urgently seeking advice regarding neutering/spaying pets

Started by Nura, January 20, 2014, 06:36:42 AM

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please can anyone help me take a quran-centric decision regarding spaying/neutering pets? I have a pet cat and my vet is telling me to get her spayed. now, the problem is that I was convinced that spaying her would be the responsible thing to do because of the obvious pet over-population problem and the subsequent euthanization of millions of abandoned cats & dogs.

but the problem began when I started to think about Allah's plan. Now, in nature dogs and cats give birth to several babies at a time but most are hunted or killed. very few and the strongest new pups and kittens survive. but when humans domesticated them the mortality rate of these new- born animals have gone down but people cant really take care of so many of them so they abandon them.  now, if I allow my cat to breed she will give birth to kittens that I won't be able to care for and subsequently they are going to end up dead or abandoned.

but if I decide to spay her, will I not then take away from my cat her God-given right to reproduce? How do we know whether our pets want to have babies or not? isn't this violating our pet's trust? as far as the over-population problem is concerned, aren't we transgressing already when we euthanize innocent animals in millions?  millions of human babies are abandoned but we do not euthanize them, because we think human life is sacred but does Allah make a difference between human and animal life? aren't we not supposed to kill animals without a valid reason? how merciful is euthanisation? as far as millions of puppies and kittens being killed in nature by elders of their species is concerned, isn't it part of the law created for them by Allah? then who are we to judge what is merciful or not? are we claiming to be more merciful than Allah, who has designed it this way? when a male lion takes over a pride, he kills all the cubs that are not his? but, this is nature, who are we to dictate it? all the problems start when humans try to change nature or refuse to accept it. The people who claim that neutering/spaying is the merciful thing to do are the same people who are also euthanising these innocent animals. I don't believe Allah gives us the right to euthanise them. but trying to justify spaying/neutering by mentioning over-population and abandonment as a reason seems very wrong to me.

What should I do? Should I spay her? Please help.

Not all those who wander are lost - J.R.R. Tolkien

Sardar Miyan

If you can take care of your pet's kids you need not spay her otherwise you have to do spay if you can not
May entire creation be filled with Peace & Joy & Love & Light



a female cat gives birth three times a year, even if i choose to take care of them initially, i will end up with too many cats ..what i wanted to know is, whether spaying would be a sin according to the Quran? i dont want to transgress, please explain your advice in detail with logic and proofs from the Quran..

thanks :)
Not all those who wander are lost - J.R.R. Tolkien


Salaam Sister,

I do not know any verses in the Quran nor searched for them, but there are verses that Allah says that they have communities and how they pray to him.

I see it this way, and this is just me, who are we to decide whether a cat, dog or any animal should not be able to procreate anymore? It is the owners responsibility to keep them separated if the opposite sex of the animal is also in the home, or if your pet roams outside on their own. 

I truly believe deeply it is wrong to do that to an animal as they have the same rights as we do. And since they can not speak and tell you if they want one or not, or feel it is not a right of another creature to make that decision.

Population is not really an issue nor reason.  Allah gave them the same rights to mate. It is like another of Allah's creation making a decision for humans to get a hysterectomy or  men getting castrated, or when giving babies circumcision. Allah all his creations perfectly.

I feel humans is a population issue in this world, but no one is granted a life be it animal or human without Allah's permission.  Allah is the one who decides if an offspring will be created whether from animal or human. I am an animal lover to the extreme, this is my beliefs. I feel the same about killing animals and eating them, but I also know Allah did not prohibit that, so I do not say do not do that, but I myself refuse to. Of course also, if your pet is at risk health wise, and your doing what is in the best interest of your animal, Allah knows what your motive was.  Again if it is so they do not procreate, you are not the judge of that, Allah is. As there is nothing in the Quran that I have knowledge about, so just my opinions and beliefs.

