Salaam Nura,
I put what I believe and think according to the Quran. What you put does not make sense to me on how you are explaining it and justifying it as Arman did.
No one is Idolizing brother Joseph. I certainly am not, nor do I think others are. If we look up to him for teaching us, it does not mean we are idolizing him. BJ, himself admits when he is wrong and if the other person has it right, many times, read the forum.
He CLEARLY is putting down the proof, not as a matter of what he thinks but what ALLAH says in the Quran. I am sorry, but one can not argue when presented with the truth from Gods words. When BJ comments, writes an article and does not find anything from Allah in there that is the seal of the topic, he gives his opinion and says Allah know best, or only Allah knows this is what I think in this matter, and he only puts the proof that he gets from Allah's words.
I am not attacking Arman, He should have showed his proof as BJ, how can one dispute with the truth when it is Allah's words?
Animals that eat other animals? again... forbidding unless Allah tells us otherwise. What do dogs catch for the hunter?
Birds/ducks.. look up the verse in the Quran= allowed if God is allowing it, do we need God to say, I am allowing birds and ducks? Nope..He does this in so many different topics throughout in the Quran... Only God knows why He is allowing certain things He is prohibiting as a whole. cattle... mentioned.. allowed.. horses, mules... mentioned... for riding and adornment=not allowed to eat.. Unless one studies the entire Quran and carefully pays attention to the theme God is giving us, nothing will make sense..As I said, I stand with what I wrote from examining every single thing BJ said, upon myself looking into this matter years ago on my own, and from knowing this by paying attention to how Allah is talking to us. Brother Joseph nor I or anyone on this forum are not forbidding people from doing anything, we are saying what God is saying, that is all, how we are understanding Gods words and message. People can do what they want if they feel they hear God saying it differently than we are saying it. That is between God and them. I studied many other verses that pertain to food consummation that were not mentioned by anyone, but I did not list them because I wanted to make sure first. After listening to them all evening, I am more than sure they fall in the category we are speaking about, which again all flows in the subject of consumption.
As sex with animals.. You were missing my point I was making... People ask.. well being a lesbian is not mentioned in the Quran, so I guess it is OK. Again, the theme God is saying, people are not getting otherwise they will wonder what is being said at automatically think because He did not mention it it is not prohibit it. He does not have to spell it out and many Muslims are sooooo use to the Hadith having anything their brains desires to know (I am not saying Arman ever believed in hadith or used it , I am saying many Muslims in general) and they let go and they think it is not in the Quran. I have no idea if you are a convert or was a Muslim all your life, you will see all over the Internet and interacting with others, that many Muslims who have been Muslims all their life, have this assumption that is it is not spelled out, it is a free for all. I am not saying ALL, but majority, which they find the hadioth which goes on many subjects against what the quran is saying.
The animals and sex thing was not directed at Arman, absolutely not, it was a statement I made as general on how many people think God needs to say no or yes, do or don't for it to be allowed or not, believe it or not, people are doing it... even Muslims... There was a blog when a guy asked a scholar what exactly I am saying... well God did not say it is unlawful!
As for eating animals in general, I am not saying don't, I do not for personal reasons nor consume any animal products. I know God allows it. I just happen to be an extreme animal lover since I was a child who sees no benefit from any of it for myself, but mostly I am disgusted with putting anything in my body that was once a living breathing thing or it came out of a living and breaking creature. I am just programmed very differently from many people.
God tells us there are many benefits, indeed, but it is just not from me. Just a extreme health nut as well... I buy my dog meat all the time and cook it for him... yummy he loves it.. I just will not kill it myself..
Hope this clarifies it.. It is not an attack on anyone...I do not do that to people.. I am a teddy bear... I am just a very direct person on my choice of words...