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Discussions / Islam
« on: June 19, 2014, 07:27:56 AM »
Hello Joseph, my name is [name removed], i've been reading the articles on your website and i'm very impressed by how objective you are when you judge between matters in our religion. This is a something i rarely see muslim academics or even scholars do. This is very important as you of course want to follow a way that is right, rather than what you prefer. Thank you very much for having shared your ideas/interpretations on your website it has helped me so much, as i am trying to search for the truth. I come from a Sunni family and i question a lot of what my family follow however i don't judge it without posessing knowledge so hopefully one day i will start to educate myself about islam, the quran and secondary islamic sources.

Discussions / Thank you for your site!
« on: June 05, 2014, 12:33:43 AM »
Salaam, I have visited your website and I am only so pleased that you make sense of everything and use Quraan proofs to substantiate everything you say. I pray that you continue educating people and steering us all in the right direction. i am extremely inspired Alhamdulillah.

Discussions / Translations into German
« on: May 15, 2014, 01:02:38 AM »
As-salamou alaikoum Dear Joseph,
I am glad to have found your site on the internet and i thank you for open my eyes by using the quran to give me an insight of my corupted understanding of Islam,which i was tought by mainstream scholars and other sects.
There is a german group of only-Quran people but i do not feel that these 19 code is to be taken serious ,so i post mainly on your Forum.
I would like to open an Facebook account to translate your post in German to bring the message of the Quran to an german speaking Audience.
I would like to hear your opinion about it .
Regards wa salam alaikoum

Discussions / From USA
« on: March 14, 2014, 09:58:33 PM »
Salaams to you kind sir!

Thank you for your website I am finding it beautiful and very educational. I am muslim, only years revert. I am a white male in **** USA in my 40s, when I accepted Islam, I was eager to learn but the Masjid seemed to not be very receptive to me in the town it was in. I live 32 miles away from the nearest one. I have been trying to learn from different people and folks online but all are confusing not really teaching Quran but always Hadith or Sunna. Anyway thank you for helping me learn. May Allah guide you and make this easy for you.

All the best.

Discussions / Your Article on Suffering
« on: March 13, 2014, 02:15:40 AM »
Dear brother Joseph,

Salam Alaykum.

I am a regular reader of your articles, posts on your forum and Facebook posts. I also always keep an eye on your recent articles update section. I have read each and every article that you have written so far and have on your website. Alhamdulillah, I am very happy to say that I agree with 99 percent of your understanding of all the subjects that you have shared through your articles and forum posts. I am blessed to have your works accessible on your website, and your works are more worth than gold.

In this email I just want to ask you a simple question regarding one of your articles titled 'Suffering and Adversity' which really touched my heart a lot.

Article link -

I really want to know, if you do not mind sharing, what was the relationship of you with the person that you talked about in the above article, the person who died due to cancer.


Discussions / From India
« on: March 10, 2014, 09:49:30 PM »
Dear brother Joseph. Can you give me a contact of your consultant in India. I love reading your articles and I want to work with your organization. If you have such an organization in India, please kindly inform me.

Discussions / Your Articles in Arabic
« on: March 03, 2014, 02:02:54 AM »
Asalamu Alaykum my dear brother Joseph

I was curious if any of your articles are translated in the arabic language. Its strange I ask this question as the Quran is in the arabic language.  It just seems that from people I know who speak that language have a hard time understanding and using the Quran alone to clarify things.

I find lots of people dont really understand or ever seen how the Quran actually is consistent within its self and so perfect.

And to be honest I think a person only qualified should be in a position to explain. And I find it reading a articles like yours where one can see all the ayat and go over them is much more convincing. Than a non qualified person trying to just explain bits and parts.  At the end Allah(swt) guides who he wills.

I thank God and say Alhamdulila that we have someone who has worked very hard to share his wisdom and  his works with us in the English language. Im shy to even ask of this because I can see what kind of work that was put in and would not expect anything more from one man.   But I thought I would ask just in case.

May God bless you and your family always Inshallah

You brother in faith

Discussions / From Brazil
« on: February 15, 2014, 08:36:13 AM »
Salamun Alaykum, thanks for the work site. Congratulations! Helped me a lot, I also have a blog:,'m Brazilian reversed.

Discussions / Your Website
« on: February 10, 2014, 03:53:54 AM »
Assalamu alaikum brother Joseph.

I would like to share with you my immense gratitude and appreciation for all your efforts and enlightening words.

In recent years I have started to doubt my faith (around the age of 23, I am soon to turn 26) and I fully blame that on the fact that I blindly followed,  never questioned, never doubted.

And after spending a good deal of these years lost, and in despair...I have finally made it my responsibility and mission to find the truth and resolve these matters. To end this internal battle that has been wearing me down.

I was in so much distress and agony (still am) but slowly I see that I am on the right path of enlightenment.

