Naming Children

Started by Sardar Miyan, May 13, 2014, 12:56:05 AM

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Sardar Miyan

Bro JAI has given in his reply to a question that the children are to be recognized by their fathers & should be named after them. But I see some strange kinds of names. When Allah's attributed names are given for instance "Rahman"it should be Abdur Rahman & not withou prefixing Abd. Like was female names should be prefixed with" Amat"One should not name as Abdul Hasan or Abdul Hussain. Not Rahman Khan or Baig. Some people use Abd wrongly such as Abdul Hussain,Abdur Rasool, Gulam Hasan. There used to be debate about famous Alims name "Abul Ala Maudoodi". How can a person be a father of God? He got criticizam all his life but never changed his name. Several people associated with him part ways. There is a proverb that " give a bad name to a dog & kill him"
May entire creation be filled with Peace & Joy & Love & Light


Is it it important to gave a Name with a religious meaning to a child or can someone be named like a plant?
For example i love the Name Flore which in spanic it is flower.