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Offline AbbsRay

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Verse 2:34
« on: March 05, 2014, 08:49:18 AM »
Salamun Alaikum Brother Joseph,

what is your thoughts about verse 2:34. It is when Allah told iblis to prostrate to Adam and he refused, but at the very end of the verse, Allah uses Kafireen... Do you think besides the history Allah is telling us, it also is an example in a message? Like If Allah for instance tells us to not kill others except what He clearly puts which are the two that you also mentioned in your article. So is it one will be a kafir if they know what Allah says, in this case "prohibited" and you still do it?  Like look at what is happening in Syria.. Both who claim they are Muslims... are killing each other and doing sick and twisted barbaric things... They know Allah prohibits this... and such as Iblis did not listen to Allah's command... these so called "Muslims" in a sense are disobeying Allah's command, so wouldn't it mean they are Kafireen?

There is a verse, however I can not find it of hand, where Allah says, they say they believe in Allah and judgement day, but they are liars and truly do not believe...

I take it as, if the truth is in front of you such as the Quran, speaking about Muslims... if they do not follow what Allah commands in the Quran, is Allah saying they really are not believers?

For Instance.. Now that I study the Quran, I know what Allah is saying, but even before I knew Killing someone is a grave sin unless it was self defense... Although I know that... let's say I do what those monsters are doing in Syria... is it I am a kafira because I disobeyed Allah?

Interested to hear your thoughts....

Offline Sardar Miyan

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Re: Verse 2:34
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2014, 11:11:23 AM »
Yes sister denying Allahs command tantamount to Kufr therefore a muslim who does not follow Allah's command is a Kafir.
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Offline Joseph Islam

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Re: Verse 2:34
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2014, 10:32:44 PM »

As-salam alaykum Abbsrayray

You ask a very important question as this is a matter oft misunderstood by Muslim masses. Therefore, thank you for the question.

I have a dedicated article to address this query including Iblis being categorised as of the disbelievers, despite him clearly acknowledging God and fearing Him. [1]

"Like the example of Satan when he says to man: "Disbelieve", but when he disbelieves, he says: "I am surely clear of you; surely I fear God, the Lord of the worlds""
This particular example is addressed in the section of the article entitled: A CASE IN POINT - IBLIS (SATAN)

As the article argues, 'Kuffar' / Kafara / Kufr from a Quranic perspective is a 'state' that one 'enters' into once the truth has been manifested to them, made absolutely clear and there is left no reason to deny it (given the recipient's circumstances, faculties etc.). However, despite the clear evidence and proof, the recipient still rejects the truth and or conceals it from within themselves. It is then that the state of 'Kuffr' is entered into.


I hope that helps, God willing
'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
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Offline Joseph Islam

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Re: Verse 2:34
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2014, 09:42:06 AM »
Dear respected readers,

As-salam alaykum

Please see a related post that I shared a little while ago on a social media platform.


Muslim masses oft have an unwarranted understanding of 'kufr' (disbelief) and what it means from a Quran's perspective. 'Kufr' (disbelief) has little to do with disbelief in God. Even Satan was termed a 'disbeliever' (wakana mina'l KAFIREEN 2:34) yet he clearly believed in and feared God.

008:048 (Part)
"Indeed I am clear of you, indeed I see what you do not see, INDEED I FEAR GOD; and God is severe in requiting (evil)"

"Like the example of Satan when he says to man: "Disbelieve", but when he disbelieves, he says: "Indeed, I am clear of you. INDEED I FEAR GOD, the Lord of the worlds""

'Kufr' from a Quranic perspective is a 'state' that one 'enters' into once the truth has been CLEARLY manifested to them, and there is no reason left to deny it (given the recipient's circumstances, faculties etc). However, despite clear evidence and proof, the recipient STILL rejects the truth and or conceals it from within themselves.

This is a very serious matter.

One may potentially follow a particular path with unrelenting zeal, rest assured that they claim to believe in God, yet when a particular truth is clearly manifested to them that makes evident to them the errors of their ways, they deny it.

Such a denial in the face of evident truth is no different from the arrogance displayed by Satan who knowing full well the truth of the matter, denied it.

That is 'kufr'.

'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell

Offline AbbsRay

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Re: Verse 2:34
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2014, 12:36:36 PM »

Salmon Alum Brother Joseph,

Thank you so much for taking the time to put this together and respond to my question.

To sum it up, I know what Allah says about a certain issue, and if I go ahead and do it anyway (MANY people do this, and ask Allah for forgiveness and repent after they knew the true message about it, but go ahead and so it anyway. I highly doubt Allah will forgive them as He knows what the person is thinking at all times anyways, I seriously DO NOT thing many Muslims thought this example and word “Kufir” was a message for all humanity not non Muslims) where I, know for certain, Allah said, otherwise, that is considered "kufir"?

Man oh man... lots of Muslims are in deep trouble.. I am so glad Alhumduillah I fear Allah on everything I say or do, that is why I asked about this, I had a feeling, this among several other verses mentioning Iblis and not mentioning him, was verses by Allah sharing with us, of the past to also use as an example for us not to do... May Allah reward you Brother for taking time,  writing your articles and putting together your website.. I have truly become a true mum’mina and fear Allah to the core now that I see the truth of Islam and what Allah is telling us.. 

Thanks Again.. Article was really well done!  :)
