Critique - DOES THE QURAN ALLOW ... DOGS, CATS, RATS ETC? by Arman Aziz

Started by Armanaziz, January 29, 2014, 02:12:11 PM

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Quote from: Armanaziz on February 28, 2014, 10:01:19 AM
There are communities in this world who eat dogs, there are others who eat horses. Sharks and frogs are part of regular diet for billions of people in China and Japan. In the large forest areas there are tribal people who live on all sorts of wild animals. We have become so blind-sighted in our prejudices that we believe these people are acting beyond their human nature - in other words we consider them sub-human - Allah does not bless them, nor their food - as if they are surviving for generations based on mercy of devil! This is a sorry pathetic state of our community. 

Kindly update us if you have any information whether in any remote jungles tribal people eat rats and cats.  This is just to check if you have a practical confirmation for something you consider as Islamic.  What is actually pathetic is to bring up those strange examples to confirm something Islamic.  These examples are only fit for a tv shows like BELIEVE IT OR NOT. 

QuoteWe have become so blind-sighted in our prejudices that we believe these people are acting beyond their human nature

They definitely go against instruction  in the Quran to adhere to the Fitrah in which God has created human being.   One does not need good logic to understand this point brother Arman.  Forget about rats and cats, this irrespective of any culture and nations, all people will start vomiting if they see a dish prepared from the meat of rats and cats on the table, the Quran does confirm the Fitrah (natural predisposition that exists at birth in all human beings) when it states in 6.142  "Of the Anaam are some for burden and some for meat".  Furthermore, verse 16.8 "And (He has created) horses, mules, and donkeys, for you to ride and use for show.  It is clear these animals are not meat for food.  Even people who do not have a divine guidance don't eat their meat which further confirms فِطْرَتَ اللَّهِ الَّتِي فَطَرَ النَّاسَ عَلَيْهَا

The meaning which was lost in all our divisions will not be understood until our perceptions become untainted -  Allama Iqbal


AND SO, set thy face steadfastly towards the [one ever-true] faith, turning away from all that is false, in accordance with the natural disposition which God has instilled into man: [for] not to allow any change to corrupt what God has thus created – this is the [purpose of the one] ever-true faith; but most people know it not.)30:30 (Mohamed Asad translation)
The meaning which was lost in all our divisions will not be understood until our perceptions become untainted -  Allama Iqbal


Quote from: Joseph Islam on February 08, 2014, 03:57:16 AM

  • Verses 5:1 and 40:79 explicitly confirm the particular category of animals which is made lawful for believers to consume as food (i.e. grazing livestock / animals). If all animals were to be made lawful, arguably there would be no need to explicitly state a specific category which was already known as a category of animal consumption. The Quran makes clear what is lawful and unlawful. In this case, it has explicitly stated lawfulness. The Quran is not averse from giving general approval as it has done for the catch of the sea (5:96). However, it has not done so for land animals thereby restricting the category by explicit mention (i.e. grazing animals / livestock).
  • The People of the Book never consumed animals that did not chew their cud.  Therefore, the Quran would be expected to clarify that all animals were now made lawful for consumption if this was the case, in stark contrast to what was known to previous Abraham faiths of which the Quran's message was a continuation. It did not make this clarification. This is no different from the extent that the Quran goes to clarify the general lawfulness within the category of grazing livestock.
  • Given the fact that only animals in a particular category are lawful for People of the Book, it would be inconceivable that by virtue of verse 5:5 of the Quran all animals were now lawful for them if one asserted that the Quran allows the consumption of all animals. "...and the food of those who have been given the Book is lawful for you and your food is lawful for them..." (5:5)
  • Verse such as 6:145 should be read in context of previous verses where the Quran is clarifying that there are no self-imposed restrictions within the category of livestock as have been mentioned in the previous verses 6:143-144. Verse 6:145 is not a cue to make lawful all animals, but a response to verses 6:143-144. This is also supported by verses 2:173, 16:115 and 5:3 where in the context of previous verses, the lawfulness is given within a particular category of food.
  • The only main counter argument is an argument from silence and reading of verses out of context. With respect, this is neither a cogent argument nor approach.


Slalom/peace 》 This is strong enough evidence for me.


Salamun Alaikum.

Repeat your arguments and fancies as many time you like... make new rules, give new fatwas, start a new sect if that's what you want... but for me the words of my Master will remain adequate. In sha Allah I will eat from the delicious foods Our Master has provided us and will appreciate His blessings as long as I can - because He is the One I am slave to. You can bully me but you cannot change the words of my Master.


Surah Al-An-am (Grazing Livestock); Verses 145-147

6:145   Say, "I do not find in what has been inspired to me anything prohibited to an eater who eats – except – that it happens to be dead, or poured-out blood or flesh of swine; then indeed it is pollution or willful disobedience originating for other than Allah with it." Then whoever is compelled - neither coveting nor recurring; then indeed your Master is Relenting, Kind.

6:146   And upon those who are Yahudi We prohibited every (creature) with claws; and of the cows and the sheep We prohibited upon them their fat/lipid  except what carried their backs or their entrails or whatever is joined with the bones – that is their repayment for their envious acts. And indeed We surely are sincere.

6:147   Then if they deny you then say, "Your Master is vastly full of mercy but His pressure will not turn away from a criminal people."

[Please cross check translation. Emphasis added.]

May Allah guide us all to the straight route.

Till our paths meet again ... Fee Amanillah.

Indeed I have faced my face to the One who farmed the heavens and the earth in precision; and I do not happen to be among the ones associating partners (with Him).


Quote from: Armanaziz on March 03, 2014, 09:35:07 AM
Repeat your arguments and fancies as many time you like... make new rules, give new fatwas, start a new sect if that's what you want

Salaam - Pot calls the kettle black again br ArmanAziz???

Verse 5-1

O ye who believe! Fulfil your indentures. The beast of cattle is made lawful unto you (for food)

You can do what you like, but as has been shown so many times to you.... you have no proof - just verses out of context!!!!   Saba

Joseph Islam

Dear respected readers,

As-salam alaykum

Thank you to all those that have contributed to this thread. I feel that as all contributors have had an ample opportunity to share their perspectives, this is now an appropriate opportunity to close this thread.

I look forward to your shared perspectives as contributions on other and new topics on this forum, God willing.

With warm regards,
'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell