Br. Sardar, Sorry for the delayed reply.
I know that there are a few Quranists who explain certain events in the Quran a particular way to prove that Allah does not change His laws, therefore there is no possibility of miracles. Besides, they suggest, Allah clearly states that to those bent on rejection, no miracle is enough. Which leads me to believe that the possibility of a miracle is acknowledged by Allah SWT.
Then there other Quran centrics, who believe that Allah can suspend His Laws of nature if and when He wills, therefore, the birth of Jesus, splitting of the sea, the staff turning into a snake, the chopping of four birds and then regaining life, is possible. They also refer to similar Biblical narratives and reason that if those were to be taken allegorically, Allah would have made that clear but that is not the case.
Not related to miracle, but relating to theology, Allah deemed it important to clarify that the notion of Trinity found in the New Testament is wrong and that Jesus is not divine. Point is that He corrects some wrong notions that people of the Book had. However, He did not do that for miracles.
Now, for the argument by Hadith believers that if most Quran centric have no problem believing in super natural events in the Quran, why do they not extend the same to Hadith stories?
I think the reply to them is that of the source of information. We know that the Quran is from Allah from the internal testimony it contains, therefore we believe in it. We cannot say the same for Hadith books as neither they claim to be Allah's Word, nor Allah or His Nabi certifies them as divinely inspired books. They exist in two different versions (Shia and Sunni) and both sects claim to be the real Muslims based on their favorite books. These books were written down, based on hearsay generations after the Quran. When Allah declared completion of Deen, they were nowhere to be found. The first four caliphs did not make it an urgent business of theirs to collect, verify, compile and publish them for all times to come. They were smart enough to know what happens to stories based on hearsay over time and over generations!
For the Quran centric, to avoid taking hadith books as an authority in Deen should not be based solely on questioning certain super natural events described therein. They should have much more solid rational reasons, some of which I have listed above. Others have been explained on this forum by much more learned friends on this forum.