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Messages - Hassan A

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General Discussions / Re: Ayat 81:24
« on: January 26, 2016, 03:15:33 AM »
Salaam Sardar Miyan,

I agree with sister Seraphina. The verse you quoted is NOT saying prophet Muhammad (pbuh) can see into the future.
The word "Unseen" simply mean 'cannot be seen'.

Hope that helps.


General Discussions / Re: Disturbing Questions
« on: January 25, 2016, 12:39:26 PM »
Salaam mia666,

I would like to take a crack at the questions you raised.

You also asked:

what if God's will is to do injustice and cruelty to His creation?

If God had willed injustice and cruelty on His subjects then why hasn't said will taken its full course? In other words, why isn't there complete injustice and cruelty reigning supreme in the world? Sure there exists pockets of injustice and cruelty here and there, but are they more common than the opposite (i.e. good and justice)? Furthermore, if God's will was to inflict injustice and cruelty on His subjects, then to what do were attribute the good and justice to? If God had willed injustice and cruelty, then why does good and justice exist? Would not the very idea of good and justice existing suggest that God has not willed injustice and cruelty? If we are to accept the argument that God has willed injustice and cruelty, then would not the very idea of good existing suggest that God has failed to implement his "will", thereby by making Him seem weak and unable to implement His will?

Some may argument: well...there exists some pockets of injustice and cruelty in the world and that is enough to entertain the idea that God may have, indeed, willed injustice and cruelty on His subjects. To which one (a deist and theist) would respond: the reason evil/injustice and cruelty exist is not because it's what God has will, but rather they exist as a result of man's own doing/selfishness and cruelty towards his fellow man.

Not sure I the above response I gave answered question #1 or raises more question.....

As for your remaining questions, as well as the last question on #1, I will take a crack at it in the morning, God-willing.


Islamic Duties / Re: Salah in Jewish culture
« on: January 25, 2016, 06:22:28 AM »
Salaam sisters Seraphina and Truthseeker,

If, while menstruating, you (and all women) are unable to perform religious rituals for hygienic or pain-related reason, then I believe you all are justified in abstaining form said rituals. With respect to brother Joseph Islam article pertaining to this issue, I don't think he was making the argument that women must perform the religious rituals during their menses, rather he was simply pointing out the fact that the Quran does not prohibit them from participating in those rituals therefore if a woman wishes to uphold religious rituals during that time she is welcome to do so from a Quran perspective (and vice versa). But I completely agree with the gist of what both you sisters are saying, which is that if a woman doesn't feel comfortable performing the religious rituals during her menses then she is more welcome to abstain from them.:

"... Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship..." [Quran 2:185].


Parroting "F e s t i n g e" doesn't refute the arguments at hand, body

True. But that quote from him accurately describes you.


You still can't refute this one single argument

Sure. Whatever helps you sleeper easier at night, sr.

"A MAN WITH A CONVICTION is a hard man to change. Tell him you disagree and he turns away. Show him facts or figures and he questions your sources. Appeal to logic and he fails to see your point." -L e o n  F e s t i n g e.

Plz don't waste my time

I ask the same of you.

Why did you delete the part about the Qurān accurately describing reality ?!?

Ok. Apologies, I guess? Nonetheless, my (previous) argument still stands.

Actually, i also presented you with a clear and stable, RAW footage (with a rectilinear lens) showing the FLAT earth from a high-altitude of 120,000 ft, along with a scientific paper by the Optical Society of America,

I am not here to re-engage you regarding the shape of the earth and its position in our solar-system. But I will say this: for every "evidence" you presented, I (and others) have presented evidence of our own yet you fail deaf to them by either failing to address them nor acknowledged that they were legitimate proof; rather you invoked a conspiratorial argument and dismissed them as part of the Freemasons.

With respect to 88:20, go back and re-read my explanation of it in our previous "debate", because I find it unfit to waste my time regurgitating that argument I made.

You couldn't even address this one single argument

Go back and visit that debate t and you know that I ( and others) have done the best we could to address those arguments you presented. Furthermore, you're being dishonest in suggesting I/we were the only once failing to address the arguments you presented. If, again, you go back and revisit that "debate" we had, you will realize that you, as well, shrunk from addressing some of the arguments/evidence we presented.

The messenger of ALLH, the Qurān, does not "fail" at conveying the Truth

Ok, considering I have never mad such statement, so...
The fact that I was trying to convey, which you'll have a hard time disputing, is the fact that the Quran does not (nor was it intended) to touch on every subject under the sun. The Quran is neither a book of history nor of science; it is book of guidance. Its subject matter is not to record or present history of humanity or of a certain people. The purpose of its revelation is also not to teach people science of the things that they can explore and learn on their own through observation, experimentation, and trial/error. Its subject matter is guidance – teaching human being how to live in this world so that they have the most optimum personality (individually) and the most optimum society (collectively) in this world and so that they will be successful in the Hereafter.
One should not foolishly dismiss an issue simply because the Quran is silent on said issue.