I was told many times to get my dog neutered or he will get all kind of problems medically. Alhumduillah he has not and going on 13. My two female dogs I got  spayed because vet told me they would die since they got pregnant and were still puppies. I thought I did what was in the best interest of my dogs life. Soon after that they had so many medical issues and complications, passing away earlier that what usually most dogs do.  I regret I did not research it before I believed the vet, I was blind and ignorant and believed.

It is all predictions vets make. Animals life span is shortened and they get complications if they are spayed or neutered from studies that were done.
I truly believe deeply it is wrong... You will start having medical issues with your pet as well and they will not be the same.

Just my opinion and beliefs..

Brother Joseph might have something out of the Quran that is an overall message from Allah that covers this do or don't of this matter or similar.




Keeping pets, in a sense, is an indulgence, a vexing distraction, and an unnecessary annoyance. 

Avoiding all indulgences is a Core Value, considering that it is mentioned among the Cardinal do's and don'ts in (23:1-11).

Regarding  mutating of body parts, refer (4:119).

Respects, and Regards.

A. Ismail Sait.


Salaam Ismail,

You should not be telling her that. You know very well THERE IS NO TRUTH for what you are saying! And surat 23 1-11 and everywhere, Allah is not prohibiting us to enjoy and live our lives after we Submit too him and our worship to him. Those verses are clearly reminders to submit to him in prayer on time and always for the prescribed prayers,  no illegal sexual acts, giving charity, i.e, Submission to him in what he already mentions throughout the book. 

This waste of time thing is from the Hadith. Because I know people who actually stop living because they believe this.  It might be good for you tho along with the Internet and start reading the Quran and start reflecting in each word.
You guys should become monks!


Quote from: nura on January 20, 2014, 06:36:42 AM

please can anyone help me take a quran-centric decision regarding spaying/neutering pets? I have a pet cat and my vet is telling me to get her spayed. now, the problem is that I was convinced that spaying her would be the responsible thing to do because of the obvious pet over-population problem and the subsequent euthanization of millions of abandoned cats & dogs.

but the problem began when I started to think about Allah's plan. Now, in nature dogs and cats give birth to several babies at a time but most are hunted or killed. very few and the strongest new pups and kittens survive. but when humans domesticated them the mortality rate of these new- born animals have gone down but people cant really take care of so many of them so they abandon them.  now, if I allow my cat to breed she will give birth to kittens that I won't be able to care for and subsequently they are going to end up dead or abandoned.

but if I decide to spay her, will I not then take away from my cat her God-given right to reproduce? How do we know whether our pets want to have babies or not? isn't this violating our pet's trust? as far as the over-population problem is concerned, aren't we transgressing already when we euthanize innocent animals in millions?  millions of human babies are abandoned but we do not euthanize them, because we think human life is sacred but does Allah make a difference between human and animal life? aren't we not supposed to kill animals without a valid reason? how merciful is euthanisation? as far as millions of puppies and kittens being killed in nature by elders of their species is concerned, isn't it part of the law created for them by Allah? then who are we to judge what is merciful or not? are we claiming to be more merciful than Allah, who has designed it this way? when a male lion takes over a pride, he kills all the cubs that are not his? but, this is nature, who are we to dictate it? all the problems start when humans try to change nature or refuse to accept it. The people who claim that neutering/spaying is the merciful thing to do are the same people who are also euthanising these innocent animals. I don't believe Allah gives us the right to euthanise them. but trying to justify spaying/neutering by mentioning over-population and abandonment as a reason seems very wrong to me.

What should I do? Should I spay her? Please help.


Salaam Sister,

Don't do it, if your cat is a wondering cat, tell little kitty you will take her out when she is supervised. If she ends up getting prego, that was the will of Allah BTW, vets are promoting this because they get commission/kickback, everytime they do one,  same with vaccines, and they will scary you with the "C" word, i.e. Cancer. They drill all this information in their heads in vet school. They had a special on vaccines, spayed/neutering and many other vet topics that pet owners should know on 20/20, if you are living in the States. I know this because one of my good friends is a vet surgeon in one of the best animal hospitals in the state where I live, and we talked about what vets wont tell you episode that aired.

