Peace all.
Calling all believers: Monotheists, Submitters,Qoran centrics,others.... to GOD Alone, All you, whatever religion you may be, that are seeking "GOD ALONE". Let us unite in our aim:
Calling to the Creator, so we may be one congregation with "our Lord":
3:64″ Say:" O followers of the scripture ( all the religions out there that follow a scripture!), let us come to a logical agreement between us (loyalists to GOD ALONE) and you:" That we never serve/worship except GOD; That we never set up any idols beside HIM, nor set up any human beings ( Prophets/ Messiah/Religious leaders, Scholars, etc....) as lords beside GOD." If they turn away, say:" Bear witness that we are Muslimeen. ( Totally loyal to GOD ALONE)"
( Does your religion have Abraham , Some Jewish prophets, other messengers?)
3:67″ Abraham ( along with other prophets/messengers and believers) was neither Jewish nor Christian. ( nor traditional Muslim nor Shinto nor any other religion you can name .) He was a true Muslim/ submitter.( Totally loyal to GOD ALONE) He never was an idol Worshipper."
3:85″ Anyone who accepts other than Islam/submission ( and total loyalty to GOD ALONE) , it will not be accepted from him and in the hereafter, he will be with the losers."
Let us get the most important priority right: GOD ALONE is the top priority.
Let us put all the differences of minor issues aside. Let us not be arrogant in whatever the Lord has provided for each of us ( Knowledge, wealth, friends ...)
4:49″ Have you noted those who exalt themselves. (very important people! including some scholars, some Religious leaders , some experts etc.... They understand better than the ordinary person?) GOD is the one who exalts whomever HE wills ( best Teacher, best Expert.) without the least injustice. ( HE knows your innermost thought, if you pass HIS test, you qualify!)
Let us altogether hold fast to the rope of GOD. Pledge to follow HIM ALONE!
4:60″ Have you (also) noted those who claim they believe in GOD s scripture then uphold the laws of their idols? ( They follow made up rules , traditions and hocus pocus! Internet sites; Replace old idols with new "idols".) They were commanded to reject such laws." ( If they follow the word of GOD ALONE)
4:63″ GOD is fully aware of their innermost intentions. ( some of these experts/ leaders etc....) You shall ignore them ,( check and prove all things!) enlighten them ( let them reflect on these words of GOD!) and give them good advice ( to repent! GOD is waiting to forgive them if they correct!) that they may save themselves."
A Call to GOD ALONE.
4:65″ Never indeed by your Lord, they are not( true) believers until they find no hesitation in their hearts, ( to sincerely repent) they must submit, a true Islam/submission ( To GOD ALONE)."
GOD bless.
Calling all believers: Monotheists, Submitters,Qoran centrics,others.... to GOD Alone, All you, whatever religion you may be, that are seeking "GOD ALONE". Let us unite in our aim:
Calling to the Creator, so we may be one congregation with "our Lord":
3:64″ Say:" O followers of the scripture ( all the religions out there that follow a scripture!), let us come to a logical agreement between us (loyalists to GOD ALONE) and you:" That we never serve/worship except GOD; That we never set up any idols beside HIM, nor set up any human beings ( Prophets/ Messiah/Religious leaders, Scholars, etc....) as lords beside GOD." If they turn away, say:" Bear witness that we are Muslimeen. ( Totally loyal to GOD ALONE)"
( Does your religion have Abraham , Some Jewish prophets, other messengers?)
3:67″ Abraham ( along with other prophets/messengers and believers) was neither Jewish nor Christian. ( nor traditional Muslim nor Shinto nor any other religion you can name .) He was a true Muslim/ submitter.( Totally loyal to GOD ALONE) He never was an idol Worshipper."
3:85″ Anyone who accepts other than Islam/submission ( and total loyalty to GOD ALONE) , it will not be accepted from him and in the hereafter, he will be with the losers."
Let us get the most important priority right: GOD ALONE is the top priority.
Let us put all the differences of minor issues aside. Let us not be arrogant in whatever the Lord has provided for each of us ( Knowledge, wealth, friends ...)
4:49″ Have you noted those who exalt themselves. (very important people! including some scholars, some Religious leaders , some experts etc.... They understand better than the ordinary person?) GOD is the one who exalts whomever HE wills ( best Teacher, best Expert.) without the least injustice. ( HE knows your innermost thought, if you pass HIS test, you qualify!)
Let us altogether hold fast to the rope of GOD. Pledge to follow HIM ALONE!
4:60″ Have you (also) noted those who claim they believe in GOD s scripture then uphold the laws of their idols? ( They follow made up rules , traditions and hocus pocus! Internet sites; Replace old idols with new "idols".) They were commanded to reject such laws." ( If they follow the word of GOD ALONE)
4:63″ GOD is fully aware of their innermost intentions. ( some of these experts/ leaders etc....) You shall ignore them ,( check and prove all things!) enlighten them ( let them reflect on these words of GOD!) and give them good advice ( to repent! GOD is waiting to forgive them if they correct!) that they may save themselves."
A Call to GOD ALONE.
4:65″ Never indeed by your Lord, they are not( true) believers until they find no hesitation in their hearts, ( to sincerely repent) they must submit, a true Islam/submission ( To GOD ALONE)."
GOD bless.