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Islamic Duties / Re: Is Zakat 20% ?
« on: October 06, 2017, 10:05:50 AM »
Thank you Duster, After finding this article only I started the analysis on gh-n-m :), Thank you brother Joseph

Islamic Duties / Is Zakat 20% ?
« on: October 05, 2017, 10:35:39 AM »
Dear All,
Assalaamu 'Alaikum.

I would like to share some of my understanding about Zakat from the Qur'an.

[Al Qur'an 20:18] He said: "It is my stick/cane, I lean on/support myself on it, and I hit/move/shake with it on my sheep and goats, and for me in it others needs/purposes."

Here, the root gh-n-m denotes sheeps and goats.
Since, in the ancient times, cultivation or livestock farming were the major sources of income, gh-n-m may denote the property/income.

So, the verse 8:41 can be an explanation for the Zakat that an individual have to pay (Since same root gh-n-m used there)

[Al Qur'an 8:41] "And know that what you acquired/ gained/ obtained, from a thing, that to God its fifth and to the messenger and (those) of the relations/near, and the orphans, and the poorest of poor/poor oppressed, and the traveler/stranded traveler... "

Many exegetes interpret as, the root gh-n-m denotes booty/spoils of war, but The Quran itself declared that the spoils from war belonged entirely to Allah and the messenger.
[Al Qur'an 8:1] " They ask/question you about the spoils/gifts (n-f-l), Say: "The spoils/gifts (are) to God and the messenger..." [59:6&7 further explanation]

So 20% from any gain of an individual is for the society (for the mentioned categories) and the spoils of war is also for the society (for the mentioned categories).
And Allah knows best.

Discussions / Re: Movies and Drama
« on: September 13, 2017, 11:52:32 PM »
I think am not knowledgeable for the previous reply :) Taking back my post :)

Discussions / Re: Killing pests/insects
« on: September 11, 2017, 10:13:02 AM »
And remember when you are killing an animal/ insect etc. you are destroying a living being, which is created by God and you can't make it alive again.

Discussions / Re: Killing pests/insects
« on: September 10, 2017, 11:30:34 PM »
Assalaamu 'alaikum All,

Brother good logic,
I believe that committing a sin by human will happen only after reaching an age of moral maturity or the ability to judge between right and wrong.
And regarding dangerous insects/animals or the animals/insects which spread incurable diseases, I believe such troubles/dangers are happening as a trial punishment from God, so killing of such animals/insects are not the proper solution.
"And what struck/hit you from a disaster so (it is) because (of) what your hands gathered/acquired..."(42:30, 30:36, 30:41, 5:49, 4:79).

Discussions / Re: Killing pests/insects
« on: September 06, 2017, 03:06:55 AM »
Assalaamu 'alaikum,

We all are created by God. I believe THE MERCIFUL will not allow a single harm to any of His creation even at an atomic level unjustly. So any harm that happen with us is only because of our sins, hence in my humble opinion the only solution to avoid such dangerous situations is seeking forgiveness from God, and if any such situation is happening with us, we should do our best to solve it/to escape from it, except killing God's creations, In addition to seeking help from our Lord, if we deserve His help at that time, definitely He will save us, whatever the situation is.
I do not find any Qur'anic verse which supports such killing of animals/birds/insects or any of God's creation.

Discussions / Killing pests/insects
« on: September 04, 2017, 01:04:19 PM »
Assalaamu 'alaikum All,

Can we kill animals/birds/pests/rodents/insects etc. when they attack us/our cultivation ?.
Qur'an says "And what struck/hit you from a disaster so (it is) because (of) what your hands gathered/acquired, and He forgives/pardons on much." (42:30)
All organisms helps in the survival of human beings directly or indirectly by stabilizing the ecosystem. So ultimately they all are created to help us only (in my knowledge), hence is it right/just to kill/destroy them ?

Islamic Duties / Re: Funeral prayer (Janaza prayer)
« on: August 09, 2017, 11:12:39 AM »
Asalamu 3alykum

Dear brother Good logic

Thanks for sharing your kind comments

I don't mean to intrude on this discussion, but I thought I would bring it up incase you were not aware and to show why its important to translate the terms correctly and not use interpolations when it comes to translations.

