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Offline Joseph Islam

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Unfortunately, a common, yet false accusation against the Quran is that it was transmitted in the same manner as the Ahadith.

'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
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Offline Wakas

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Re: The Quran and the Ahadith Were Not Transmitted in the Same Manner
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2019, 06:47:16 AM »
A commonly stated argument by those who wish to raise traditional hearsay/ahadith to divine-status level is that its compilation was the same as The Quran.

Is that really true? Lets look at the simple and obvious facts...

The Quran = God's Word
Ahadith = man's word

The Quran = 100% fact/truth/perfect
Ahadith = mix of truth and falsehood (hence weak and strong hadith)

The Quran = recorded under the DIRECT supervision of prophet Muhammad
Ahadith = not recorded under the DIRECT supervision of prophet Muhammad

The Quran = written AND memorised word for word as soon as it was transmitted
Ahadith = no-one ever claimed to record and memorise ahadith word for word as soon as it was transmitted

The Quran = protected explicitly by God Himself as stated in The Quran
Ahadith = no such explicit protection stated

The Quran = no Muslim doubts its credibility
Ahadith = each sect has its own versions, weak & strong ones etc

The Quran = in-built verification mechanism, e.g. challenges others to find inconsistency, bring a chapter like it etc.
Ahadith = no such in-built mechanism, full of inconsistancies etc.