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Offline Sardar Miyan

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« on: July 25, 2013, 12:46:13 PM »
Sahar (Magic) is used in Quran in several places. I just want to know if Magic really exist? I would like to say that only Allah can do Magic none else. How can a human being do a magic  as it is a supernatural act.Can somebody tell me how magic is described in Quran? Thanks
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Offline Truth Seeker

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Re: Magic
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2013, 11:04:26 PM »

Magic exists and those who practice it do so by Allah's will. The Quran mentions magic in lots of places. Prophet Moses in particular dealt with Pharaoh's magicians.

It may be best for you to do a search on magic in the Quran and you will get all your references.


Offline Joseph Islam

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Re: Magic
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2013, 12:37:31 AM »
Dear brother Sardar,

As-salamu alaykum

One can think of it another way. God provides knowledge to His Creation as to how to harness His laws. Just because something may appear 'supernatural' does not mean that it is not within the confines of God's laws.

For example, if you took two iPads back in time to an Arab audience of the 7th century and showed data transfer wirelessly to them, they would possibly accuse you of 'sihr'!; Evident magic or sorcery. They may even call it witchcraft!

Just because they do not understand it, does not mean that you have not 'naturally' harnessed God's laws that He gave you leave and knowledge to do.

There are occult arts that are known to certain humans and possibly obsolete arts that were known to those of antiquity. Yes, knowledge and its utilisation are only gained with God's will. However, we need to really think about what we mean by 'supernatural' and how we define it.

Yes, some 'sihr' can be used for evil intent too. An example is noted in verse 113:4. (wamin shari'niafathati fil-uqad) - and from the evil of the blowers in the knots.

A related thread may also prove useful, God willing.


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