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‎39:42 God takes the souls when they die, and during their sleep. He then keeps those that have been overtaken by death, and He sends the others back until a predetermined time. In that are signs for a people who will think.

Does this Ayat indicates that May me (ISA) the messenger Of allah Soul has been taken but not death? i would like u to reflect on it please...

Offline Joseph Islam

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Re: Can verse 39:42 be used to support that Prophet Jesus did not die?
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2012, 08:25:46 PM »
Salamun Alaikum,

With respect, Quranic verses should not be viewed in isolation especially with a view to support an extant theology. There needs to be clear evidence of Prophet Jesus's return in the Quran otherwise, one can read anything (interpolate) into the text to support an extant theology.

There are numerous verses which completely negate the concept of the second coming of Prophet Jesus and confirm that he passed away in death at the end of his ministry.

Verse 39:42 merely provides examples where (a) A soul is taken to end its life and (b) a soul is taken in its sleep but returned.

At no point does the Quran state that Prophet Jesus's soul was taken with a view that it would be returned later, nor does it say that it was taken for the purposes of 'sleep' (manamiha) or a term appointed (ajalin musamman). The Quran merely confirms that Prophet Jesus's soul was taken in death (cause you to die - mutawafeeka) 3:55.

Therefore, this isolated verse 39:42 cannot be used to support the belief that Prophet Jesus did not die. This would amount to nothing but an unwarranted ‘interpolation’.

Please see the following article where the belief of Prophet Jesus's return is challenged in light of the Quran.


I hope that this helps, God willing.

Joseph  :)
'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell

Offline Wakas

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Re: Can verse 39:42 be used to support that Prophet Jesus did not die?
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2012, 06:07:28 PM »
I also recommend reading all posts in this thread:


13th March 2013

This thread is now closed and a direct link to this post is now available at the dedicated Q&A page.