Heliocentricity, the big bang, (macro)evolution, dinosaurs, and the rest of BUNK (that you & the Maj. adhere to) belong to PSEUDO-science.

You're more than welcome to hold to your diluted beliefs (as am I), but, with all due respect, don't expect me to squander my time debating someone who (as evident in a previous debate) presents "evidence" (manly pictures) when it suites his interest but dismisses the evidence/pictures others present.

Salaam samson,

Off topic question: Do you know anything about the OT and the NT?

Islamic Duties / Re: Salah in Jewish culture
« on: January 23, 2016, 01:27:09 PM »
Salaam Student,

Brother Joseph Islam has made the following statement on another category (tittled: Debates wth Jospeh Islam):

Given my ever increasing commitments and ongoing research, I will be devoting my time primarily to writing new articles (as requested by popular demand), sharing my research, papers and a plethora of notes in published document format, sharing thoughts on social media and answering general queries as best I can, God willing and time permitting.
For the foreseeable future, I will not be allocating my time in engaging in any debates which form the least of my priorities at present.

So I am not sure when brother Joseph will answer your question. But if you don't mind I will like to take a crack at your question.

You asked:

my question is, as my family has women too, Alhumdulillah, what Jewish woman do during their mensuration cycles? Do they pray or not? through out OT, NT and presently?

I can't comment on the OT and the NT, but, speaking from Quran perspective, women are instruct to uphold religious ritual (prayer, fasting, etc) while menstruating.:

Hopefully other forum members will give you an answer from the perspective of OT and NT.

By the way, I would like to welcome you to this forum. Wer're glad to have you here. Fell free to post your questions/concerns/thoughts and I and others will do our best to address them.


Salaam Seraphina,

You asked:

79:30. Some say it is "After that He spread the earth", and some say "After that He made the earth egg-shaped". The word in question is ''dahaha''. What is its accurrate meaning to be applied in this verse?

I fully concur with the following answer to a similar questions that was raised on another forum:

The word in the Arabic Language means to extend and even out. It is said: "daha" the thing; "yad'hu dahwan". These terms can mean he either evened out and extended it or he threw it and rolled it. It is also said: "the rain daha the stones from the face of the earth," which means it rolled it and washed it away. It is also said: "The horse passed by yad'hu dahwan," which means he is beating his foot on the ground and yad'hu its sand. Also, the ostrich's mad'hi means its laying of its eggs, and "ad'hiha" is the nest where its chicks are born.

So as we clearly see, all of the above Arabic words that are derived from "daha" mean:
1- To extend.
2- To roll.
3- To even out.
4- Causing to become egg-shaped or creating, making or producing eggs (see the ostrich's mad'hi example above).

The meanings all derive from the root word in arabic, there is nothing wrong with applying all the meanings especially amazing in this situation seeing as they are all true. Arabic is a rich language and words usually have more then one meaning

The Arabic word dahaha in Noble Verse 79:30 above did have multiple meanings and uses. One of them was when one refers to an ostrich egg. Another was when referring to making something extended, spread out, stretched and/or expanded. This is an example of how Allah Almighty uses scientific notions in the Noble Quran when He talked about how He created certain things. He gave words that had multiple meanings and interpretations to them to make the Noble Quran truly be for all times and all places, and show it has deeper meanings. The meanings unravel more and more as scientific discoveries increase

The shape of the earth being similar to an oblate spheroid [ Also according to Wikipedia: "The Earth's shape is very close to an oblate spheroid—a rounded shape with a bulge around the equator—although the precise shape (the geoid) varies from this by up to 100 meters (327 ft)."

Eggs can be described as prolate spheroids, ovate spheroids or oblate spheroids. The fact is the word used in the Quran has particular root link to an ostrich egg

We are specifically observing an Ostrich egg which does resemble an Oblate Spheroid and NOT Prolate Spheroid. More over technical labeling is irrelevant since these are invented modern names that we ascribe to the earth.


As I said earlier, I believe "six" days is of significance and the fact that there is no further confirmation that those days are thousands or tens of thousands of years or more.