They do it for population control, that is the only reason. It is wrong and unnessesary viloation of that animals rights Allah gave them.  Your cat will never be the same, I promise if you do it.

Good Luck sister,




I said:

(1)  "Avoiding all indulgences is a Core Value, considering that it is mentioned among the Cardinal do's and don'ts in (23:1-11)."

It pertains to 23:3. The root LGV. G stands for the 19th letter of the Arabic Alphabet.

It is mostly translated as vain talk, or vain actions.

The Definite Article in it shows that all kinds of lagv are meant.

(2)  Under the circumstances that led Nura to probe the question of neutering of cats, it is seen that only two options are available. Either neuter and make its life miserable, or risk augmenting the mass killing of cats. Inspite of it, we only talk about "enjoining our lives".

More over, when, consequent to spaying/neutering/castrating, the the animal invariably loses its charm and liveliness, and then goes on to become a chronic patient, what enjoyment is then left?

If, in Abbsrayray's considered view, pets are not a distraction, then, I have no objection, as far as they are not subjected to unnatural procedures, and mass killings.

A. Ismail Sait.


Not all those who wander are lost - J.R.R. Tolkien

Truth Seeker

Salaam all,

This is an interesting topic. Cats by their nature roam around independently which means that you cannot control their outdoor activities.

Cats are widely bred/kept as pets and where in the past, they would be wondering the streets as strays fending for themselves, they would remain in controllable numbers but their population has increased due to the human factor.

If you don't get your cat spayed it will have a chance to procreate, but as most people sell or give the kittens away, your cat will be traumatised by her young being taken away from her. If we look at the situation holistically, one could argue that nature intended her to procreate and keep her offspring.


Salaam Nura,

I talked to my friend who is a vet, he said look into birth control that they have for cats... It has advantages and disadvantages for health risks.

Lol, they do have little cat diapers as well, that you can put on her..



Under normal circumstances, cats keep on licking their whole body clean. They do this to their kitten too.

In addition to the extremely disgusting annoyance of carrying one's waste glued to ones body, see what Nanny Culture and ultra urbanization does:


A. Ismail Sait.


Quote from: Ismail on January 22, 2014, 03:35:15 PM

Under normal circumstances, cats keep on licking their whole body clean. They do this to their kitten too.

In addition to the extremely disgusting annoyance of carrying one's waste glued to ones body, see what Nanny Culture and ultra urbanization does:


A. Ismail Sait.


lol .... do you live in a bubble? You wash them. I put diapers with pads in them when my dog got her periods before she got pregnant. I hope you know animals are much more cleaner than us humans..  ;)



I have no experience with dogs. I have heard that they don't lick their whole body clean, like cats. Cats never take bath. But they always lick themselves quite clean!

Birds are in the habit of bathing in water, and even performing dust bath in summer when there is scarcity of water, and then, they preen themselves clean.

We, polluters of the earth and sky, go to the country side or even to the woods and jungles to breath fresh air. But jungles (with zero pollution), are, after all, the abode of animals!

A. Ismail Sait.



Dogs lick themselves in certain places that they are able to reach i.e, to clean their personal private area, also front paws. So it's apparently important to them that that is kept clean. Allah, Subhanna hu, created each animal type with certain abilities than the other. A dog is not as flexible as a cat. Dogs actually do not have a smell to them. The owner needs to bath them. And it is not much work nor a biggy.

A home is not a home with out a present of dogs... or cats for some.

Dogs and cats belong in the homes of people who appreciate Allah's creation and people who love the companionship and love they give.

p.s you have no idea how much you are missing out on when it comes to animals being a part of your home. There is nothing that is any value to me in this universe besides Allah, first and than animals especially dogs.

Humans belong on Mars if I had it my way.  :)
