Islamic Duties / Quranic way of praying? Is it reading the Quran? 17:78?
« on: August 25, 2019, 08:51:36 PM »
17:78? Is it reading the Quran? It says that the Quran at dawn is witnessed, which means that we read the Quran during prayer?
Reading the Quran fits 4:102. The sectarian way of praying doesn't fit 4:102 because they never ever have their leader praying their same prayer session for multiple times and the sectarian prayer was invented later on which can be found in the books of bukhari & co while the Quran is fully detailed and giving answers to everything we need to know for salvation.
Roekoeh and sjoedjoed in Arabic means to yield and submit. If you do a word for word study you will find out that they can't mean the physical bowing and kneeling which is done by the sectarians. It rather means to yield and submit to the Quran when it is being recited or read.
Mary used to submit and yield with those who yield and submit. The whole Bible, from the Torah until the Gospel, will not tell you anything about a prayer method which is done by the sectarians. They used to read the Book as well in their prayer sessions.
Reading the Quran fits 4:102. The sectarian way of praying doesn't fit 4:102 because they never ever have their leader praying their same prayer session for multiple times and the sectarian prayer was invented later on which can be found in the books of bukhari & co while the Quran is fully detailed and giving answers to everything we need to know for salvation.
Roekoeh and sjoedjoed in Arabic means to yield and submit. If you do a word for word study you will find out that they can't mean the physical bowing and kneeling which is done by the sectarians. It rather means to yield and submit to the Quran when it is being recited or read.
Mary used to submit and yield with those who yield and submit. The whole Bible, from the Torah until the Gospel, will not tell you anything about a prayer method which is done by the sectarians. They used to read the Book as well in their prayer sessions.