You had translated verse 3:134 by using the word "Zakat" for the word "Yunfiqoona", which I find is a unwarranted translation.

You translation

"[Qoran 3:134] who give Zakat during the good times, as well as the bad times. They are suppressors of anger, and pardoners of the people. God loves the charitable."

"zakat" is not really a voluntary task in my humble opinion rather "zakat" is duty and not voluntary and must be paid by those who make a profit.

However profits do vary in ones life but it does not matter they still need to be paid. So interpreting "Allatheena yunfiqoona fee alssarrai waalddarrai" as you did would be problematic when the Quran commands "Zakat" to be paid at all times.

It would be better translated as:

3:134 "Those who spend (of that which Allah hath given them) in ease and in adversity, those who control their wrath and are forgiving toward mankind; Allah loveth the good;"

The meaning would possibly mean those who after paying their "zakat" whether they have lots of money left over(good times in ease) or not that much money left over (adversity times) still spend from what is left.

Those are my thoughts.

Please see related article


Assalaamu 'alaikum All

Brother Hamzeh,
I respectfully find no Quranic warrant for the above interpretation.

[Al Qur'an' 19:31] "And He made me blessed, wherever I was/am, and He directed/commanded me with the Prayer and the Zakat as long as I continued/lasted alive."

Here, The Qur'an gives same importance to Zakat like Swalah. Believeres are commanded to Pray at the prescribed times if they are alive, it doesn't matter in what circumstance/situation they are, whether they are diseased or on a journey or even in a fear of attack.
Eventhough the verse tells that the Prophet Jesus is 'blessed' wherever he is, Still, in my humble opinion Believers are obliged to pay Zakat irrespective of their 'profit' condition.

Islamic Duties / Re: Swalaah and it's shortened form
« on: August 04, 2017, 12:40:10 AM »
Sorry if I miss understood you but I just had the impression that you feel that the main prayer of today is not conforming with the Quran or that any tradition that is not explicit in the Quran is to be curtailed even though the Quran does not forbid it in anyway.

[Al Qur'an, 2:239] "...So when you are safe/secure then remember Allah, as He (has) taught you what you were not knowing."

Islamic Duties / Re: Swalaah and it's shortened form
« on: August 04, 2017, 12:12:39 AM »
Wa'alaikum salam

Brother Hamzeh,

I wish to reply for some of your questions.

How does a community gather people for prayer?
From a Qur'anic point, the time for the Prayer is based on Sun's movement, and it is visible to everyone, all around the globe regardless of the geography. Besides this natural announcement (I believe a true submitter will always be conscious about this), if needed, people can arrange bells (like in churches) or announcements(like Hyya-'ala-l-Sswalah; Hayya-'ala-l-Falah).

What initiates the prayer?
After gathering or ablution of all, the Imam can announce that they are going to start the Prayer. And this seems meaningful compared to the current practice. What people are doing now is making a meaningless sound 'Allahu akbar' to initiate the Prayer/to mark the transitions. The dogma/society may have conditioned you to find and imitate this as very normal and acceptable thing but, Have you ever thought about its meaning? its origin ? How carelessly/wrongly people (especially the Arabs) are using this meaningless sound when Al Qur'an mentions that we should know what we are saying in Swalah. I don't believe that Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) used this sound in his Prayer or as a call for the Prayer.

What marks the transition bowing to prostration?
What marks the ending of the prayer?
[Al Qur'an, 17:110] "...And do not (be) loud/publicized with your Prayers and do not (be) silent with it, and/but seek between that a way."

So people behind the Imam will be knowing everything.

If people from different countries/ continents followed their own ways of Swalah other than/in addition what is in the scripture, Then where is the unity ? How they can do a congregational prayer when they are united in one place ?

First if all no one is saying that countries should have different prayer formats.

I meant the 'ritual flexibility in Swalah' from your post.

Islamic Duties / Re: Swalaah and it's shortened form
« on: August 02, 2017, 09:01:28 PM »
Wa'alaikum salam

Dear brother Hamzeh,

I think you might be familiar with the Qur'anic verses which repeatedly says the perfectness and the completeness of Al Qur'an. Do you agree with that ?

