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Messages - sharon

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General Discussions / Re: Don't hear any sinful speech in heaven
« on: January 24, 2017, 09:44:44 PM »
Ok thanks so what does the quran mean by we won't hear sinful speech in heaven does it mean we won't hear about what sins people did on earth or does it just mean that we won't hear people do what they did on earth in heaven like for example we will hear what people did on earth like backbiting but they won't be be backbiting in heaven is that what it means or does mean that we won't hear story's or watching what people did in earth because if not then does that mean we won't hear about history and all that about us and people doing sins on earth and how we changed etc because I want to learn about what we did on earth and how the bad changed and how they become good and got closer to god if you know what I mean jazzakkallah

General Discussions / Re: arabic and verse 89:9
« on: January 24, 2017, 06:09:30 PM »
The verse what say thamud came way before moses is 40:28-30 and 20:49-52

Assalam alikum I am the opion that it's difficult to say I'm of the opion that it is only haram if you are charging someone instrest because I'm the view that if you are the victim then it is not haram and to say it's wrong because you don't know where that money has come from we would have to say that if someone gives you a gift then we would have to ask where that money come from would be rude so like I said it is difficult to say I go with the intention if your intention was to get instrest then that is probably wrong but if your intention was just to have a credit to use and use and don't be the victim then that's probably not wrong but like I said there are different of opions on this jazzakkallah

General Discussions / Don't hear any sinful speech in heaven
« on: January 24, 2017, 06:00:01 PM »
Assalam alikum does that verse mean we won't be able to hear the quran in heaven because it says we won't hear sinful speech so does that mean we won't hear about the story of pharoh saying I'm god and about other people's sins like luts town and how the prophets went to them to stop them

General Discussions / Re: arabic and verse 89:9
« on: January 23, 2017, 07:49:11 PM »
Yes but like I said thamud can't be the nabteons because nabateans came 400 bc and gone 100 ad that would mean that they were destroyed 100 ad but there were no prophets between jesus and muhammad and like I said the quran clearly says that thamud came before moses and moses came 1300 bc and the nabateans didn't exsist then but like I said I have no problem saying that thamud oraganly built those buildings but they were ruined then thousands of years later the nabateans came did it up regenerated it from the out and built there graves inside what was already built by thamud thousand of years before the nabateans but my problem is that 89:9 says thamud carved the rocks but they didn't carve the outside at the time of the prophet like now because the outside was redone by the nabteons so how to we explain what 89:9 mean is it past tense or present jazzakkallah

General Discussions / Re: clarification needed by joesph islam
« on: January 23, 2017, 01:37:11 AM »
I'm sorry I apologise sorry

General Discussions / Re: clarification needed by joesph islam
« on: January 22, 2017, 03:39:42 PM »
Yes I apologise  I'll try to be more patient sorry jazzakkallah

General Discussions / Re: clarification needed by joesph islam
« on: January 21, 2017, 09:42:58 PM »
And also you said will be created a new creation in heaven does that mean we won't be are own unique self's and does that mean we won't be human beings mean does that mean we won't be the species of humans and will we have a physical body or will we just be spirits with no body and also why didn't you answer and why did you delete my question in your section about your articles the thamud nabateans about your article I apologise if any of this seems forceful or rude I'm not I'm just writing on a mobile so I have to keep it short I just want some clarifications on these please jazzakkallah and I'm sorry again for bothering you jazzakkallah

General Discussions / Re: clarification needed by joesph islam
« on: January 21, 2017, 09:22:49 PM »
I just don't know what you meant by that in the widest sense possible sorry to bother you

General Discussions / clarification needed by joesph islam
« on: January 21, 2017, 09:22:01 PM »
Assalam alikum brother joesph islam my question is I was read one of your answers and you put down that malice will be removed in paridise 7:43 but you put in ( the widest sense possible) I was just wondering what do you mean by that do you mean in a extreme sense like we we won't even hate sin do you mean we are not going to have any emontions of are own do you mean that we are just going to be happy like happy robots like we are all the same like we have had a lobotomy that we don't have are own unique emotions that we won't have are own likes and are own desires that we won't be are own selves different from each other are own unique self that we won't have the emontions to hate like we won't hate sin or hell etc

General Discussions / Re: arabic and verse 89:9
« on: January 21, 2017, 05:05:34 PM »
Assalam alikum so what you are saying is that the nabateans built over the tombs meaning they renovate the thamud buildings but originally they were thamud is that right and if yes well I'm fine with that but that doesn't mean the thamud carved those tombs because the nabateans and that would not explain 89:9 because it says thamud carved thanks where I got 7000 bc from is in the quran it says that thamud and AD were very close to noah and that gobekli temple that place nation was destroyed or abandoned 7000bc so if noah nation was the first to commit shirk and that nation built idiols and temple 9500bc then if noah nation first commit shirk about 10 thousand bc just before they committed shirk so noah nation would of be destroyed 9 to 8 thousand bc and according to scholars the next first nation to be destroyed after noah was ad then thamud and as the quran said there were many nations in between thamud and abraham so if noah came then then ad and thamud has to be close to them and that's were I get the 7000 bc from because noah nation must of committed shirk at 10 thousand bc and destroyed 9-8 thousand bc and then came ad and thamud so the most we can say is thamud was destroyed 6-5 thousand bc but that is the least because also see there was a nation called ad I'm oman on the near the sea and they started in 3 thousand bc but they were gone by 300 bc so they can't be the ad from the quran so the ad from the quran has to come before that and thamud jazzakkallah 

General Discussions / atharan
« on: January 20, 2017, 04:03:58 PM »
Assalam alikum I was just wondering can atharan mean results in English and caused by something like made

General Discussions / clarification on verse 89:9 and 89:7
« on: January 20, 2017, 03:17:31 PM »
Assalam alikum sorry to bothwr i just need a clarifaction on these verses then ill leave it these parts of the verses 89:9 (who carved out the rocks in the valley) and 89:7 (iram owners of the lofty pillars) are these part of the verses speaking in the present tense or past tense just these verses if you were to only read theses verse 89:6-9 (have you not seen how your Lord debt with the tribe of ad of iram owners of the lofty pillars whitch were not created in the land like any other nation and thamud who carved out the rocks in the valley) are these part of the verses in past tense or present and when it says rocks does it mean mountions or just normal bolders

General Discussions / Re: arabic and verse 89:9
« on: January 20, 2017, 04:04:30 AM »
So are you saying these tombs have nothing to do with the nabateans but the trouble is these tombs like brand new and thamud has to come at least 7 thousand bc because if noah nation was the first to commit shirk the they have to come before 9500 bc because there is proof of a nation committing shirk 9500 bc the gobekli temple turkey and if they were gone or destroyed at 7000 bc then thamud has to be before that because they were close to noah nation

General Discussions / Re: arabic and verse 89:9
« on: January 20, 2017, 01:26:59 AM »
Does rocks in that verse mean mountains or just rocks to make there palaces or does it mean mountains

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