But again, on what grounds can you assert that the word ayyamin (as in 6 ayyamin) automatically means six(6) human days? I am of the opinion that the word ayyamin (as in 6 ayyamin) means six periods or epochs, and not six human days; but if you say otherwise, then the burden is on you to prove said assertion from the Quran.
So when the Quran says that Allah created the universe in six days, that would mean six days with Allah, but for us it would be mean six periods or epochs.

Just one or 2 evidences will do for now as if too many is listed it's hard to take it all in and respond to them.

I will bear that in mind.

Salaam Anjum,

You asked some good questions and, God-willing, I will try to answer them to the best of my limited knowledge and understanding.

You asked:

when should we break our fast?

With respect to when fast is to be broken, please read the article which the brother A.H.A has cited you which states that Fasting has been prescribed for us from dawn till 'night', which is a period arguably after sunset.

You also asked:

what is the time of fajr prayer?

With respect to the Fajir salat, I again please advice you to the read the article A.H.A has cited pertaining to this subject.

In that article, the author states that the Fajir salat is performed at the beginning of dawn and remains active up until the point of sunrise.

You also asked:

how should we pray...should we follow the hadees way of praying?

Again, I highly advice you to read the article A.H.A has cited you, which explains salat from a Quran perspective.

I would also like to add that I, personally, find nothing wrong with pray your salat the way you/we were raised/taught to pray. I find the way Muslims pray to be in complete accordance with the Quran.

You also asked:

How much zakat should we given? there any percentage?...can we give zakat to non-believers?

Again, please read the two article on Zakat and Sadaqqa that A.H.A has cited you.
With regards to zakat, I would also like to add the following:

We do not find in the Quran any percentage of Zakat we are to pay. We note that the traditional percentage of 2.5% has no Quranic reference. Yet, in the Quran we have very strong evidence that God never set a fixed percentage for the payment of Zakat. The evidence to this truth is found in the following verses:

"You shall give the due alms to the relatives, the needy, the poor, and the travelling alien, but do not be excessive, extravagant. The extravagant are brethren of the devils, and the devil is unappreciative of his Lord. Even if you have to turn away from them, as you pursue the mercy of your Lord, you shall treat them in the nicest manner. You shall not keep your hand stingily tied to your neck, nor shall you foolishly open it up, lest you end up blamed and sorry" [Quran: 17:26-29].

In the above verse, we should meditate on the words: "You shall not keep your hand stingily tied to your neck, nor shall you foolishly open it up, lest you end up blamed and sorry", and pose the question: If the traditional 2.5% rate is from God, then why would God command us not to be stingy nor too extravagant? Surely following a fixed 2.5% rate would not give rise to a situation where anyone would be stingy nor too extravagant! The command not to be stingy nor too extravagant confirm that the percentage is NOT fixed, but is flexible and that it has been left to each individuals means.

You also asked:

How should we perform ghusl after intercourse or monthly cycles according to quran

This is a good question. And unfortunately I don't have the correct answer. But if I were to take a guess, I would say that a simple bath/shower would be enough, as evident by the following verse which uses the term "until you have washed":

O ye who believe! Approach not prayers with a mind befogged (Arabic Sukara), until ye can understand all that you are saying or in a state of janabah, except those passing through [a place of prayer], until you have washed [your whole body]. And if you are ill or on a journey or one of you comes from the place of relieving himself or you have (sexually) contacted women and find no water, then seek clean earth and wipe over your faces and your hands [with it]. Indeed, Allah is ever Pardoning and Forgiving." [Quran 4:43].

You also asked:

does quran encourages killings of non-believers?...can we be friends with non believers?

Please read the articles A.H.A has cited you.

I would also like to add that the Quran DOES NOT encourage the killing of non-Muslims/believers. Allah has instructed us in the Quran to not kill innocent people, irregardless of their religious affiliation. The Quran ONLY instructs killing in two instances:

(1) In the case of a retribution for causing 'fasaad' (gross mischief / evil, beyond all bounds) in the land.
(2) In the case of a retribution for murder.

Anybody who says the Quran encourages the killing of non-Muslims/believers, upon them is the burden of proving their assertion from the Quran.

With respect to being friends with non-Muslims,I say yes you can be friend with them. Those who say otherwise, upon them is the burden to prove their assertion from the Quran.

Those who make the claim that being friends with Jews or Christians usually use the following verse to justify their claims:

"Let not the believers Take for friends or helpers Unbelievers rather than believers: if any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah: except by way of precaution, that ye may Guard yourselves from them. But Allah cautions you (To remember) Himself; for the final goal is to Allah." [Quran 3:28]

Brother Joseph Islam explains that verse beautify in another following discussion (link below). Please visit it:

The Quran is best understood when verses do not conflict with one another (or when a command in one verse does not conflict with or contradict the command of/in another verse). That said, it becomes obvious that not being friends with non-Muslims is in contradiction of the Quran. And here's why: Allah has told us in the Quran that we (Muslims) are free to marry from 'people of the book' (meaning Jews and Christians):

"And [lawful in marriage are] chaste women from among the believers and chaste women from among those who were given the Scripture before you, when you have given them their due compensation, desiring chastity, not unlawful sexual intercourse or taking [secret] lovers. And whoever denies the faith - his work has become worthless, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers." [Quran 5:5].