I heard a quote by the Imam Ghazali recently, the exact wording escapes me right now but the meaning of the saying was in line with "I don't fear those who question or doubt...but the biggest tragedy are those who blindly follow...for they are like feathers , swaying in whatever way the wind blows them to"

I was like that feather...and I desperately want to stay rooted..stay firm..believe.

Your website and efforts have helped clarify a great deal of things that I had trouble agreeing with.

Thank you.

[A sister]

Discussions / From Belgium - Hostility from Others
« on: January 28, 2014, 09:23:55 PM »
Salaam alaykoum dear brother in the beautiful Islam,

We recognized exactly the same content in your approach towards our deen as we have been promoting over the last 10 years.

You site was InshaaAllaah brought under our attention by one of our worst enemies but Hamdulilaah it feels great to find someone who does not drown in the Sea of Truth.

Unfortunately we also suppose you must have encountered the same hostile attitude from our brothers and sisters towards our interpretation of Quran and Sunnah.

We do stand our ground and if given the chance nobody seems to be able to contradict the proofs we offer. 

The only way our adversaries can compete is trough banning our messages or us, or to get into the world of insults of every kind.

We can live with all this fitnah.

It only makes us doing du'a for those who are blind and deaf for His Message.

Wa salaam alayoum dear brother,

Discussions / Your Website
« on: January 24, 2014, 05:28:18 AM »
Dear Br Joseph Islam,

   It is not too long that I came across your website while doing my routine independent research. I always wished to do justice with Quranic words but after going through your research articles I quit. It cannot be more thoughtful and perfect Mashallah. Please continue your efforts and we will continue our efforts by suggesting people to this website Inshallah. I am sure honest truth seeker would not argue.
The verses below are approx. 75% applicable on Muslim community:

43:22: But they say; “Indeed we found our forefathers upon a certain way and indeed we are guided on their footsteps.
43: 24: He said, Even if I brought you better guidance than that upon which you found your forefathers. They said; “Indeed we disbelieve in that which you have been sent”.

If I replace term of 43:24 “forefather” with “Imams” and add in 43:24 “better guidance (Quran) than that (Hadiths inconsistent with Quran)” These are now approx. 97% applicable.

   I always observed whenever conventional “Islamic scholars” sit down the outcome is “Division in Islam (New Firqa) and whenever revert scholar strives outcome is honest and true picture of Islam”. It’s been a while that I only prefer studying Revert Scholars like Jeffery Lang.
   I am crazy for Gary Miller’s lectures but unfortunately he is very limited when it comes to writing articles and giving public appearances. I never thought any scholar would be able to bypass Gary Miller. By the grace of God you are no less. A scholar like you one in 100 years would have been enough in last 1300 centuries to uplift the true message. I sincerely pray at least one scholar per century in the future.
I would also like to modify George Orwell for you (My humble appreciation)

“During times of religious deceit, telling the truth (Quran) becomes an Evolutionary act”

Inshallah the efforts you are seeding will evolve in perfect form with the help of God. Would you please allow me to post my thoughts? I never had any account or open discussion online stuff etc ever. Not completely sure how it works. But your forum is a noble cause.

Just few lines about me; I have a MPhil in Molecular Biology, PhD from UMASS (USA) in Cell and Molecular Biology and pursuing Post Doctorate in Clinical Stem cell signaling mechanisms.

I do not know my mail reaches you or you like to reply personally. However, I will be excited to hear your permission and reply. May God keep you and your family in good health.

Discussions / A Journey in Search of Truth
« on: January 16, 2014, 12:58:09 PM »
Assalam o Alaikum.. May peace be upon you Brother Joseph.. I have been a traditional Muslim always thinking Hadith as an irrefutable part of Islam.. Thanks to readings from you I feel now I am on a journey in search of truth.. Its difficult but its the truth, my heart tells me that.. Please pray for me that I remain sincere in search of truth..

Discussions / Your Articles and a Question on Quran's Authority
« on: January 15, 2014, 08:53:51 AM »
Dear brother Joseph,

Peace be with you,

May Allah protect en guide you, and give you the ability and strength to keep up the good works of clarifying en spreading His message.

Going over your articles for more than a year now, I don’t know where to start. I certainly have to thank you for all explanations you have given me, by the mercy of Allah. Thank you for that very much. I ask Allah to grand you of His goodness therefore. But even more, I admire your method and your humble behaviour. This is a very great example for all people that pursuit to know the truth. I also thank you for that. And I thank Allah for this understanding en this experience.

I could say many more things that I experienced during my (ongoing) study of topics on your website, but you and I have limited time. Therefore I would like to start with some simple questions. I hope you will clarify them for me.

On your website you say:
The Quran remains the final source of judgement and the ultimate authority for all true believers.

What evidence, or reasonable motivation, do you have for the statement that the Quran is the final source of judgement? If you refer to secondary sources, than I can understand it. But if you mean final source for judgement period, does it then mean that there can’t be (is or is to come) no other source of judgement than the Quran? As far as I know, the Quran never explicitly say so. My second question is similar. What is the base of your statement that the Quran is the ultimate authority for true believers?