And I do not understand the reason for the excerpt of the facebook post. I said nothing but to follow the scripture as it is, no addition no subtraction, and to not follow the insertions of the forefathers which are not in the scripture. Where it is confounding ?
If people from different countries/ continents followed their own ways of Swalah other than/in addition what is in the scripture, Then where is the unity ? How they can do a congregational prayer when they are united in one place ?

Anyway I do not wish to argue more with your last post.

Islamic Duties / Re: Funeral prayer (Janaza prayer)
« on: August 01, 2017, 10:17:54 PM »
Wa'alaikum salam

Brother Joseph and Brother Hamzeh,
Thank you for your replies.

I think it's time to stop from my side :) Hope I have shared my thoughts best as I can.
And Allah knows best.

After all the prayer of today in the main is not fully described in fine detail in the Quran but does indeed overlap what the Quran did command with regards how prayer should be observed. For example, the motions of the hands, the turning of the heads to the sides, etc
Brother Hamzeh, please see this if you have not read it.

Islamic Duties / Re: Funeral prayer (Janaza prayer)
« on: August 01, 2017, 11:37:03 AM »
Wa'alaikum salam

Dear brother Joseph,

Thank you for the reply.

The verse 5:106 simply mentions 'the Prayer', we are assuming it as the Janazah prayer because it is confirmed by general Muslim practice (There are much more unQuranic practices which are confirmed/followed as general Muslim practice). Suppose the practice of Janazah prayer is not in the general Muslim practice, then we will interpret the term Swalah in the verse 5:106 as the forthcoming mandatory prayer.

I am still in doubt that whether this is a true practice in Islam or not. When Qur'an gives clear description for different acts of worships like Swalah, Hajj, Umrah, Fasting in Ramadan etc, regarding the Janazah prayer there is no sufficient proof from the Qur'an.  Not even the term 'Janazah prayer' is used.

Or suppose the Swalah mentioned in 5:106 as a particular prayer done for the deceased, but a Qur'anic Swalah having prostration, the only possible exception is, in fear from the disbelievers (that too Qur'an does not tell to pray without prostration. If one can do Prayer during riding/walking/running, a symbolic prostration is also possible). The Janazah prayer confirmed by general Muslim practice lacks prostration. And if this form without prostration is a true practice in Islam, then from where humans got the form of this special prayer ? since Al Qur'an does not describe such a prayer anywhere in it. I believe it is just an assumption like, the many other assumed practices in the name of Islam.

Allah's laws are always Perfect. No doubt in that. And we are ordered to just obey the laws as prescibed. Human thoughts or any other creations(in my knowledge) are insufficient to make change in a perfect religion by adding or removing something. But instead of trying to become the true being by simply obeying the rituals/laws which are already present in the scipture, humans are finding new rituals or new ways of worship by their own thoughts and trying to institute it into the religion and misguiding the succeeding generations. This is the fact which is well evident throughout the history and in the present day as well. If this practice of funeral prayer is just a human assumption like the many other things, we will be corrupting the true religion and we will be corrupting God's laws.

[Al Qur'an 16:37] "And (do) not follow what you have no knowledge with it. Truly, the hearing, and the sight, and the heart - all those (will be) questioned about it."

Islamic Duties / Re: Funeral prayer (Janaza prayer)
« on: July 31, 2017, 12:35:11 AM »
Assalaamu 'Alaikum
Brother ilker,

I think I am wrong when I say, "So no point of performing Swalah other than the mentioned times."  I am sorry.
I don't know how valid such acts when they are performed at times other than the prescribed times. Thank you all for your kind replies/ advices.

Anyway I do not support the Janaza prayer as I did not find enough proofs for this act from Al Qur'an.


Islamic Duties / Re: Funeral prayer (Janaza prayer)
« on: July 30, 2017, 01:17:06 PM »
Assalaamu 'Alaikum all

Brother ilker,

The summarised form of my thoughts are the following,

Our whole life is only to worship God. Swalah and Hajj are timed acts of worship.

[51:56] "And I did not create the Jinns and the humankind except to worship Me."

I did not find any verse in Al Qur'an which command the believers to perform Hajj at any time they wish or to do Swalah at any time they wish. It is up to you if you want to do these acts any time as your wish, and I believe I did not say anything which contradicts the verses like 38:21-24.

Take care.

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