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Messages - Husainfive

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General Discussions / Questions on Haj
« on: September 27, 2015, 09:06:58 PM »
Questions on Eid-ul-Azha

Is this Eid celebrated on 10th of Dul Hajjah? Meaning if this is so then that would explain why it is celebrated on different days in different countries. If it is celebrated at the end of Haj which of course is only held in Saudi Arabia then worldwide it should be on the same day. So when is Eid-ul-Azha celebrated?

The qurbani that the hajis give in Mina is NOT the same qurbani Muslims give elsewhere since as you know the qurbani that the hajis give is tied to their performing haj AND umra at the same time which means that they too should be doing a qurbani at home. True?

The qurbani that non haji Muslims give is NOT mandatory. True?

Allah DID NOT ask Abraham to sacrifice his son. Abraham dreamt that he was sacrificing Ismail for God and it even says in the Quran that  . . . Ibrahim you doing exactly as you dreamt . . . . . meaning possibly . . . . all I want is you to dedicate your son to My work  . . . or look after the Kaba that both of you built. Possibly true?

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