Kind regards,

Discussions / Your Works
« on: January 06, 2014, 12:00:52 AM »
Salam Alaykum Brother Joseph,

I thought came to me and I wanted to send it off to you before I forget in this busy world.

It is certain that many people penned did great works in the past that would perhaps have been beneficial to others had the works been extant.

Because of the non random loss of works, there is problem of making an accurate sense of narrations and views of Muslim layperson and scholars of the past.

1.  I  find your work to be mashallah excellent to be both very accessible and also to contain much relevant and scholarly analysis and finally to be brief enough for non scholars to benefit from.

I assume you have backed up your works in case there is some attack on the server that houses your work.

There are many ways to safeguard your work.

2.  But please consider safeguard them instantaneously.  There is or are companies that can do that.

3.  Please also consider of making your works in a book or volumes that can be serially increased to be housed in libraries, etc.

4. And please also provide a legal access to your works to multiple people whom you trust who will be responsible people to continue to discharge your efforts.

I don't know how old are you but I know as you do through common sense but also as a physician of how so many people can die suddenly or be incapacitated (May God protect us and all those close to us) in car accidents, or many other ways. 

5.  Please plan on making an institution that can be Inshallah blessed to continue your efforts for decades or centuries after you pass on. 

As you know Allah emphasizes the importance of having a will and ensuring that wealth is carried on.

Of course your work is not material wealth but I find it more valuable.

Although I would not agree with anything as no two people would agree on all issues, I feel frustrated how your excellent points are not adequately discussed by Muslim scholars...Inshallah that time will eventually come in future and Inshallah sooner than later but it would be nice if people don't have to reinvent the wheel and sometimes certain insights might never be thought of again.

I am sure you thought of the above to some extent or another.....however, you have mentioned that you are quite busy.

I know that often in busy lives, important planning is put off and sometimes never gets implemented because of catastrophes mentioned above.

May Allah prevent that but just wanted to encourage you for your planning.

Allah is with the patient ones.

Although we are outnumbered today...Inshallah with planning, the efforts of today can make even more positive impact in the Muslim society if all is made secure, and trusted individuals empowered, and institution created.

I am sure you can find ways to stay anonymous while you do the above.


General Discussions / Geebath and Zina
« on: December 31, 2013, 06:47:12 AM »

By: A. Ismail Sait


In Sura 49. verse 12, we have been fore-warned regarding three human traits, grouped as a trio consisting of (i) suspicion, (ii) spying, and (iii) backbiting.

In a human society, these three are unavoidable. By any strech of imagination, we cannot assume a society sans these three traits:

(i) Suspicion is natural, and can lead to preventive measures.

(ii) Spying can help to take preventive as well as curative measures against harm done by enemies.

(iii) Backbiting cannot be equated with complaining against some one in order to seek justice, or warning someone to be wary of a particular person or group.

Man, by nature, feels that these three traits, although unavoidable in particular situations and contexts, are not to be indulged in, to the detriment of social harmony.

Sura 49. verse 12, translates thus: "O Those who believe! Desist from suspicion aplenty, for, some of it is sinful. Neither spy (inordinately), nor (habitually) backbite one another..."

After all, the Intelligence Department is the backbone of any government. And its stock-in-trade is cumulated suspicions, and regulated spying.
As for speaking ill of a person behind his back, the folowing example will suffice:
If you know that someone is commiting zina in your neighbourhood, and you want to bring the culprit to justice, you will have to create three more witnesses besides yourself. You cannot do this without thorough deliberation and meticulous planning.

That all obsceneties are forbidden, has been repeated umpteen number of times in Al Quran. Fornication is an obscenity (17:32). They, including fornication have been ranked among the deadliest of sins.

In one place ZINA has been mentioned as one of a trio, along with joining partners in the worship of Allah, and murder, thereby proving beyond any doubt that it is one of the three most heinous, deadliest of sins, placed at the topmost slot among all the sins of the world.

It is the worst sin in the world, next only to invoking others beside Allah, and murder.

"Those who invoke not with Allah any other god, nor kill without absolute justificaton the life that Allah has made sacred, nor commit zina; - and any who does this (not only) meets punishment but the torment on the Day of Resurrection will be doubled for him and he will abide therein in utter ignominy." (25: 68, 69)

The original phrase translated here as "he will abide therein", belongs to the same root that is used to denote the punishment for shirk and kufr throughout the Quran: ie; khulood finnar. 

Now compare the trio in (49:12), and the trio in (25:68-69)!!

Even after chrystal clear presentation of everything in Al Quran,  we - the purported standard bearers of Al Quran - have distorted our religion so appallingly, and with such blatant impunity, that our self conceit is matchless in the past and present world!                                                 

In spite of crystal clear verses of Al Quran, we equate geebath with zina! Worse still, we consider it to be worse than zina!!


A. Ismail Sait.

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