Who are the pioneers of the Quran-centric paradigm?

Started by Zack, May 31, 2014, 06:13:06 PM

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Hello all,

I am sure that like most renewal movements there are those who prepared the way somewhat, and that the "Qur'an centric" (as Br. Joseph likes to refer it) is no different. If I were to read on those who contributed the most significantly to the pioneering of this paradigm, say from 19th century onwards, who would they be? I have read of a name such as Muhammad Hussein Hakyal. Although obviously there are varying views even within this field.


good logic

Greetings Zack.

I see Qoran ,being the word of GOD, controlled by God.

All true pioneers of the Qoran-centric paradigm must be approved by His author?

Qoran is described by God to be the last scripture revealed to His final prophet (33:40). It is also described by God to be a timeless and universal doctrine; fits all generations, and applies to all eras, and societies until the end of the world (68:52, 81:27, 38:87, 25:1 and 12:104).

A timeless message that fits the needs of all different generations until the end and conforms to all different systems has to be fully detailed, clearly structured, straightforward, easy to study, consistent, without any contradictions, ambiguity or subjectivity, and lasting to be divinely guarded and preserved.
That is how God has engineered His book in perfectly chosen language to encompass all these qualities.

It is a GOD guided process, some pioneers are supported by GOD, others are not.

Who are they?  can also be linked to: are they guided or misguided?

GOD guides and misguides with Qoran.

GOD bless you.
Total loyalty to GOD


HI Wakas,

OK thanks so much for that. Another book I came across on the topic Modernist Islam, 1840-1940: A Sourcebook.... have you come across that and heard good reports?

I also have asked previously on other posts the level of acceptance of a Quran-centric approach. In your view: Would it still be under 5% of those who identify themselves as Muslims embrace this paradigm? Is it considered a sensitive issue for Muslims to the point they are not "Public" on their views?



peace ZEI,

I have not heard of that book, sorry.

Re: Quran centric approach
In my view it is less than 5%, but I do think "acceptance" varies in degrees for many.

In terms of sensitivity, it depends on various factors, e.g. country one lives in, family views etc but from my experience most Traditional Muslims would consider it a sensitive issue, to varying degrees.
Verify for yourself. www.Misconceptions-About-Islam.com