Do I need to 'Convert' or Can I Follow the Previous Scriptures?

Started by Reader Questions, January 18, 2014, 01:19:16 AM

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Salaam JoeShaer

Thanks for your post ...Just a quick q then based on your view. How do you reconcile verses like 5.43 where Allah is asking them why they come to the prophet for judgment when they have their own books? and also that if they don't follow their books they are 'kaffirs' !!! - 5:44.

Where does the Qur'an say they must abandon their laws and Torah for the Qur'an? Saba  :) ;D

Sardar Miyan

Salam Sister Saba, What Joe Sha is telling that the followers of Jewish & Christian faith can convert to Islam abandoning their faith. What is wrong on this?  Thanks
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