anists, or not.

(2:238), (20:14), and (23:1-2) are the really neglected verses as regards Salat.

Once our focus is corrected, everything else will follow, in sha Allah.

A. Ismail Sait.

General Discussions / Re: Hello from a Monotheist outside of Islam
« on: January 05, 2014, 10:51:48 AM »

Thank God for the Internet. It presents different views, for us to evaluate.

As is clear from the above posts, nobody believes anything just because it is in the Internet.

A. Ismail Sait.


According to you, yaumwhose plural is in the Verse, means eons.

According to, there are three meanings. Which one do you think rightly fits into the intention of the Author of Al Qur'an?

1. an indefinitely long period of time; age.
2. the largest division of geologic time, comprising two or more eras.
3. Astronomy . one billion years.

Nowhere is it written that banning ownership of land is a remedy for injustice.

You said, industrialists (evil forces, according to you) sometimes control governments.

Industrialists need not necessarily be evil forces.

They may even be able to pressurize governments to eschew injustice.

There is no evidence at all in the Qur'an that Moses and Saleh (Allah's peace and His choicest blessings be on all His prophets and their followers.) were deputed to fight ownership of land.

Nor does the incidence at Madyan, or the episode of Saleh, clearly and unequivocally relate to ownership of land.

A. Ismail Sait. 


Cultivated land is what is generally held as private property. Who in the world, has ever prohibited this?

Normally, the rest is either public grazing fields, or hunting grounds, or inaccessible, rocky, hilly areas. In our times especially, there is more prominence for mining, quarrying, power production, protected wild life sanctuaries, etc; outside cultivated fields.

Royal grazing grounds were, as an exception, a need of the times, in order to maintain Cavalries, etc.

Where is the clear cut evidence in the Qur'an that in the time of Salih (peace be on all God's prophets), the question was that of monopolizing of grazing grounds?

After all, in those times, this blessed globe was very thinly populated.

As for Shu'aib's daughters, they never complained, nor did anybody remark, that the herdsmen were tyrannically preventing them from watering their animals.

A. Ismail Sait.

General Discussions / Re: Hello from a Monotheist outside of Islam
« on: January 02, 2014, 07:39:16 PM »

"Gospels don't say Jesus was crucified":

A. Ismail Sait.

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