Is Khalid Zia the same person as 'The_Chimp' from free-minds?

Started by Saba, January 12, 2014, 12:53:31 AM

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Salaam Khalid,

I think you are 'The_Chimp' on I can tell given your type of discussion/topics and style...virtually the same as those used on this forum. I read free-minds a lot so I can tell:

Here check this - Re: Salamun Alaikum

and here:

I noted that when you were challenged, you had no response.

Also you find the Quran-only rejection of Hadith unsupportable.

You say: "Quran only" is nothing more than a misguided and delusional sect.

I have just gone through your posts and see the overlaps with what you have written here on this forum

COMPLETE POSTS!;u=111952;area=showposts;start=0

You also like to accuse others of a lack of knowledge of Arabic. I recognized you straight away!!!!!

Pls correct me if I am wrong! Thnx Saba

QM Moderators Team

Dear Saba,

Brother Joseph and those that help him moderate this forum do not mind who joins. However, every effort is made to avoid allowing those to join that may be 'internet trolls' or those that may be known to cause unnecessary arguments on other social platforms or have personal gripes against brother Joseph due to his stance on the Quran-centric approach and will only attempt to ridicule him.

We try our best to keep a level of academic decorum on this forum and will not tolerate personal accusations or judgments against others, especially against brother Joseph whose vast material this website contains. However, it is not always possible to filter. Having said that, people are given a chance here.

We all feel that the level of discussion on this forum is very high with very able, enlightened and wise readers.

We cannot confirm whether what you say is true, though it very well may be. However, this is not our concern here.

Given the way the debate was being carried out and brother Joseph's commitments, a moderated system needed to be devised going forward and discussions on the topic were temporarily curtailed. This was also important for any future discussions as there is no way that brother Joseph can respond to numerous critiques that someone wants to open up 'willy nilly' at one time.

The moderators felt that there were consistent breaches of forum rules and warnings were unheeded with contentious responses. 1 (a) was applied. However, it was brother Joseph's view that every opportunity be given to Khalid Zia to have a meaningful discussion. Therefore, once the conditions had been set which can be read below, brother Joseph responded to Khalid Zia to invite him cordially to continue his discussion keeping in mind the conditions but this offer was rejected with once again, unacceptable personal attacks being made against brother Joseph. We have been told that these attacks were responded to in 'no uncertain terms.' 

Therefore Khalid Zia is not welcome on this forum any longer.



Sardar Miyan

Thanks for Sharing Miderators. Instead of not welcoming a possibility of Banning KZ on this Forum can be considered as it creats bad blood as KZ is staunch Hadithi. Nobody can convince the Hadithis & Sufis as they are of entirely different mode of thinking.
May entire creation be filled with Peace & Joy & Love & Light

Sardar Miyan

Salam sister Saba, To clear the position Bro KZ is supposed to respond to your post I think.
May entire creation be filled with Peace & Joy & Love & Light

good logic

Greetings Saba,all.

Just to clarify for you,good logic is the same person as " good logic" from free minds also.

I thank the moderators of this forum for their acceptance and warm welcome

I hope to discuss/share/learn  with/from the brothers and sisters here.

GOD bless you all.

Total loyalty to GOD


good logic

Total loyalty to GOD