In the divine system every individual keeps only what he needs!!

Started by optimist, December 27, 2013, 04:05:04 PM

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"You are desperately trying to dilute the role of government.  I challenge you to list down to me examples which can be handled in an efficient manner (for the purpose of promoting general welfare) that are within the scope of individuals. Please also list down examples that are beyond the scope of individuals and has to be handled by a government.  I will wait for the two lists. OK" 

Individuals not only efficiently handle huge, welfare works, but also efficiently organize colossal welfare projects.

It is they, who, if they feel the necessity for a large scale organization (call it governmental or whatever), take the necessary steps to form it.

In my imagination, it is a scenario, where, the proverbial lamb and the lion drink together from the same water hole.

Everyone would have evolved to that degree. That will require the least government control.

And it will be a World government, not requiring any Defense arrangements in order to kill human beings.

At the most, there will be a battery of state-of -the-art rockets (like the historic Sultan's Battery at Kasargode, South India), standing guard against any perceived Alien attack.

A. Ismail Sait.


Quote from: Ismail on January 27, 2014, 09:39:45 PM
Individuals not only efficiently handle huge, welfare works, but also efficiently organize colossal welfare projects.

Actually you do not know what you are talking about. 

I was asking you about cases which only individuals can effectively undertake under their individual capacity without the need for collective effort.  The cases should be such that if collective effort is there it will make the project less effective.  Also my point was not regarding  whether individuals can organise colossal welfare projects through collective effort (this even a child knows), because you said, I quote: "A government's only duty is to organize the delivery of only that portion of the general welfare, which is beyond the scope of individuals".    So my questions:

1. In a society, what are the things that can be classified as individuals can do it under their individual capacity (in a more efficient way) without the need to organize and if collectively done that would make the things less effective.

2. In a society, what are the things that individuals can not do in an efficient manner  under their individual capacity, but requires a system or government to do it in a more efficient way?

Kindly answer.  Also I would like to know if you have any comments for my last post (which is connected to the point).

The meaning which was lost in all our divisions will not be understood until our perceptions become untainted -  Allama Iqbal



"I was asking you about cases which only individuals can effectively undertake under their individual capacity without the need for collective effort."

This is a question regarding specifics.

I have only a general idea, which I have already indicated.

A. Ismail Sait.