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Physical design flaws in humans
« on: May 21, 2016, 06:51:47 PM »
Salaam brother Joseph ... Sharing a post from a friend. Would love your input.

Physical design flaws in humans

We as humans are forced to use the same anatomical structure i.e. pharynx  for both ingestion and respiration.When obstructed, airflow is blocked leading to choking and in some cases death.
The urinary tract in human males passes through the prostrate gland (rather than being routed around)which can swell and block urinary function.
The close proximity of our genitals to our rectum is unhygienic., especially in women(due to short urethra)leading to frequent urinary tract and bladder infections. Second, the multi-functionality of genitals, especially in women leads to UTI’s wherein sexual intercourse pushes bacteria further into the urethra.

The unreasonably narrow birth canal results in significantly increased risks to both mother and child during birth.

The S shaped spine we have is suited to a four-legged creature but not to the two-legged transition. The curving, with the weight of the head and stuff we carry stacked on top, creates pressure that causes back problems- the sixth leading human malady in the world.  We also have to distribute all our weight on just two limbs, which often leads to aches and pains-an after effect of bi-pedalism(walking on two limbs.)

Our feet have 26  bones because our ape-like ancestors needed flexible feet to grasp branches. But as they moved out of the trees and began walking this was no more required and the foot had to become more stable.This often results in ankle sprains, plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, shin splints, and broken ankles. A better design for upright walking and running, would be a foot and ankle like an ostrich.

Humans have several sinuses — air-filled cavities that help with drainage of mucus and fluid. But our maxillary sinuses, located on our cheekbone, drain upwards. This often leads to the build-up of fluids and mucus, which can cause an infection.

The blind-spot in our eyes is the result of a quirk that happens during embryological development.  The optic nerve which carries the information from the pupil of the eye into the brain ends in the field of the retina itself. This is a little like having to plug the power cable for a TV directly into the screen. This creates a dark spot.

Evolution provided humans with just one set of teeth for their entire adult lives. Once we hit 35, our teeth start to go.

Offline Joseph Islam

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Re: Physical design flaws in humans
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2016, 07:07:14 PM »
As-salamu alaykum

Flaws, or purposeful anatomical design to ensure the limitation, injury and death to a species as part of a finite life-cycle?

If taken in this context, is this a flaw interpreted by a limited myopic thought or purposeful intent exquisitely instated by a wise intelligent designer to serve a purpose against the human race?

Were we ever intended to be built as a species with no limitations, intended to live for eternity in this matrix which we call life?

Just another human perspective.

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