So, how can being friends with Christians (or Jews) be 'haram' when Allah has already said we can marry them?

You asked:

and what does it mean by...lower your gaze?...does that mean that...we should not look at men should not look at women?

When Allah instructs men and women to lower their gaze this should not be seen/accepted as an instruction for the genders to stay away from one another or to avoid complete eye contact with the opposite gender. Rather what it means is that is that men and women who believe in Allah and the Last Day, must behave modestly and carry themselves humbly between one another. Not only is this an interpretation based on reason, it is also supported by Quranic understanding. The other occasions the root word "غض (to lower/reduce)" has been used in the Qur'an are as follows:

"It is those who lower their voices in the presence of Allah's messenger and whose hearts Allah has proved to be aware - they will have forgiveness and a great reward." (Qur'an 49:3)

We cannot, by looking at the above expression, say that the verse is suggesting not to speak to the messenger at all just because it says "lower their voice" (which compares with "lower their gaze"). Rather, what is expressed here is that the believers should not have arrogance or haughtiness in their voice and attitude when interacting with the messenger. Likewise, to "reduce/lower their gaze" does not mean to avoid eye contact with the opposite gender, rather it means to carry a modest, humbleness when dealing with one another. In other words, both sex should not wonder their eyes (and stare at the others private parts). But it’s not only the eyes which should be lowered, the minds eyes must also be lowered; in other words you should not, in your mind, sexually undress the person (opposite gender) in you are watching or conversing with.

You also asked:

is there any things called makhru? people say...disliked things by God

All things dislike and unpleasing to Allah has been fully alluded to in the Quran. And you should be fine if you stay clear away from them.

You asked:

are we allowed to watch movies or read novels or romantics novels...and go outings?...are we allowed to enjoy our lives...while...remembering God...too

Yes you can absolutely enjoy live while also remembering Allah. It's unfortunate that many Muslims have complicated the religion by introducing rituals/practices which find no support from the Quran; while also forbidding the good things Allah has made lawful for his servant.
Allah has created all blessings on earth solely for the purpose of mankind thanking and praising Him for it. This includes all things in life, such as the sweet taste of a fruit, all the wonderful fragrances we smell, the delightful clothes that we wear, or our spouses whom we enjoy, and everything else we possess and find joy in. Please ponder over the following verses which makes it clear that we should take enjoyment in this world while also remembering Allah:

"Say, 'Who has forbidden the wonderful things and good provisions that Allah has brought forth for His servants?" Say, 'They are meant for those who believe during this worldly life, and they will be exclusive for them on the Day of Resurrection.' It is such that We explain the Revelations for those who know." (Qur'an 7:32).

"But seek, through that which Allah has given you, the home of the Hereafter; and [yet], do not forget your share of the world. And do good as Allah has done good to you. And desire not corruption in the land. Indeed, Allah does not like corrupters." [Quran 28:77]

In the above verse, the words do not forget your share of the world confirms that God wants us to enjoy all the provisions, luxuries and blessings of life.

But Allah also warns us against being too excessively pre-occupied with the material things in life to the extent of forgetting our prime duty of worshiping God, but as long as we worship God sincerely and observe our religious obligations.

You asked:

Are we not allowed to see the private parts of others?...while watching TV...are we allowed to see the private parts in drawing or cartoons? reading science books...or other books...for some it is not any person...can we?...

Allah in the Quran (24:30-31) instructs us to lower our gaze, as I have mentioned above. But there are certain instances in which, I believe, we can look at the private parts.
Consider, for example doctors. As part of a doctors duty is to examine patients. And some it is necessary for the patients to remove his/her clothing to better examine them.
So, when it comes to looking at the private parts of other, as long as you are not doing it for the purpose of getting sexually aroused from it, then I find nothing wrong with it. God knows best.

You also asked:

Can we pray while sitting? I m working...we do not have facility here to I pray at my seat itslf...and we do nt have space to pray while can I pray while sitting?...I do bow and prostrate...can I?

