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Messages - Duster

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If the Arabs did not need diacritical points, how would they know if 9:28 is to read as ‘lā taqrabū’ and not ‘lā yaqrabū’?

Shalom / peace. 

The same way Arabs can read newspapers today without diacritical marks.
.....The same way even a child that reads Urdu can understand the difference between words without diacritical marks and read it correctly given the context.......Also the Quran was first an ORAL transmission. Allah inspired it and didn't put it on a tablet. The ORAL transmission was that transmitted through Hafiz (memorisers) just like today ....The ORAL transmission was then noted in parallel. Only later, were diacritical marks introduced to help NON ARABS. By then the READING was well established.

Like today, although an Arab could probably understand the Urdu script, they may need diacritical marks to pronounce it correctly.  Same way an Urdu reader may understand the Arabic script but may need diacritical marks to pronounce it correctly. 

>>>Please see below the 2 links from brother Joseph

General Discussions / Re: Do muslims have a duty to warn others?
« on: March 31, 2018, 08:32:24 AM »
Shalom / peace

Surah ASR

"By time, Indeed, mankind is in loss, Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience."

Islamic Duties / Re: Pertaining to Marriage
« on: March 27, 2018, 05:35:12 AM »
Shalom / peace Athman ... I agree. But if a marriage has not had the chance to 'complete' for whatever reason, then how can a full iddat ....full recourse to inheritance rights etc etc apply? At some point, best deduction should apply in the absence of clear verses dealing with a specific situation? Or that the other option could be that as there is no consensus like divorce ... the marriage is nullified totally ... as it didn't complete. Its like a man falling dead during the Nikaah process or straight after he makes his vows... the marriage isn't complete until consummation (unless consummation is not physically possible?). Just some thoughts ...

General Discussions / Re: About Forgiveness
« on: March 20, 2018, 02:14:20 AM »
Wa alaikum salaam Ahmad,

This is a very good question ... I am just thinking out aloud. It is our duty to fight against injustice, persecution and aggression (2:191-194, 22:39-40). But the moment the aggression or persecution ceases, we should cease all hostilities (8:61, 2:190,192.193). If forgiving the oppressor in a "position of weakness" encourages or exacerbates the oppression or injustice, and will not help bring it to a stop, then our first priority should be to stop the oppression. Once the oppression has ceased, and we are considering how to punish the oppressor for his misdeeds, thats when forgiveness would be better.

Does this make sense?

Shalom / peace .... Good response in my opinion! Thanks for this ....  8)

Islamic Duties / Re: Pertaining to Marriage
« on: March 20, 2018, 01:05:36 AM »
Shalom / peace ... Does the following response from br. Joseph help?

I'm assuming as there is no consummation, there will be no iddat as per the link above. Also all the rights - inheritance etc ..would only be applicable if there was a 'full' marriage bond....So I would say yes, she is entitled to half the dower, there will no iddat as no consummation and no entitlement to inheritance as there is no full marriage bond. I am going on from the response br. Joseph has given in the link above ....

General Discussions / Re: 58:12 charity vs truthfulness
« on: January 01, 2018, 06:44:37 AM »
Shalom / peace Hope .... A thought ... given that the prophet was always engaged in preaching and administering the affairs of the Ummah in some way, do you think any income from charitable donations from private consultations would be a problem?? He didn't ask for a fee nor was it a prerequisite or a condition for him to be able to see someone privately ... it was only a charitable donation if people wanted to donate ....

General Discussions / Re: Verse 19:71 and 72
« on: November 16, 2017, 06:33:06 AM »
Shalom / peace...

Br Joseph discusses the verses in some detail below to negate a popular traditional belief..... you might find it relevant....>>

Women / Re: Women's issues.. Again
« on: November 11, 2017, 07:07:33 PM »
but beauty may be one reason, children, comfort, etc. That probably sounds selfish and greedy, but it may apply to some men, obviously only when taking inconsideration that women are willing and not by compulsion and are getting what they need, freedom, and their justice, other wise if a man cannot provide the means, the right judgment and discernment then only one. Of course a man would have to convince his wife as well.

Totally agree .....

Women / Re: Women's issues.. Again
« on: November 09, 2017, 10:54:12 PM »
Shalom / peace br. Hamzeh .... really enjoyed your post  8)

Well I wouldn't know what to say about your position then ..... you can't provide proof, yet br Joseph provides deep analysis and evidence from the Qur'an to make his point .... yet you don't want to accept it ..... I believe this is a great forum for learning, providing evidence...... not just to make claims without any basis. 

Please show proof from the Qur'an then .... that the Ka'aba was built by prophet Abraham ....

Shalom / peace ....I think the following article is helpful...... covers the topic in good detail.....  There is also a relevant summary at the end...

General Discussions / Re: Are Quranists too extreme?
« on: November 02, 2017, 06:38:59 AM »
Shalom / Peace ......I completely 100% agree with br. Ahmad's view and post .....


The verse says it's unclean for the idolaters but not monotheistic believers. Hence if anyone believes in the one God regardless of them being Christian, Jew, Muslim or even Hindu then I don't see why it shouldn't be OK.

The purpose it would serve is in unifying people to one God rather than keeping them as separate groups.

Shalom / peace.....Monotheists of different Scriptures can still be unified under the same God but have different qiblas, places of worship, different rites and practices. There are many verses of Qur'an to support this.......Allah has also protected different Synogogues and Churches for worship  as it says in the Qur'an...

Discussions / Re: What constitutes the Torah and the Injeel today ?
« on: November 02, 2017, 06:33:05 AM »
Shalom / peace.....a possible related thread below

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