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Dear Brother Joseph

As-salamu Alaykum.

Reading your article `END OF PROPHETHOOD - CONTINUATION OF MESSENGERS?' it becomes clear that Prophets recieved scriptures and Messengers reaffirms it. But in the following verse (4:136) it seems that Messengers also got scriptures. Am I missing anything to understand this verse?

4:136 O ye who believe! Believe in Allah and His Messenger, and the scripture which He hath sent to His Messenger and the scripture which He sent to those before (him). Any who denieth Allah, His angels, His Books, His Messengers, and the Day of Judgment, hath gone far, far astray.
Hi I am hired as a broker to get projects/start ups for debt funding and earn a percentage of brokerage for each funded project.

now brokerage isn't haram but I'm confirmed by the employer that the top-line (revenue) of my employer includes interest income too among other sources of investment incomes. In that case if I continue with this assignment I'd be consuming interest indirectly since this interest isn't a matter to be taken lightly and is considered as a war against Allah and His messenger, I've been unable to decide/pursue with the project for over 3 months and needed urgent advise if i should quit it completely. I've considered alternatives in my desperate unemployment situation & end of savings like replacing evil with good and giving away the interest component of my brokerage income but I'm hardly convinced since its a big hedge fund which probably could have huge interest income and it maybe the case that my entire brokerage could be drawn from interest income.

Can anyone advise what is the correct Quranic position of interest if consumed indirectly as a brokerage, it sounds haram to me even then.

Posts on Facebook / Is inserting a Dua in the Quranic Surah an innovation ?
« Last post by Ensure_World on March 30, 2023, 11:42:12 PM »
Pls tell that adding duas in middle of the verses of a Quranic Surah is an innovation or not ? when Quran itself describes itself as fully detailed

eg. I was shared Surah Yaseen with a dua(1st part +2part duas given below) to be recited on every Mubeen (all 7)

1st part is the  Kalima of Rizq and protection:
La ilaha illallahul malikul haqqul mubeen, Muhammadur Rasulullahi Sadiqul Wa’ Dil Ameen 
Meaning: There is none worthy of worship but Allah, Ruler, the Real, the Manifest Truth, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah and he is one who fulfils his promises and is trustworthy.
2nd part:  Salawat  Istaghatha - Pleading for Help to remove all Difficulties, Hardships, Calamities & Sicknesses.  (best read 300 to 1000 time a day)
Aghithni, Ya Rasulallahi khudh bi-yadi qallat hilati adrikni, Ya sahibal Judi wal-karam salallahu alayhi wa-sallam
(Meaning: Help me, O Messenger of Allah! Hold my hand support me, All my strategies are over, Help me, Oh Possessor of majesty And generosity bountiful peace be upon him.
Posts on Facebook / Standing Against Falsehood. A Sentiment
« Last post by Joseph Islam on March 14, 2023, 06:40:37 AM »
Direct Facebook Link:


“If the world is against the truth, then I am against the world.”
~ Athanasius of Alexandria
Posts on Facebook / Website Access Resolved
« Last post by Joseph Islam on March 14, 2023, 06:32:19 AM »
Direct Facebook Link:


Dear All,

As-salamu alaykum

Thank you so much for all your responses regarding the website.

I am hoping now that all the issues have been resolved and those of you that could not access the website link (without it rerouting to spurious sites) are now able to access the webpage directly and from the search engines.

If you are still experiences issues, please kindly let me know by dropping a comment.

JazakAllah Khair

Regards, Joseph
Posts on Facebook / Website Access
« Last post by Joseph Islam on March 14, 2023, 06:27:00 AM »
Direct Facebook Link:


Dear All,

May peace be upon you all.

I am receiving a lot of messages that the website appears to be linking to a spurious site/address. Can you please confirm whether this is the case when you search '' through your search engines and/or when you attempt to access the site directly.

Please also kindly feel free to confirm if everything appears OK and the country you are trying to access the site from.

Thanks as always.

Posts on Facebook / Facebook Posts List Reminder
« Last post by Joseph Islam on March 14, 2023, 06:18:17 AM »
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Dear All,


Just a reminder (and to those new to my shares), please kindly see below a listing of all 944 Facebook posts (to date) for your ease of reference.

Women / Re: Husband can beat ( not severe ) his wife
« Last post by Wakas on February 19, 2023, 09:25:03 PM »
Thanks for your thoughtful work, brother Wakas. :)


The example of 58:1-4 seals the deal for me, so to speak.

"cite them" is by far the most cogent understanding as per Quran.
General Discussions / Re: Flogging Punishment And As A Deterrence.
« Last post by Wakas on February 19, 2023, 09:15:06 PM »

Question: let's say it means lashes as punishment, witnessed by a group/community, what if the lashes were so severe that they tore the clothes of the person being lashes and thus exposed their body in a non-Quranic manner?

The point of my question: to my understanding public lashing is the punishment for a proven case, in a community governed by Quran-based authority BUT the lashes cannot be severe enough to tear clothing, so they would hurt but not extreme. Part of the goal seems to be public naming/shaming which is a deterrent in itself.


Interesting sidenote:

When lashes are given as punishment for proven adultery, The Quran states not to let pity/compassion prevent you from carrying out such a punishment [24:2], but it says no such thing for the alleged hand cutting-off verse, when many (all?) consider this punishment to be far worse. Please explain why this is.

Women / Re: Women's clothes and rape?
« Last post by Wakas on February 19, 2023, 09:00:53 PM »

Re: 1)

You may find this useful:

It discusses the verse you mention.
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