First off, I am sorry that in your job you don't have facilitates for you to pray at. I am not sure if praying sitting down is permitted in instances such as yours. But, taking into account the following verse which, in part, reads "Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship", I would assume if sitting down is the only way you can perform your pray than it may be acceptable:

"...Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship and [wants] for you to complete the period and to glorify Allah for that [to] which He has guided you; and perhaps you will be grateful." [Quran 2:185].

You also asked:

And...are we not allowed to enter temples or churches?

Speaking solely from a Quran perspective, there is no prohibition against entering temples, churches, synagogues. In fact, Allah Himself acknowledges that those sanctuaries (along with mosques) are places of worship, and instruct us to safeguard them:

 "[They are] those who have been evicted from their homes without right - only because they say, "Our Lord is Allah." And were it not that Allah checks the people, some by means of others, there would have been demolished monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques in which the name of Allah is much mentioned. And Allah will surely support those who support Him. Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might." [Quran 22:40].

I, myself have offered my prayers in churches and synagogues as times (when the nearest mosques was miles away).

With respect your question regarding your atheists, I am sorry but I am in no position (knowledge wise) to answer it. Perhaps brother Joseph Islam, or other members of this forum, will answer it for you.

I hope I was able to answer all you question.
And please I highly advice you to visit and read all the articles/links brother A.H.A has cited you, as well as the many other articles brother Joseph Islam has written; I believe they will do a great job in clear any and all doubts you may have:


This common ancestor - what do you/science think it looked like?

As Br. Hamzeh has already alluded to, the common ancestry could be anything from sounding clay (Arabic: salsalin) from black mud (Arabic: ham-in) altered.

With respect to the verses you cited me, please bear in mind that I have never stated that God cannot do things (anything) instantly; indeed He can. My argument was simply that what may have occurred at an instant with/to God may, not have come about so instantly to us. So, I was calling you out on your usage of the phrase Be and it is as example of the instant creation of the universe.
By the way, 2:259 actually supports my argument that God is outside the bounds of time and space.
Furthermore, no-where in those verses you cited suggest that those things which occurred, occurred in an instant; nor that they occurred over a long period of time. Those verses are mute as to the process and length said acts had to undergo.

With respect to the scientific evidence I was referring to in earlier post, I am going to need to ask you to bear patient with me and I shall cite you ample evidence.

General Discussions / Re: POV Question
« on: January 21, 2016, 01:12:09 PM »
Salaam mis666,

With respect to the claim that prophet Muhammad (pbuh) wrote the Quran, Joseph Islam has written (what I believe to be) an excellent respond to a similar claim on his Facebook page. I highly advice you to read it:



With respect to 95:1 in which God swears on several of his creation (the fig and the olive, Mount Sinai, and the secured land, I like the following commentary regarding it:

<<< The fig and the olive symbolize, in this context, the lands in which these trees predominate: i.e., the countries bordering on the eastern part of the Mediterranean, especially Palestine and Syria. As it was in these lands that most of the Abrahamic prophets mentioned in the Qur'an lived and preached, these two species of tree may be taken as metonyms for the religious teachings voiced by the long line of those God-inspired men, culminating in the person of the last Judaic prophet, Jesus. Mount Sinai, on the other hand, stresses specifically the apostleship of Moses, inasmuch as the religious law valid before, and up to, the advent of Muhammad - and in its essentials binding on Jesus as well - was revealed to Moses on a mountain of the Sinai Desert. Finally, this land secure signifies undoubtedly (as is evident from 2:126) Mecca, where Muhammad, the Last Prophet, was born and received his divine call. Thus, verses 1-3 draw our attention to the fundamental ethical unity underlying the teachings - the genuine teachings - of all the three historic phases of monotheistic religion, metonymically personified by Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. The specific truth to be considered here is referred to in the next three verses. >>>


General Discussions / Re: Some doubts - Kindly clear it please
« on: January 21, 2016, 07:13:25 AM »
Salaam sister Anjum,

You asked:

we even sometimes call each other by animals that ok?

If you're calling each other by animal names in good faith (i.e not to be offensive) and you and your friends don't mind, then I personally find nothing wrong with it. As I alluded to earlier, Allah cares more about our intentions. So if you and your friends intention for calling each other funny/animal names is not to be offensive to one another but rather is done in good faith, then I think Allah would mind. God knows best.

You also said:

i am a new Quranist..that is why i have lot of doubts...hope you guys wont mind

Dear sister, we don't mind at all. Please feel free to ask any and all question you may have (no matter how "silly" they may be) and we, God-willing, will try our best to answer them for you.

And if you haven't, may I kindly ask you to read some of the article brother Joseph Islam has written which I believe you may find very helpful in your endeavor to uphold the Quran as the primary source for our guidance.:

God bless you as well.

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