Dear brother Wakas,
As-salam alaykum
Thanks for your response.
With regards your question “If you take it literal, as in two of a new species were created (i.e. adam and his spouse), how did they procreate? i.e. was it from these first two, then from within their children, and so on?”:
Adam and his spouse arguably had many offspring (4:1).
The first generation offspring were not like subsequent generations of children / siblings.
First generation offspring were procreated from individuals (Adam & his spouse) that were a new species from a parent species that was not 'ins'. Adam and his spouse only became ‘ins’ when God blew His spirit in them. Therefore, not only were Adam and his spouse’s parent DNA not ‘ins’, there is no evidence to suggest that Adam and his spouse were born as humans’. After all, God could have blown his spirit when they were at a stage of their physical maturity as ‘bashar’.
Hence understanding first generation offspring as 'siblings' in the conventional sense is not completely appropriate and a point often missed.
The first generation offspring procreated to produce second generation offspring.
Second generation offspring were first cousins and born of parents that were themselves born 'ins' and had parent DNA that was 'ins'. They therefore procreated as first cousins in the conventional sense.
As I am sure you will appreciate, that there are many that also unnecessary apply 'Biblical' or 'Quranic' Shariah compliant 'laws' on the first humans who arguably knew nothing of these advanced laws which were revealed for succeeding civilisations, nations and a people. For all intent and purposes, the laws of the first generation humans may have been extremely rudimentary.
I hope that clarifies, God willing.