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Messages - Sstikstof

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Salam Sstikstof, I would like to comment on your question to Seraphina. The authorities can only declare punishment if the act was witnessed by 4 people.
4 witness only applicable for verse 24:4, not for verse 24:2. Here question was about future acknowledged situ by authorities. So will flogs still be due?

Salam Sstikstof,
No they wouldn't. If they were catched by at least 4 people during the act, and they saw the act with their own eyes, yes they would be flogged. But if noone saw them and after a few years they are already repented and mended their ways, then no, even if it is revealed what they did in the past, they won't get flogged. Bcs Allah is always accepter of repentance, so after almost every punishment ascribed in the Quran, the following line says "except those who repent and mend their ways". For more clarity, check surah Noor.
Salam :)
Salamun Alaikum Seraphina, Most of the scholars said that if authority have acknowledged what they did after few years later, though they repented & mended, same punishment would be issued. Indeed, they advised that not to reveal at any case, it is between the person & GOD. How do you see this opinion?

Discussions / Re: Religious authority to specific Sunnah practices
« on: February 05, 2016, 07:05:11 PM »
Dear SStikokf,

There is no need to re-invent the wheel! If the sunnah practices, practical tawatar: far more authentic than narrations, remember "actions speak louder than words" :) are not conflicting with Quran's message, then keep on doing them! No problem, but some sunnah practices are also corrupted like "attaheyat" in salat, which does not make any sense and is conflicting the Quran, logic and common sesnse in my humble opinion.
I know this. But asking question for academic purpose. Please note my point,

for example, If we students are asked to go New York by teacher, and our number 1 student went to New york through walking (which is called sunnah), and I also went to New york by plane. But walking is referred to as best sunnah. So, will this walking be given authority, or fixed system to be obeyed for going New York forever, whether I went through plane or taxi?

General Discussions / Re: What to do in difficult situations?
« on: February 05, 2016, 06:50:51 PM »
I got knowledge about indian politics much better. Look, groups you are referring can be able to do such thing just because of having support from some portion of your authority. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to flick a single force in the society. As you have mentioned they are doing it since long times, I arguably think it would be better for you to stay away from that as India gives little rights to girls as far as I know.

General Discussions / Re: What to do in difficult situations?
« on: February 05, 2016, 06:12:39 PM »
As you are not in authority, as i have told you, you have no role generally. All you can do is to aware the people around you by expressing them the Quran verses & what actually said in Quran.

General Discussions / Re: What to do in difficult situations?
« on: February 05, 2016, 04:57:36 PM »
Salam All...

Hope..all are fine...I live in India...and muslim population in India is greater in number compared to some other countries...recently...we have been facing some problems within the community...a muslim organisation...Tamil Nadu Tawheed active and...has been conducting various conferences and other things in the state of Tamil Nadu (a part of India)...actually...its propagating hatred towards other communities and the name of Anti-idol worshiping...India is a secular country...and no religion is considered to rule..only...democracy is the recent conference conducted by Tawheed Jamath in Tamil has stated...that..they will make India a Islamic State and will enforce Sharia Law and all...from their talks...they seem to be IS sympathizers..and one more thing is...they are disturbing the communal harmony between all religions in the country...such talks and conferences will prompt other religions...especially Hindus to go against Muslims (and they can be successful India is the Hindu Majority Country) is really sad thing...that...they are creating trouble for everyone and trying to disturb the peace and harmony in the country...I want to complaint against the Government and wanted to stop them from conducting any other conferences...i know it is not easy..but i wanted to family would not allow will fear that...we can be attacked by the so called this point...what should we do?...should i still go with the complaint to the Government..or should i just let them do whatever they want?

I hope you guys can guide...

Thanks and regards,

You should let them do whatever they want. Logically, when you try to force something to do to someone, Result will be opposite day by day, like Newton's third velocity law. Islam is belonged to this concept too. Never force to anyone about anything.

Personally, if any hindu goes against you or your family, your duty is to show them what is actually written in Quran by expressing verses.

Women / Re: Women Modest Dress Example
« on: February 05, 2016, 04:26:28 PM »
Salam Sstikstof...

So...does that mean...we should cover our full arms during prayer?...
half would be better. We do half arm covering here.

Discussions / Re: Religious authority to specific Sunnah practices
« on: February 05, 2016, 04:16:51 PM »
Sunnah...was mostly derived from Hadeeth...When...Quran says is complete and everything is in detailed...we do no need hadeeth...but..for some things...we can follow consist of...bowing...standing...and prostrating...we can follow prescribed in hadeeth..but should be conscious enough to only mention about God and pray to other names should be called during these days..consist of Salawat..that is...sending duas to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)...we should not do such things...we should only pray to GOD...and there are other things...we may not have to follow...Sunath is optional...not compulsory...where as...following Quran is mandatory...even Quran does not mention anything about Sunnah...but...people find it hard to leave their life long..practices...that is the thing...
please be notified that sunnah practices that have sanctioned by the quran reached us through generation to generation or el masse propagation which is called tawatur, not through hadith. My question is based on it that are these forms compulsory or have authority as fixed? If for example some forms are changed, will it be against Islam?

Discussions / Re: Religious authority to specific Sunnah practices
« on: February 05, 2016, 03:39:51 PM »
I'm not against the existing sunnah practices, but just want to know is it given as religious authority or compulsory to follow that form?

Women / Re: Women Modest Dress Example
« on: February 05, 2016, 03:24:28 PM »
Please be advised that men can freely walk around as bare body, but at the time of praying men have to wear suitable dress to show respect to god. Similar case goes to women too. Quran specifies it clearly that take your clothes and adorning suitably for prayer.

General Discussions / Re: Verse 17:107 >> Prostrate on chin or forehead?
« on: February 05, 2016, 12:21:39 PM »
Thanks for info :)

Discussions / Re: Religious authority to specific Sunnah practices
« on: February 05, 2016, 12:18:13 PM »
Please be notified that salat,hajj and alms giving etc. These are timeless and suitable for all society norms. That's why I asked such type of question.

Discussions / Religious authority to specific Sunnah practices
« on: February 05, 2016, 02:53:10 AM »
Does Sunnah practices sactioned by the Quran like praying, giving alms etc. can be given "religious authority" ? For example, Will i have to maintain salat form, zakat form, Hajj procedure and other sunnah practice forms which got support from the Quran, as fixed as it was done by our prophets?

General Discussions / Re: Verse 17:107 >> Prostrate on chin or forehead?
« on: February 05, 2016, 02:43:29 AM »
So it is not for us & we prostrate as we do with forehead?

General Discussions / No Sect!
« on: February 05, 2016, 01:30:47 AM »
Please share all of your opinions what do you think of it?

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