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Messages - seeker0

Pages: [1]
General Discussions / Re: Is marriage compulsory?
« on: May 15, 2014, 05:07:54 PM »
Thanks for your response.

I should say however, the answer I am looking for is more specific. I am wondering whether a believer must marry if they can, or can they legitimately choose not to marry for as long as they are able to remain chaste / avoid sexual immorality?

I was unable to find an answer to this question in any of Joseph Islam's articles.

General Discussions / Is marriage compulsory?
« on: May 15, 2014, 01:25:49 AM »
Hello. I am a young man who believes in the validity of the religion of Islam. Before I found this website, I was in much confusion with regards to whether hadiths are an indispensable part of the religion, but the information and arguments presented here has eliminated them.

My question is as presented above, is marriage compulsory for able-bodied believers who can take on that responsibility, or is it merely authorized as the correct framework for relieving sexual lusts and raising one's own children?

Thank you for your time.

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